; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, février 10, 2012

Just the Facts?: Baby Skulls Robbed For Santeria -- 'Bouncing' Boiled Eggs -- Navy 'Rail Gun' Reality

Baby Grave Disturbances Could Be Linked To Santeria

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As first reported by WSVN, bodies at Miami cemetery Lincoln Memorial Park have been robbed and disturbed for what is believed to be use in Santeria rituals.

Miami-Dade Police said suspects broke open several graves and removed the remains, according to an incident report.

Officers reported seeing bones sitting next to open graves. A forensic examiner collected the remains for further investigation.

Elyn Johnson, Lincoln Memorial Park's manager, confirmed that seven graves had been disturbed, four of which were coffins for infants. Accoding to WSVN a baby's skull had been removed at one of the Lincoln grave sites.

When HuffPost Miami asked Johnson who she thought was behind these disturbances, she quickly answered, "Santeria. We don't think; we know."

Johnson said a nearby cemetery, Evergreen Memorial Park, experienced similar disturbances: "Now they're coming in here trying to desecrate this one."

Joseph M. Murphy, a Professor of Interfaith Studies and Dialogue at Georgetown University, told HuffPost Miami that human bones are used in an Afro-Cuban religious tradition usually called "palo," or "palo monte," to help worshipers communicate with the dead.

He also said "palo" is different from Santeria, which has its roots in African Yoruba culture, while "palo" is thought to come from the Kongo peoples of Central Africa.

Johnson confirmed that at another site at Lincoln, a dead chicken was set in place of the stolen remains. She told HuffPost Miami that those behind these grave disturbances also left food around the cemetery and broke into the office. They stole money and equipment, she said.

Johnson, who told the Miami Herald that she mortgaged her own home to save the cemetery, is frustrated by the lack of help from the city.

"The police ain't doing nothing. At first, they said it was a misdemeanor. Then we come to find out it's a felony," she told HuffPost Miami, adding that most of the disturbed grave sites were for those buried in the 1970s. "Some of the family members have been calling and getting on them about it."

Johnson said that in her 20 years managing Lincoln Memorial Park, she's never seen anything like this. - THP


Hickory, NC UFO Sighting

Case Number 35595
Log Number US-02092012-0022
Date Submitted 02/09/2012 11:13 UTC
Date of the Event 02/07/2012 07:38 UTC
Disposition Unresolved
Summary I've noticed a bright hovering object that comes many nights over my home since the 26th of Jan.2012.
Tags photo
City Undisclosed (Hickory)
Region North Carolina
Country United States
Latitude 35.7692631
Longitude -79.0173597
Location Resolution Approximate
Viewing Distance 101-500 Feet
Sighting Duration 03:00:00
Object Features Unknown
Object Flight Path Stationary
Object Shape Fireball, Star-like
Weather Factors Unknown

On the night of Feb.7th 2012 I went outside to look at the full moon. I noticed a very bright object to the North-West that seemed to hover and flicker as if spinning. After watching for about 5 minutes all of a sudden a fire ball shot from this object. I went inside to get a camera to try to photograph this object. I had was a Sony Sure Shot 8 meg. to try to get a picture. I took several as I tried to zoom in closer to this bright light.

To my surprise when I downloaded the pictures to my computer I was amazed to see that one of the pictures looked like some type of craft,round in shape with a bulging center,the color of the Center was green. There were clouds in the area but I was still able to get a nice photo. This object hovered as if hanging around for several hours and just disappeared. I wasnt scared as I have met several people in this field and I just wanted to document this object.

I am told that I live in a Hot Bed for anomalous activity, so I am always looking up when time permits. I am happy to report that looking up and paying attention seems to have paid off with this strange photo. I have no idea what it is,but I do know it is not a plane,remote toy,hot air balloon,etc. Hopefully someone else is paying attention in my area or better still someone can take my uploaded photo and decipher this object.

I really dont think we are alone in this world as I have witnessed many strange anomalies in my area for the past several years. Is this some type of craft,satellite? I dont have the answers,but for those who are sky watchers I hope you enjoy.

Peace and Blessings,

NOTE: The Hickory, NC area has been a hotspot for UFO activity recently...Lon


China probes "bouncing" boiled eggs

Chinese authorities are investigating eggs which bounce after being boiled and may make men sterile, state media reported Friday, in the latest food safety scare to hit the country.

The eggs, being referred to in Chinese media and on the internet as "rubber eggs" or "ping pong eggs," are too hard to eat, raising suspicion they are fake, after appearing in "small numbers" in markets nationwide, Xinhua news agency said.

"The investigation is designed to appease consumers' concerns, after some suspected they bought artificial eggs made by unconscientious traders seeking profits," it reported.

However, the eggs' hardness could be a natural occurrence, caused by hens consuming large amounts of food enriched with a compound called gossypol, which binds to protein in egg yolks, Xinhua said.

"While gossypol normally exists in the residue of cotton seeds added to chicken feed as an extra protein source, large doses of the compound will suppress sperm activity as gossypol has been tested to be used in male contraceptive pills," it added.

Food safety worries are nothing new to China, where tales of fake cooking oil, tainted milk and watermelons which explode from being fed too much fertilizer regularly appear in the news.

In 2008, at least six children died and nearly 300,000 became ill from powdered milk laced with melamine, an industrial chemical added to low quality or diluted milk to fool inspectors by giving misleadingly high readings for protein levels. - reuters


Navy 'Rail Gun' On Track

The Navy's weapon of the future will take one step closer to reality this month, as service officials prepare to test fire the first industry-built prototype of its fabled Railgun.

ONR testers will fire off a BAE Systems-built version of the weapon next week at the Navy's surface warfare center in Dahlgren, VA., according to Roger Ellis, head of the Railgun program at the Office of Naval Research's Air Warfare and Weapons department. Another rail gun variant built by defense firm General Atomics will arrive at Dahlgren sometime in April for testing, a service spokesman said. There is no word when Raytheon is expected to begin testing their rail gun variant. The Navy awarded the company a $10 million deal late last month to begin prototype work on the next-generation weapon. Live fire testing for both industry prototypes is scheduled to last for two months, Ellis said.

The Railgun is designed to shoot heavy artillery rounds usually fired by the batteries of heavy guns aboard U.S. warships. The difference is that instead of gunpowder, these rounds are propelled through a series of electromagnets lining the inside of the gun's barrel. The charge from the electromagnets propel the round -- likely the standard 155mm shell fielded by American destroyers -- through the barrel at upwards of Mach 7, once fully developed.

The Navy successfully completed live-fire tests of an early version of the weapon last December. During that test shot, the weapon was able to generate 33 megajoules of energy, service officials said at the time. That is enough energy to fire a projectile just over 110 nautical miles. During next week's test, ONR officials will look to fire rounds between 4,500 to 5,600 mph, Ellis said. He did not comment on how many rounds would be fired from either the BAE or General Atomics guns. But Ellis did note ONR testers planned to shoot "sufficient shots to verify barrel structural integrity and life."

Since the Railgun uses electromagnetic energy to fire, it theoretically could save the Navy millions in maintenance costs for the weapon. Service leaders could also save millions in ammunition costs, since it will not have to buy traditional rounds for the gun. These savings could be monumental as the Navy and the rest of DoD cope with looming budget cuts beginning this fiscal year. - aol


Paranormal experts to announce paranormal activities at Los Alamitos Museum

Paranormal Investigative Technology Team and professional Ghostbusters are heading to Los Alamitos Museum to announce paranormal findings on some areas within Los Alamitos. Dr. William Jimenez led the ghost buster’s team.

Bill Jimenez, a highly regarded retired highway patrol, former Governor Protector who is now a paranormal enthusiast. He is accompanied with retired California Highway Patrolmen in addition to passionate ghost busters. Bill Jimenez has been sighting dead people walking along the road and walking towards houses since he was 11 years old. His team had already investigated 100 sites that include the Los Alamitos base.

Dr. William Jimenez will expose the two ghost existed in Liberty Theatre, the nurse and the sailor. Dr. Jimenez will be accompanied by Theatre Guild and South Civic Light Opera’s President Mr. Jeff Hathcock that will also testify his experiences on the said theatre.

Liberty Theatre was surrounded by the Joint Forces Training Base – that was built in 1942 – and a hospital with a morgue on the basement. The theatre serves as an entertainment for soldiers waiting to go overseas.

The paranormal groups will be exposing findings concerning paranormal activities at Los Alamitos Museum on January 22, 2012 from 2pm to 4pm. Admission is free, donations are well accepted. Los Alamitos Museum is located at 11062 Los Alamitos Boulevard in Los Alamitos.