; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, octobre 24, 2011

Just the Facts? Bigfoot Hit By Car In Virginia -- 1000's Dead Loons -- Wild Boar In Kent

BFROer claims he hit Bigfoot with car in Virginia mountains

From Twitter:

MattMoneymaker1 - Matt Moneymaker
Our scout Tyler Bounds (WA-BFRO) hit a bigfoot last night (round 2AM) while driving near High Knob VA. Vehicle damaged but no blood, hair.

This incident was said to have occurred around 2AM Sunday Oct 32rd. Hopefully there will be updates:

UPDATE: On October 23, BFRO investigator Tyler Bounds from Washington said he was driving near High Knob VA at around 2 AM when he hit the creature. Matt Moneymaker said the vehicle was damaged, but there was no blood or hair.

Bigfoot Across America


Wild boar dig up gardens in Kent

Wild boar are on the loose in Ightham, Kent. The beasts have burrowed into gardens at night and made real hogs of themselves, leaving lawns looking like battlefields. Resident Peter Baker set up a camera in his Borough Green Road garden after it was turned over for the third time.

It captured grainy images of a boar-like creature sniffing at the ground, then walking off. He said: "The first time it happened about a month ago I put it down to badgers or foxes. But the visits gradually increased and the damage suggested it was a much bigger animal."

Mr Baker, 81, said despite the film's grainy image, it proves the raider isn't a common or garden pig, as he says pigs have rounder bellies than the creature caught on film. The pensioner thinks the animals came from a 30-acre field backing on to his 100ft garden.

There have been no further visits since he had a more secure garden fence installed, but he's sure they're still out there, somewhere. Traps have reportedly been set up in the adjoining field which is believed to be land belonging to nearby Dark Hill Farm. The farm's owner, who did not want to comment, has reportedly promised not to shoot the boar if caught. - kentonline


Thousands of dead birds wash ashore at Wasaga Beach

Thousands of dead birds have flooded the shores of Georgian Bay in a scene that locals compared to the devastation from an oil spill.

Dead loons, ducks and seagulls covered “every foot” of Wasaga Beach Provincial Park’s shorelines on Saturday, said local Faye Ego, who walks her dog there daily.

“It’s like when you see the oil slicks,” Ego said. “It turns your stomach. It’s awful.”

Between 5,000 and 6,000 dead waterfowl are scattered along a 3-kilometre stretch near Wasaga Beach, said Ontario Provincial Police Const. Peter Leon.

Botulism appears to be the culprit behind the masses of dead birds based on information from the Ministry of Natural Resources, police said.

The deadly disease is caused by toxins that lake-bottom bacteria produce under certain conditions. Fish were likely infected, then died and floated to the surface.

A “free-for-all eating frenzy for the waterfowl” ensued, Leon said, which subsequently resulted in their deaths.

Stormy and windy weather over the past couple days pushed the dead birds to shore.

He is unsure who will be responsible for cleaning up the lifeless waterfowl, which included mallards and pintail ducks. Tourism to the area is unlikely to be affected because it is not high season, he said.

Dead birds have been appearing on the area’s beaches for the past few weeks, he added.

And dead sturgeons, known to be bottom feeders, started washing up in August, Ego said.

There was also an influx of dead birds at this time last year, she said, but she has never seen anything like this before.

“It would make you cry,” she said.

She questioned why no one from the ministry had come to pick up the carcasses as of Saturday evening.

“I’m fighting to keep my dog off the beach,” she said. “His nose is going up in the air a million miles an hour.”

Officials from the Ministry of Natural Resources did not immediately return requests for comment on Saturday.

However, the ministry identified a “die-off” of birds and fish in Georgian Bay in a news release earlier this month.

Small scale “die-offs” occur annually around the Great Lakes, with the largest being in Lake Ontario in 2007, according to the ministry.

Botulism is rarely dangerous to humans so long as food is properly handled and cooked, but dead birds and fish should not be eaten.

Police said the provincial park remains open, but warned people to keep their children and dogs away from the dead birds. - thestar

The Common Loon: Spirit of the Northern Lakes

Fascinating Loons: Amazing Images & Behaviors


Rapture prophet Camping drops out of sight

An evangelical broadcaster whose end-of-the-world prophecy earlier this year stirred a global media frenzy has vanished from the public eye and airwaves ahead of his recalibrated doomsday date, set for Friday.

Days after the apocalypse he originally predicted for May 21 conspicuously failed to materialize, Harold Camping emerged from a brief seclusion to say he had merely miscalculated by five months, and he pronounced a new Judgment Day, October 21.

The following month, the now 90-year-old former civil engineer was said by his California-based Christian radio network to have suffered a stroke that left him hospitalized.

He has largely dropped out of sight since then, and his daily radio program, "Open Forum," broadcast on more than 60 U.S. stations, has been canceled.

Moreover, there is little evidence that swarms of believers who once fanned out in cities nationwide with placards advertising Camping's message -- some giving up life savings in anticipation of being swept into heaven -- were following a new doomsday countdown.

Gone, too, are the billboards posted around the country by Camping's Family Radio network declaring that Judgment Day was at hand.

Reached by telephone on Thursday, network spokesman Tom Evans declined to comment on Camping or his prophecies, except to say that he had "retired" as a radio host but remained chairman of the board of Family Stations Inc.

Camping himself had little else to say when he answered the door of his home in nearby Alameda, wearing a bathrobe and leaning on a walker.

"We're not having a conversation," he said, shaking his head with a chuckle. "There's nothing to report here."

Municipal records show that a Sunday prayer group led by Camping, the Alameda Bible Fellowship, has continued to meet on a weekly basis in a large ground-floor room of the Veterans Memorial Building leased by the city Recreation and Parks Department.

Marcia Tsang, a facilities coordinator for the department, said receipts show Camping's group has been renting that space since at least 1996, paying the standard fee of $45 an hour. The room remains assigned to his fellowship under an evergreen reservation that extends beyond this week, she said.

Local American Legion officer Ron Parshall, 70, part of a veterans group that meets at the same building in an adjacent room one Sunday a month, said he sees Camping leading his Bible services there regularly.

He said the number of Camping's followers at the prayer meetings seems to have dwindled since the failed May 21 prophecy -- down to about 25 congregants on a typical Sunday -- plus about 20 youngsters who attend Sunday school classes in conjunction with the prayer group.

Parshall said he saw Camping about a month ago, that he showed no outward signs of debilitation and "wasn't limping at all."

"He was a nice man," Parshall said, adding "He was just too radical for me. Anyone who claims to be that close to God, I take it with a grain of salt." - reuters

Three Views on the Rapture: Pretribulation, Prewrath, or Posttribulation (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)

The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation


New Yeren Expedition

A Bulgarian team of speleologists sets off on an expedition in Bigfoot’s homeland. Six masters of cave exploration will study the secrets of Gaoligong Mountains in China. The area houses a natural reserve spanning a territory of 120000 ha, 85% of which are covered by tropical forests. Since 1992 it has held the status of a reserve of international significance and has been included in UNESCO’s Humans and the Biosphere network. The Bulgarian Speleological Federation has contacted the Geographical Institute in Yunnan Province to acquire permission to start research in these virgin lands. The Bulgarian expedition will cooperate with six Chinese speleologists. - standartnews

Hidden Animals: A Field Guide to Batsquatch, Chupacabra, and Other Elusive Creatures