; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, octobre 17, 2011

Just the Facts? 1st UFO Photo Was Comet, Cannibals Eat Yachtsman and Time Traveler Al Bielek Dies

1883 ‘1st photographed UFO’ possibly a killer comet that nearly hit the earth

Mexican astronomer José Banilla took the image, which appears to show something passing in front of the sun, on August 12 1883.

When it was released publicly in 1886 in the magazine L’Astronomie it was dubbed the first photo of a UFO – a series of 447 objects that looked ‘misty’ and ‘left behind a similar misty trace.’

A new study by the Univeridad Nacional Autónoma de México now suggests that it was a comet in the process of breaking up.

‘Our working hypothesis is that what Bonilla observed in 1883 was a highly fragmented comet, in an approach almost flush to the Earth’s surface,’ writes Hector Javier Durand Manterola, the lead author of the report.

‘Using the results reported by Bonilla, we can estimate the distance at which the objects approach to the Earth’s surface.

‘According to our calculations, the distance at which the objects passed over was between 538 km and 8,062 km, – and the width of the objects was between 46 m and 795m’

The mass of the original comet could have been up to eight times the mass of Halley’s comet.

If the photograph did show a comet in such close proximity to the Earth, it should have resulted in a meteor shower. Bonilla’s photograph was taken just before the annual Perseid meteor shower (pictured) – but 1883′s shower was no brighter than usual …

Using the time that it took the object to cross the sun combined with the location of Bonilla’s observatory, the report calculated that the object would be at most 8,000km away, and possibly much less.

‘The only bodies in the Solar System which are surrounded by a bright mistiness are the comets, so it is appropriate to suppose that the objects seen by Bonilla were small comets,’ said the scientists.

And as well as being shockingly close to earth, the scientists believe that the comet could have had the same mass as the object that wiped out the dinosaurs – eight times the mass of Halley’s comet. - dailymail


Yachtsman possibly canniblized

German sailor Stefan Ramin was on the trip of a lifetime when it turned into a nightmare on an island in the middle of nowhere.

He set off on 2008 with his girlfriend and traversed the globe looking for paradise - but it took a horrible twist when he reached Nuku Hiva in French Polynesia.

The remote tropical island was the last place Mr Ramin was seen before remains, believed to be his, were uncovered.

Experts believe he was "hacked to pieces and burned" and eaten by suspected cannibals.

Testing will conclude whether the ashes belong to Mr Ramin, Radio New Zealand International reported.

Police are looking for Henri Haiti, a local guide who set off on a hunting trip with Mr Ramin and then tried to sexually assault Mr Ramin's girlfriend when he returned to alert her of an apparent accident.

He tied her to a tree but she managed to escape and alert local authorities.

Haiti is still missing and is the subject of now seven-day manhunt from police and soldiers.

Ramin and his girlfriend had planned to spend several months in French Polynesia, docking at Nuku Hiva to experience a traditional goat hunt on the island of 2,789 people.

"The foreign ministry and the federal police are aware of the case and in contact with local authorities," said a spokesperson from the German foreign ministry. - couriermail

 The hidden worlds of Polynesia;: The chronicle of an archaeological expedition to Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas Islands


Mysterious horse deaths in Queensland

Some suspect ticks, others foul play, in a baffling equine tragedy. Frank Robson investigates.

When a stranger rang Debbie Lee and her partner, Steve Hogno, to ask if they'd like to race their beloved quarter horses at a country club resort, the pair thought their dreams were finally coming true.

"We said, 'Oh boy, we sure would!'" Lee recalls. "The guy who rang said he even knew of a property near the resort where we could keep our horses, and Steve and I couldn't wait to check it out."

The caller was Ian Howard, part of a consortium planning to restore the long-closed Kooralbyn Valley Resort near Beaudesert in south-east Queensland and set up regular quarter horse sprint races. Late last month, after meeting Howard and inspecting the proposed agistment block - "It seemed like the perfect spot" - Lee and Hogno moved 25 horses from land they rented in Toowoomba to the Kooralbyn Valley property.
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But less than a fortnight after the healthy young horses were released to roam their picturesque new 81-hectare home - with three dams and a running stream - they began dying at an unprecedented rate. By Wednesday, six days after the first mysterious deaths on the unoccupied property were reported to the RSPCA by passers-by, all but four of the quarter horses, uninsured, were dead. And despite exhaustive testing by Biosecurity Queensland, the mass deaths continue to defy scientific explanation.

The most likely cause is thought to be paralysis ticks (up to 50 were found on each dead or stricken animal), especially rampant after last summer's flooding, combined with the fact the prized horses came from a tick-free area and had no immunity to tick toxin.

"No one told us about this danger," a devastated Lee said this week. "Steve and I loved these horses; we'd never have taken them there if we'd known about the killer ticks - it would have been like sticking a child who'd never been exposed to colds and flu in with a bunch of sick people."

But horse trainer Hogno is far from convinced ticks are the real culprits. Employed as a mining supervisor in a remote part of Western Australia, Hogno flew back to Brisbane last week to inspect the dead and dying horses.

"With tick poisoning, the paralysis always works forward from the hindquarters and tail," the veteran horseman said. "But in all of these cases the paralysis started from the head. Also, no one has ever heard of a case where so many animals have died so suddenly. Tick deaths occur over quite a prolonged period, yet many of these horses were dead within an hour or two of going down."

Hogno suspects that "elements" opposed to sprint racing within the broader horse racing industry may have been connected with the mystery deaths. Opposition to sprint racing, run over short courses, arose from a perceived threat to thoroughbred racing. It led to a rule change in 1993 that effectively banned races over less than 800 metres from Australian race tracks.

Since then, Hogno and other enthusiasts have been trying to find ways around the ban, focusing recently on privately funded, or proprietary, racing at independently owned venues. (Ian Howard told The Sun-Herald he and others involved in the Kooralbyn Valley Resort project hoped to stage regular sprint races there if a licence could be obtained through the Queensland government.)

"It was no secret that the large number of horses arriving at the Kooralbyn paddock were destined for sprint racing," notes Hogno. "The [Kooralbyn Valley Resort consortium] have circulated their intention of establishing sprint horse racing on a very large scale, with offshore wagering and so on … [and] we know from past experience that there is an element vigorously opposed to sprint racing ever being allowed to get re-established in Australia."

Hogno's suspicions deepened after being told via an anonymous phone call that people had been seen feeding his horses "late at night" over a fence at the Kooralbyn property, which borders a public road. A spokesman for Biosecurity Queensland said that while still unable to rule any potential cause for the deaths "in or out", he was unaware of anything indicating introduced poisons.

The property where the horses died and are now buried is owned by Ian Barry, who was travelling when the tragedy began unfolding. The job of fronting the media and burying the horses fell to his brother, David, who moved the surviving animals to his own property, administered serums against ticks and botulism, and stayed up around the clock to tend his charges. Last weekend, after returning from his travels and making a short inspection of the block where the horses died, Ian Barry found three paralysis ticks on his own body.

"He pulled one out from behind his ear," David Barry said at the property. "Next morning he woke paralysed down one side, and had to spend three days in hospital. The side of his head was blown up like Quasimodo's."

David Barry says he hadn't realised the horses were like pets to Hogno and Lee until inspecting the dead and dying animals with the couple last weekend. "Deb was crying and identifying them by name … she'd hand fed some of them from an early age. After that, I went into overdrive to try to save the remaining four."

But, despite showing signs of improvement earlier this week, one of the survivors died on Thursday. Another, which had been "running and playing" on Thursday morning, collapsed that afternoon.

Hogno got the latest grim news at his desert outpost. "This is a week after [the last four horses] were sprayed, and all ticks were removed, and after having tick anti-serum," he emailed soon afterwards. "Adds to the theory of some [deliberately] introduced virus or disease. Very strange."

Like Hogno, Ian Howard - who unwittingly set the scene for the tragedy - says he and the vets he has consulted cannot accept that ticks "could knock over that many horses that quickly".

Yet he also struggles with the notion of foul play: "I just can't believe that anybody could be that bloody-minded. But if it was [a deliberate act], and the culprits get caught, I wouldn't like to be in their shoes." - smh


Al Bielek of Philadelphia Experiment fame passes away (1927 – 2011)

According to George Noory on the radio show ‘Coast to Coast AM’ on Friday, Al Bielek of Philadelphia Experiment fame has passed away at the age of 84.

The cause of death is unknown, but over recent years it has been reported that Al suffered a number of strokes and was living in an assisted living facility.

A few years ago a story was doing the rounds that said that Al had died at age 80. This was quickly revealed to be a hoax.

Al had appeared on a number of radio shows. Most people agreed that the details he provided about that particular era, as well as answers to questioned seemed to indicate that what he was telling could well be true.

Philadelphia Experiment and Other Ufo Conspiracies

The Montauk Project: Experiment in Time

Al Bielek was born in 1927. His first memories of being Al Bielek were when he was nine months old during a family Christmas party.

The odd thing about his memory was that he fully understood the conversation that was taking place around the piano.

As Al went through grade school, he was know as the “walking encyclopedia”. Before graduating high school, he took an electronics test and was the only one to pass. The Navy needed people like him during the war years and recruited him.

Al later completed his education and took on various vocations in the field of electronics. While contracting for various Military contractors, the people who worked with him began to reveal the truth about our involvement with Extra Terrestrials and PSI Ops (Psychic Operations) programs.

Strange things started to happen to Al soon afterwards.

While in Hawaii in 1956, he had a brief encounter with, who he believes now to be Mark Hamill – the actor in Star Wars.

Soon after he was recruited into the Montauk Project.

He would work his normal job in California, and take the underground subway to Montauk Long Island to carry out his duties there.

After the time tunnel was perfected, he would simply be teleported to the underground base and returned back to his apartment.

During the 1970′s, Al was the Program Director for the Psychics who manned the Montauk Chair. Since the Montauk Boys were a key program at Montauk, Al had some influence with the Montauk Boys program.

His duties were to handle the operations of the Mind Control program. He was in regular contact with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols. Stewart Swerdlow was one of the Montauk Boys programmers under Al Bielek.

In the 1980′s when the time control programs were operational, Al participated in some of the time travel experiments. Both he and Duncan traveled to Mars on several occasions. He now remembers several other trips he took with teams to a research station in 100,000 BC, other planets to get canisters filled with Light and Dark Energy, and to the year 6037.

In January 1988, after seeing the movie – “The Philadelphia Experiment”, his memories started returning. Al believes his involvement with Montauk ended with that revelation. Over time and though meetings with Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron, and others, many more memories returned. Ironically, just after his memories returned, Dr. John Von Neumann tried to get in touch with him – a promise he made to Ed Cameron, should his memories ever return.

Al made the decision to go public with the information about his involvement at Montauk and the Philadelphia experiment in the 1989. He has been a prolific speaker on both radio talk shows and conferences.

He believes he has not been harmed or stopped because his time traveling experiences locked him into this timeline. Somehow, by being here today, he, among others in the program, serve to balance the effects they produced from prior time traveling experiments. - bielek.com

Thanks to Terri for the heads up!

Rob Simone Talk Show 10 Cd Radio Interview Broadcast Box Set with: Zecharia Sitchin, Nick Redfern, Dr. David Morehouse, Al Bielek and Larry Hunter (5 full length, un-interrupted, information packed interviews hosted by top Radio and TV host / Researcher - Rob Simone, Volume 2)

Conspiracies and Secret Societies