; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, août 17, 2011

Recent Cattle Mutilation In Southern Colorado Hotspot

Chuck Zukowski at UFOnut.com is reporting a recent cattle mutilation and investigation in the Trinidad, Colorado area. This is another of several animal mutilations in the general location in recent years.

Monday morning August 8th, 2011, Zukowski was contacted by rancher Miller from Trinidad, Colorado. He informed him that one of his cows had been mutilated over the past weekend. Zukowski had investigated one of his previous mutilated cows back on March of 2009. This rancher has had three separate mutilation cases.

Zukowski notes:

Field Investigator: Chuck Zukowski, Colorado Springs, Co

Location of Mutilation: Trinidad, Colorado

Mutilation occurred sometime Friday August 5th or Saturday August 6th.

Found by non-owner rancher on Sunday August 7th.

Rancher Miller was informed on Sunday while out of town, saw the animal for the first time on Monday August 8th.

Rancher contacted me on Monday morning August 8th.

Field investigation took place on Monday afternoon August 8th, roughly 2:30pm.

Las Animas County Sheriff deputy investigated animal August 8, 2011

Investigative Notes:

Radiation Check: none detected

EMF (Electro-Magnetic-Field) detection: 8-10 micro-tesla

Magnetic Sweep: no metallic’s detected

The animal did not have a magnet in her stomach

Animal was pointing head first 60 degrees N/E

Animal Statistics:

Breed: Red Angus

Sex: female

Age: 5 years old

Length: estimated 8feet 11 inches from nose to hind

Gurth: estimated 9 feet round

Weight: estimated 1000+ pounds

Mutilation wounds visible on left side:

Laceration on nose

Laceration around left eye

Oval hole where left ear used to be. 7 inches by 4 inches

Tongue appears to be removed

Oval hole between forelegs. 12 inches by 7.5 inches

Oval hole at location of utter. 6 inches by 4 inches

Two oval holes where utter teats appeared to be. 1×1 inch

Long laceration between rear legs to utter. 18 inches x 4 inches

Oval hole near anal area. 8.5 inches by 6 inches

Animal was too heavy to roll over by me and rancher so right side of animal was unseen.

Predator evidence: none

Scavenger evidence: birds only

Flies present

Normal smell for two day old carcass

No evidence of struggle on dirt

No evidence of human intervention causing animal’s death

Evidence of bloating

Evidence of out-gassing

Rancher’s dog was sick after interacting with carcass day before, but appears fine during investigation.

Samples Taken:

Tissue sample taken along edge of oval hole near anal area

Tissue sample taken along edge of oval hole near utter area

Tissue sample taken along edge of oval hole between front forelegs

Soil sample taken near carcass, test sample taken 50 feet away at similar terrain

Ear tag from missing ear left side

Action Items:

The three tissue samples will be sent to Colorado State University Veterinary Lab, Fort Collins, for analysis.

- Tissue analysis will be determined by samples when received

The soil samples will be sent to a soil analysis lab I work with. (Name on file and not revealed, per lab’s request)

- Soil analysis will be a comparison analysis looking for any differences between the two.

Zukowski's Conclusion:

Unfortunately I was unable to take this animal to the lab for a complete necropsy. There are a few factors which can stand in the way to achieve this. One, time accrued of deceased animal. Two, distance to the lab. Three, proper speciman to achieve complete necropsy for proper analysis.

As information on current mutilation cases become more available to the public, the public in turn, knows who to contact when a new mutilation occurs. This hand-shake of information going back and forth from investigator to the public, will ultimately achieve our goals of finding the evidence we need to resolve these cases.

Chuck Zukowski

NOTE: I have to ask the question....are these animal mutilations related in any way to the proximity of Dulce Base and the reported underground passages to this general location? Here are links to previous posts:

March 12, 2009 - Mutilated Cow Reported Near Trinidad, Colorado

March 27, 2009 - Two More Mutilated Cows Reported In Southern Colorado

March 30, 2009 - Third Cattle Mutilation Reported in Southern Colorado, MUFON Investigating

November 28, 2009 - Recent Cattle Mutilations in San Luis Valley, CO Still a Mystery

December 10, 2009 - Hovering Blue Lights Connected to Colorado Cattle Mutilations?

May 24, 2010 - Colorado Officials Skeptical of Cattle Mutilation Theories

The supposed underground connections between Dulce Base and other government and military facilities in the southwest United States