CIA Use of Nazi War Criminals was Worse Than Most People Realize
The severity and the extent of the CIA’s involvement with Nazi war criminals has remained undisclosed for years, with the U.S. Department of Justice stifling masses of pages and documents of a frank and open history of how the U.S. government collaborated and even protected Nazis.
In 2005, the National Security Archive finally posted formerly classified secret documents that linked the CIA to the notorious Nazi general Reinhard Gehlen, despite the fact that Gehlen had employed numerous known Nazi war criminals.
The released two-volume history, known as the “Secret Relger”, was compiled by Kevin Ruffner, a CIA historian. In 1999, the report was presented to the German Intelligence Service by Jack Downing, CIA Deputy Director for Operations, in remembrance of the “new and close ties” formed between the CIA and German officials during post-war Germany.
Close Ties Between CIA and Nazi Criminals
The history of these close ties was made public by work carried out by The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG). The IWG had lodged public grievances stating that the CIA had not conformed to the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, and was concealing documents that proved close ties between the CIA and Nazi war criminals.
In 2010, the entire document that had earlier been censored by the Department of Justice was leaked to the New York Times.
The 600-page report was published in the New York Times, and revealed new evidence that numerous notorious Nazi war criminals had been involved with the CIA in the last three decades.
While previous government reports had emerged which recognized, “the CIA’s use of Nazi for post-war intelligence purposes”, the Justice Department report published in the New York Times just over a year ago is by far the most damning expose of those activities.
The shocking report provides the world with evidence about the U.S. government’s posthumous pursuit of the “Angel of Death” at Auschwitz, Dr. Josef Mengele. In a surreal revelation, the report revealed that part of Josef’s scalp was being kept in a Justice Department official’s drawer.
The report also detailed the government’s mistaken identity of ‘Ivan the Terrible’, a Treblinka concentration camp guard, as well as the vigilante killing of a former Waffen SS soldier in New Jersey.
More Evidence on Operation Paperclip
But the report’s most incriminatory revelation, as highlighted by the New York Times, was its assessment of the Central Intelligence Agency’s association with Nazi émigrés.
Nazi’s, according to the report, were given a “safe haven” in the U.S. This isn’t really news to the many so-called conspiracy theorist that have been investigating activities related to Project Paperclip, however these documents finally provide conclusive and undeniable evidence that the U.S. government knowingly and willingly harbored known Nazi war criminals.
The investigators that produced the report discovered that some Nazis, “were indeed knowingly granted entry” into the United States, and that:
“America, which prided itself on being a safe haven for the persecuted, became – in some small measure – a safe haven for persecutors as well.”
Alongside the numerous cases chronicled, describing American intelligence officials aiding and protecting Nazis, the report also disclosed that in 1954, the CIA provided help to Otto Von Bolschwing. Otto was an associate of Adolf Eichmenn, who had assisted the plan to “purge Germany of the Jews,” and who had later worked for the CIA in the United States.
Another shocking case highlighted by the report that implicates the CIA with Nazi war criminals was made in a memo written by the Justice Department’s No. 2 official, urging immigration officers to let the notorious Nazi scientist Arthur L. Rudolph back into the country.
The motivation behind his immigration in 1945 was to bring him to the U.S. to be involved in the rocket-making operation well-known as “Operation Paperclip”. The memo stated that a failure to let him in would be a “detriment to the country.”
The Cover-Up by the Justice Department
It does seem somewhat baffling that the Justice Department would attempt to keep such an important part of history a secret for so long, but as Tom Blanton, director of the National Security Archive said on the Archive’s website:
“Embarrassment suffered by public officials is the price they pay for power. It goes with the territory, but here, their cover-up is not nearly as bad as the crime, which was to shelter Nazi war criminals in the name of national security. This the public needs to know and has a right to know.”
In the wake of the accountability investigations for Holocaust victims, Elizabeth Holtman, former congresswoman and member of the IWG said in an interview with the New York Times:
“I think that the CIA has defied he law, and in so doing has also trivialised the holocaust, thumbed its nose at the survivors of the Holocaust and also at the Americans who gave their lives in the effort to defeat the Nazis in World War II.”
In light of the damning report, with content that has been kept secret for far too long, it is hardly surprising that the CIA is now developing an “ethical inventory”, as Kent Pekel, Special Adviser to the Deputy Secretary of State, said on the CIA website’s Need for Improvement article:
“Given our shared conviction that ethics is as much an organizational as a personal issue, the members of our working group decided that an ‘ethical inventory’ of the Agency’s operating culture might be useful in our effort to design a new Agency-wide program of ethics education.”
It is a sentiment that feels hollow and empty, given the nature of what the CIA has done. It also begs the important question, if it took so long for the truth about this activity to make it into the public domain – just how many other unethical activities are being hidden away in the deep, dark recesses of the Intelligence Community?
And if such actions could take place so long ago in the name of America, without the permission of Americans – what sort of practices are taking place today by the CIA without the oversight and consent of the American people? - topsecretwriters
The History Channel : CIA Collection 5 Episodes : CIA and the Nazis , CIA Secret Airline, Shadow Warriors , Mind Control America's Secret War , We Can Make You Talk , - 300 Minutes
Google compromises U.S. military secrets
Cedric Leighton, a retired Air Force colonel, said: 'Iranians would be most interested in operational bases because that tells them how we fly our surveillance missions.
'Google is making public what was once the sole province of the military and intelligence community, making this a brave new world for the intel agencies as well,' he told
Aviation website Flight Global claimed to have discovered the secret Yukka Lake venue, which shows satellite images of either a Predator or Reaper drone on the airstrip.
It said: 'The satellite image, taken in early 2011 and available on Google Maps, appears to show a roughly 5,200 ft asphalt runway and what appears to be a General Atomics MQ-1 Predator or MQ-9 Reaper UAV being towed on the parking ramp.
'The airfield has four hangars of varying sizes, including a hangar with clamshell doors that is characteristic of US UAV operations.
'Details of the airfield, including a parking lot, security perimeter and ongoing construction are clearly visible.'
The detail makes it extremely easy for foreign powers to look up satellite images to inspect secret U.S. spy planes.
The website added that an earlier image, showing what appear to be a Pilatus PC-12 and Beechcraft King Air parked on the ramp, 'fuelled speculation' it was used by defence firm Lockheed Martin.
Leighton added that he believed Google had the right to show the images to the public, but they should decide not to because they comprise military operations.
He added that the U.S. military had previously blocked Google employees from taking images at bases for Google Earth, which requires more close-up photography.
The publication of satellite imagery of top secret bases is a hot topic, with previous discoveries revealing the exact location of one in Denver.
And in Pakistan's Balochistan province, crystal clear photographs showed Predator drones sitting on a parking ramp at Shamsi Airfield.
Dr. John Michener, chief scientist at security firm Casaba, said Google should be allowed to show spy plane imagery as national laws do not apply above the atmosphere.
He said: 'Get used to it. You know when the satellites are overhead. You can take countermeasures to hide portable stuff.'
He added that it would become problematic if the government started filtering through 'deep-packet inspections', which would mean inserting code onto the web that would block access to secret images, and that Google could then start encrypting its images. - dailymail
German government suddenly goes quiet over UFO disclosure
As governments around the world come forward with their findings on the subject of UFOs a few interesting points have been discovered and brought to the attention of the public. But in the vast choir of voices rising up finally admitting to having an interest in UFOs at one time or another, one member of the EU is remaining oddly silent about the whole thing. Germany, unlike the others, has refused to release its UFO documents or even admit that it has any, despite evidence gathered to the contrary. Is this a case of passing the buck on a controversial subject? Or does Germany simply have no interest in the subject and no records of a time when it did?
Germany has a long history of UFO sightings with some of the first Foo fighters spotted in and near German airspace. Since then, the global wave of UFOs has gained mainstream popularity, and Germany was by no means separate from the rest of it. But why are we seeing a German government apprehensive to share its findings on a subject so many skeptics consider unworthy of a cover-up? An observation made by Open Minds, suggests that it may have been because the government could have been deferring its UFO studies to the better equipped United States Air Force which was - as we now know - certainly taking a very active interest in the subject for a time. In fact, if the German government were convinced it was a military action this does seem to be a distinct possibility. As a result, the governmental admission of sharing the mystery with the west could be a subject of small embarrassment in Germany.
According to a ruling in a lawsuit by Frank Reitemeyer, the German government must submit all relevant documentation on the subject of UFOs and unexplained aircraft - particularly the results of an enigmatic study prepared to be submitted to the Bundestag of Germany. And so it would seem, if Germany were not interested in the subject of UFOs, the now fiscally responsible German government would not be spending money studying airborne enigmas. And so the battle seemed over for a time when a judge ruled the documentation should be turned over to the public. But the government is now taking it to appellate court to have that ruling overturned. And this is the part that has many people scratching their heads. Why would the German government decide this subject is not for public consumption? Why would they fight their own court system and keep it secret?
Of note in Germany's UFO folklore is the possibility that at one point during the Canadian Avrocar experiments, in which scientists were attempting to construct saucer-shaped civilian aircraft, it was revealed that Rudolf Schriever and Klaus Habermohl had developed a disk shaped vertical take-off vehicle (VTOL) and flew it on February 14, 1945. The craft allegedly was a success, but quickly disappeared from most official record books. No doubt Germany's apprehension to talk about the subject will only fuel interest in the subject. - unexplainable
Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge
Anthony Sanchez - Hour 1 - UFO Highway & "Colonel X" Dulce Interview
Anthony Sanchez talks about his book "UFO highway" and the interview he conducted with "Colonel X", an insider, about the activities and on goings at the secret Dulce underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border. We dive deep into the secret history of mankind, the greys, alien agendas and the world of black op military programs. Anthony Sanchez received his Bachelor of Science in computer information systems from Western Governors University of Salt Lake City in 2008. In addition to being a software consultant for the state of California through his own company, Anthony has been employed for 16 years as a software engineer working for 3Com, Intel, Acer, Netscape Communications, and Hewlett Packard. He became interested in UFOs in 1989, at the time "Area 51" surfaced as a public phenomenon. Since 2000 he has researched the subject matter thoroughly employing various scientific methods and hands on approaches, thus compiling over 20 years worth of UFO related research data. Each year he is a regular visitor to the deserts of the American Southwest, visiting crash sites conducting interviews, and performing scientific field work. Listen to interview
Transcripts of what the Aliens, Extraterrestrials and Intraterrestrials Told our Governments
Large parts of Mars 'habitable'
Charley Lineweaver's team, from the Australian National University, compared models of temperature and pressure conditions on Earth with those on Mars to estimate how much of the distant planet was liveable for Earth-like organisms.
While just one percent of Earth's volume - from core to upper atmosphere - was occupied by life, Linewaver said their world-first modelling showed three percent of Mars was habitable, though most of it was underground.
"What we tried to do, simply, was take almost all of the information we could and put it together and say 'is the big picture consistent with there being life on Mars?'," the astrobiologist told AFP.
"And the simple answer is yes... There are large regions of Mars that are compatible with terrestrial life."
Where previous studies had taken a "piecemeal" approach by examining particular sites on Mars for signs of life, Lineweaver said his research was a "comprehensive compilation" of the entire planet using decades of data.
Frozen water has been found at the poles on Mars and the ANU study examined how much of the planet could sustain water "that could be habitable by Earth-like standards by Earth-like microbes".
The low-pressure environment of Mars means water cannot exist as a liquid and will vaporise on the surface, but Lineweaver said the conditions are right underground, where the weight of the soil gives the added pressure required.
It would also be warm enough, at certain depths, for bacteria and other micro-organisms to thrive due to heat from the planet's core.
The average surface temperature on Mars is minus 63 degrees Celsius (minus 81 Fahrenheit).
Lineweaver said his study was "the best estimate yet published of how habitable Mars is to terrestrial microbes" and a significant finding given mankind had evolved from microbial life.
"It's not important if you want to figure out what the laws of physics are and you want to talk to some intelligent aliens who could build spaceships," he said.
"If you're interested in the origin of life and how likely life is to get started on other planets, that's what relevant here."
Lineweaver's paper was published on Monday in the scientific journal Astrobiology. - telegraph
Dying Planet: Mars in Science and the Imagination