; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, janvier 16, 2012

Confirmed: JC Johnson's New Mexico Bigfoot Sample Part of Ketchum DNA Study

PLEASE NOTE: this information has been known by me for over a year but since it was recently leaked as 'purported' I decided to confirm it. This is the original collection of the evidence post from 8/31/2010...Lon:

Click for video

J.C. Johnson of Crypto Four Corners posts: "A look into the attack on an animal, where mostly the "Skunk Sack" and organs were removed."

The investigation took place in Fruitland, New Mexico area...probably in or very near the Navajo Reservation. This area is very active with a hominid species that appears to be thriving. Please watch the entire video and listen to JC's theory as to why the 'Furry One' killed the skunk. Fascinating video. Here is a link to the previous post - New Mexico 'Furry Ones', 'Skin-Walkers' and 'Shadow Man'...Lon