; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, février 03, 2012


"According to legend, the Djinn were the first inhabitants of this world, where they lived for thousands of years before humanity arrived. In order to make room for humans, angels took the Djinn out of this world and placed them in a dimension that parallels our own. There they stay hidden from our view. They have the ability to see and interact with us, but we have difficulty seeing them. They are cloaked in mystery, and it suits their covert purpose.

The goal of most Djinn is to retake this world, which they feel rightfully belongs to them. In order to succeed, they must make humanity give up stewardship of this reality. They are accomplishing this by stealth and disguise. They have great powers and plenty of time, for they live for centuries.

Shape-shifting Djinn may be responsible for many forms of paranormal phenomena and experience, such as UFOs, shadow people, ghosts, poltergeists, and demonic possession. In such ways, they gain access to us that enables them to steal our life force and information about us, and to manipulate and use us without revealing their true form and purpose. These negative experiences are on the rise"
- The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies

Are the negative forces of the Djinn on the rise? There are many references to the Djinn in everyday life in the Islamic world but particularly in Saudi Arabia and nearby Arab nations. These Djinn or Genies are supernatural beings in Arab folklore and Islamic teachings that occupy a parallel world to that of mankind. In combination, Djinn, Humans and Angels make up the three sentient creations of Allah. The Qur'an mentions that Jinn are made of smokeless flame or "scorching fire". Like human beings, the Jinn can also be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent. This belief make it easier for Islamic societies to 'explain away' the unexplainable as well as combine it with conventional living. Here are a few recently published reports:

Djinns blamed for 'fires' erupting at Saudi house - Two Saudi brothers who were scared out of their home and moved to another house because of repeated mystery fires were shocked to find that fires had not stopped at the old house. A week after they settled down in the new house, a big blaze erupted and damaged a large part of it.

The two were then convinced that Jinn (ghosts) were behind the blazes and their theory was supported by the police and a Moslem scholar who said he himself witnessed the fire at the house in the southern town of Bisha.

But that was not the opinion of the Saudi civil defence, who believe all the fires were an act of arson.

Quoted by the Saudi Arabic language daily Okaz, the two brothers, Fahd and Bandar Al Gamdi, said they were forced to move to another house nearly three km away from the old house because of persistent fires.

“But fires did not stop at the old house and they then spread to the new house, forcing my brother to move to another house,” Fahd said.

Sheikh Mohammed Al Omari, a well known scholar in that town, said he was called by the two brothers to read Koran and “evict the jinn out of the house.”

“As I started to read in one room, a fire erupted but was put out by the civil defence units who were there at that time,” he said.

“I then moved to another room and started reading Koran when a fire flared…fire erupted in every room I moved to and then I felt the Jinn movements…I was not scared and kept reading Koran.”

The paper quoted police spokesman Major Abdullah Al Shaathan as saying investigation showed there was no act of arson as no one could sneak into that house, adding that forensic experts found no electric or building faults.

“These fires are abnormal or in other words are supernatural…we are still working on the final report which includes statements by neighbours.”

But supernatural causes were dismissed by civil defence spokesman Colonel Mohammed Al Asimi, who said initial evidence points to criminal act.

“We are still investigating these fires and preliminary examination and evidence show criminal activity could be involved in these incidents,” he said.


Search for young man abducted by Djinns - Omani young man disappears under mysterious circumstances when he was driving his motorbike near Mudar Mountain.

Dhiab Al Amiri, a resident of the village of the young man pointed out, "The young man went last Wednesday to a mountain near the village by his motorbike but he didn't back yet. The absence of the young man prompted his family to ask neighbors about him and during the search found his motorbike next to the mountain without any other traces for him."

Police was informed immediately and they rushed to the location with search dogs and helicopters but did not find the man.

Local residents believe the mountain is inhabited by the Djinns, reported the Saudi based Arabic newspaper Al Marsad.

They disclosed that many mysterious incidents occur and stories are narrated about the Djinns who live in the mountain.

Residents also confirmed that the young man was kidnapped by a group of Djinns.

They say after such incidents religious scholars need to interfere and release the young man from the clutches of the Djinn.

It is reported that one of the sheikhs had a vision and spoke to the Djinn who kept the young man in grotto in the mountain.

Large number of citizens visited the mountain, where some of them brought sacrifices for the Djinn to release the young man.

Omani army members still surrounded the mountain in preparation to enter.


Girl snatched by genies comes at night: residents - Saudi police have intensified a campaign to search a Yemeni girl who vanished more than 40 days ago from her village, where her relatives believe she was snatched by genies.

After failing to locate the 23-year-old girl, her family started to distribute leaflets and stick posters on mosques in the hope they will get any information on her whereabouts.

“We are living in tragic conditions because of my sister’s disappearance,” her brother Ahmed Ali said, quoted by the Saudi online Arabic language daily Sabq on Sunday.

“She has been under the spell of jinn (genies) and this may have to do with her disappearance… it’s nearly 41 days now and there is no trace of her despite intensifying police search for her.”

Newspapers last week said the girl left her house in her mountainous village near the western town of Taif and never returned.

“Some people told police they saw her walking on a hill not far from her house then vanished again,” one paper said.

“Her brothers and some residents in the village said she sometimes appears at night and then suddenly disappears… they told police that they believe she has been haunted and taken by jinn.”

Ali said his unmarried sister was carrying a bag and a dress when she left the house six weeks ago.

He said she had run away from home a year ago but was found at another house on the same day.

“On that day, she was with my other sisters washing in the second floor of the house… she then went down to the ground floor… my sisters waited for her but she never came back,” he said.

“Before she vanished, we used to take her to some Koran reciters and scholars… she used to walk into their places but we had to carry her on our way out as she appeared to be in a trance… a red fluid sometimes oozed out of her ears and noses… it was not blood and it had a strange smell… some scholars told us that she is haunted and others said she is under jinn guardianship.”


'Ghosts' set Kuwaiti house on fire - Like in horror movies, strange fires keep erupting at a home in Kuwait dead on time and its owner was told by Muslim scholars the house is haunted.

Mansour Al Ajami and his family still live in the house in Ahmadi area in Kuwait City although it has suffered from over 40 fire incidents since they moved into it six years ago. But he appears to have had enough as he thinks of leaving.

Ajami, interviewed by Alanba Arabic language daily, said fires erupt exactly at five in the evening and the morning every few weeks and although civil defence units have managed to put them out, they have no idea what caused them.

What adds to these macabre scenes is that the fires began in May, the fifth month in the year, Ajami said.

“After I moved into the house, a fire erupted in May which is number five…eversince, all the fires have occurred at either five in the morning or five in the evening…I had to seek religious help so I invited a well-known Saudi sheikh (Moslem scholar), who told me the house is haunted,” Ajami said.

“The sheikh said the house is haunted by good and harmless jinn (spirits) but that they seem to have been disturbed by the human presence.”

Ajami said he did not know the reasons for the mysterious fires, which target furniture, cooling systems and other household items. “The other day, I bought school bags for my children and the next day they were on fire.”

Ajami joked about the fact that he had become well known to the fire fighters, adding that he only had to mention his name when reporting a fire. “They have memorized my address because they have been here many times.”

He said that two weeks after his family moved into the house, they started to hear children crying and woman groaning at night.

“Some fires did not need our intervention as they just suddenly died down….fires have occurred in most parts of the house except one room, which is located on the ground floor…we now sleep in that room for safety,” he said.

“After all these mysterious incidents, I am now seriously considering moving out….I appeal for the authorities to find me a house that will shelter my family.”


Jumeirah jinns giving residents a spookfest - Tenants, gardeners and maids report mysterious apparitions, doors slamming and things moving on their own....

Man blames jinn for repeated fires at home - Talismans in the form of bruises and blisters left on his arm...

Genies blamed for girl’s disappearance - After a visit to Koran reciters, she had to be carried out as she appeared to be in a trance...

In many instances, when the public declares that a Djinn is the reason for a fire or other incident officials issue statements criticizing the “abusers” and “rumormongers” for spreading the word about the Djinn. The belief of the Djinn is so ingrained in these societies that the media will denounce the police for issuing these statements. The following article - Djinn Hysteria Strikes the Gaza Strip - details the traditional acceptance of the Djinn.

Are the Djinn simply an excuse for tragedy and fate? Negative energies are identified by many names and descriptions...but basically, all malevolent activity is evil. The effect of negativity in each situation depends on the victim's nature and circumstances...and eventually how they intend to fight it.

The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies