; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, septembre 23, 2011

Just the Facts? Big Cat Mauls Dog, Spontaneous Human Combustion and Underground Cities Nuked

Big Cat Mauls Dog in Wales

A family pet dog may never bark again after it was viciously attacked — by what experts fear was a wild panther.

Vets had to battle to save four-year-old Dusk after he was horrifically mauled outside his home in the Welsh countryside.

The dog miraculously survived despite severe neck injuries, but it is feared he will not "speak" again.

Experts say the dog's injuries are typical of a strike by a panther.

Police are investigating the attack, which happened close to the scene of other mysterious big cat sightings.

Owner Chris O'Mahoney, 35, said: "I knew straight away that it was a big cat attack.

"It's a trait of theirs to attack the neck and face, and this one ripped Dusk's windpipe out."

Dusk, an Alaskan malamute, was attacked late at night on September 7 in Chris' back garden in Brecon, Powys.


The businessman said: "There is a big cat in the area — I've seen it myself twice and local farmers have had their sheep attacked.

"The first time it pounced on to a wall like it was on springs which was amazing because it is quite a large animal.

"The second time it walked straight past my van, it was extremely brazen."

Dusk underwent a life-saving operation on his bite wound at the Victoria Veterinary Practice in Merthyr Tydfil.

A spokesman said after the op: "Dusk was definitely attacked by something very big and powerful."

Wildlife expert Danny Nineham, who has been studying big cats sightings in Britain, said: "Dusk is lucky to have survived.

"Big cats are not domestic animals, they live every day by killing. If they don't kill on a daily basis they cannot survive.

"Dusk's injuries are consistent with a wild panther attack."

Dyfed Powys Police wildlife officer Matthew Howells said: "There are some simple guidelines people should follow in these circumstances.

"Don't approach the animal and don't leave any food out for it as this could encourage it to come closer to your home." - thesun


'First Irish case' of death by spontaneous combustion

A man who burned to death in his home died as a result of spontaneous combustion, an Irish coroner has ruled.

It is believed to be the first case of its kind in Ireland.

West Galway coroner Dr Ciaran McLoughlin said it was the first time in 25 years of investigating deaths that he had recorded such a verdict.

Michael Faherty, 76, died at his home at Clareview Park, Ballybane, Galway on 22 December 2010.

Deaths attributed by some to "spontaneous combustion" occur when a living human body is burned without an apparent external source of ignition.

Typically police or fire investigators find burned corpses but no burned furniture.

An inquest in Galway on Thursday heard how investigators had been baffled as to the cause of Mr Faherty's death.

Forensic experts found that a fire in the fireplace of the sitting room where the badly burnt body was found, had not been the cause of the blaze that killed Mr Faherty.

The court was told that no trace of an accelerant had been found and there had been nothing to suggest foul play.

The court heard Mr Faherty had been found lying on his back with his head closest to an open fireplace.

The fire had been confined to the sitting room. The only damage was to the body, which was totally burnt, the ceiling above him and the floor underneath him.

Dr McLoughlin said he had consulted medical textbooks and carried out other research in an attempt to find an explanation.

He said Professor Bernard Knight, in his book on forensic pathology, had written about spontaneous combustion and noted that such reported cases were almost always near an open fireplace or chimney.

"This fire was thoroughly investigated and I'm left with the conclusion that this fits into the category of spontaneous human combustion, for which there is no adequate explanation," he said.

'Sharp intake of breath'

Retired professor of pathology Mike Green said he had examined one suspected case in his career.

He said he would not use the term spontaneous combustion, as there had to be some source of ignition, possibly a lit match or cigarette.

"There is a source of ignition somewhere, but because the body is so badly destroyed the source can't be found," he said.

He said the circumstances in the Galway case were very similar to other possible cases.

"This is the picture which is described time and time again," he said.

"Even the most experienced rescue worker or forensic scientist takes a sharp intake of breath (when they come across the scene)."

Mr Green said he doubted explanations centred on divine intervention.

"I think if the heavens were striking in cases of spontaneous combustion then there would be a lot more cases. I go for the practical, the mundane explanation," he said. - BBC

Thanks to Kim for forwarding!


WTF? Conspiracy Theorist's Wet Dream

I received a copy of a audioblog transcript today...I though it would be interesting to post:

Hi there. This is David Wilcock, and you’re listening to another Divine Cosmos audioblog exclusive interview with Benjamin Fulford.

Fulford has worked for Forbes Magazine as the editor for the Asia-Pacific region. People have tried to attack his credibility on this before, but it is documented. I have checked the references myself.

He was mentioned by Stephen Colbert in one show discussing the so-called Illuminati.

I will also say that Fulford has contact with an incredible number of different sources. He does seem to back up who these sources as much as humanly possible.


Recently, these sources informed him that the earthquakes that occurred in Colorado and the Washington DC area, surrounding August 22nd and 23rd, were, in fact, apparently nuclear strikes against underground military facilities.

[These underground bases] have been built by the US government, ostensibly since the early 1960s, at the cost of trillions of dollars of undocumented taxpayer money that is going into these“black projects.”

The reason why I contacted Benjamin Fulford is I had [first] read this on his blog [and was amazed.]

Then I started to contact my own sources, which have been built up over being a public figure on the Internet since 1999—and gaining the trust of many people in various classified programs.

I was absolutely astonished when I started to ask around and found out that everyone I know, with one exception who probably wasn’t on a need-to-know basis, confirmed that this attack did happen.


Now again. I’m going to turn it over to Ben in just a second. One more setup thing I want to say here is this.

If you haven’t understood the gravity or the implications of what I’m telling you right now, it’s important to point [one thing] out.

These guys never imagined that these underground facilities could have been attacked. Ever.

So what has happened here is a seismic shift in this insider war—that is arguably as significant as the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.

And in fact, it may very well be the workings of the Universe, in terms of karma, that the people responsible for those attacks have now had it happen to them.


There is undeniable significance in this happening. I was astonished at the depth of detail I have been able to get from my own sources about what happened.

I have been told that the situation is now considered Code Red. However, it is also being withheld from most of the people in these [classified] programs. It’s on a need-to-know basis.

Even the sources I am in contact with, all except for one, did not even have the need-to-know basis high enough to know why this happened. Or who was responsible for it!


So the only thing we know is that the powers that were, as I like to call them, have been putting out stories on the Internet about this event.

What they’re actually doing is they are trying to mine for information. They want to find out who knows what.

And I am astonished that my own sources lack the knowledge that Benjamin Fulford has been putting out as to who is responsible for this… and why [it was done].


My intelligence suggests it is possible that as many as 30,000 people were in each of these two underground cities at the time that [the explosions] went off. So we’re talking about the potential of 60,000 deaths.

We’re also talking about the potential that anyone else working for these programs who is in one of these facilities, which could either be underground or possibly off-world, such as in a space station, on the Moon or elsewhere… is now totally alone and unguarded.

They are not going to be protected. They are not safe. And their superiors are not informing them of the risk they are now in by being in those locations.


I want to set the record straight. I want to get the man to talk to you, the public, and hear, firsthand, what the hell is going on, who did this, why did they do this, and what are the implications.

So Ben, that’s my intro. Let’s hear from you now. I’m very interested in this.

OK...well, this Ben Fulford then delves into every conspiracy theory known to mankind. The link to the podcast is here and here is the full interview transcript...Lon


Kangaroo Attacks Man in Ohio

An 80-year-old man is in fair condition after a kangaroo attacked him for 15 minutes at an exotic-animal farm in central Ohio.

The Columbus Dispatch reports that the Marion County sheriff's office received a 911 call Tuesday from a woman saying her father-in-law was hurt. Maj. Jeff Cline says the injury happened at Kokas Exotics in Green Camp.

The Advocate of Newark reports the man was in fair condition Wednesday at a Columbus hospital.

The farm owner's son told WCMH-TV the man was attacked by a 6-foot-tall, 200-pound male kangaroo. The station reports the attack came at breeding time when males can be aggressive.

The son says the kangaroo will be euthanized.

Ohio's lax pet laws came under scrutiny last year when a bear killed its caretaker near Cleveland. - AP