; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, août 09, 2011

Just the Facts? - The Government Took Our Bigfoot

'...the government took our Bigfoot'

Click for this idiot's YouTube channel

Click for video

Click for video

I honestly thought this clown had faded into obscurity. Rick Dyer - one of the bozos involved in the 2008 Georgia Bigfoot hoax - is now stating that the 'truth will be told' on August 15th...the anniversary of his 2008 stunt. He now claims that the government took the real Bigfoot body he and his partner had killed and dragged out of the woods and that they were forced to perpetuate the hoax. He also has a few choice words for the 'Bigfoot community' and some of it's more infamous characters.

If you are unfamiliar with what happened in the Summer of 2008, here are several links to posts I made at the time. It seems Mr. Dyer currently has a bad case of 'selective memory':

Georgia Cop Claims To Have Bigfoot Corpse

Georgia Bigfoot Claim: 'Body Was Accidentally Found'

Press Release: Bigfoot Corpse in Georgia 'Real Deal' - UPDATED: Photos Released!

Legend of Bigfoot: Discovery? Try Hoax

Absurdity in Palo Alto: What's Next, Tom?

Bigfoot Body Confirmed a Fake - Whitton and Dyer Have Fled - Biscardi Claims No Knowledge of Scam

Video: Bigfoot Hoaxers Implicate Biscardi and Others in Fraud

The Big Picture: Bigfoot Hoax Could Have Netted $2 Million

Georgia Bigfoot Scam: Steve Kulls Releases Disclosure On Biscardi's Involvement

Indiana Man Who Brokered Bigfoot Deal Was Friend of Biscardi

Press Release: Georgia Bigfoot Hoax Body on eBay

Georgia Bigfoot Hoaxer Wants His Police Officer Job Reinstated

Blame For 'Georgia Bigfoot Hoax' Placed On Biscardi


Woman who can't stop eating her late husband's ashes

We've met the lady who eats dryer cloths, the teddy bear mother and the woman with 24-inch nails. There was even an adult baby who sleeps in a cot and wears diapers.

TLC's reality TV show, My Strange Addiction, takes a look into the less-than-orthodox compulsive habits of some interesting characters. And, true to form, it has delivered some colourful tales in its second series run.

Saving the best for last, the series finale, last night, featured a woman who is so close to the memory of her late husband that she eats his ashes.

26-year-old Casie, who was widowed just two months before filming the show, is unable to stop herself from dipping her finger into her husband's urn of ashes and taking a lick of the grey dust.

She says she first tasted the remains of her husband, Shawn, when she transferred the ashes from a temporary cardboard box into a special memorial urn.

'Some of it spilled out on my hands. I didn't want to just wipe him away, so I just licked it off my fingers.

'And here I am today, almost two months later and I can't stop.'

Shawn died from a sudden and severe asthma attack. The couple married in 2009 after Casie found 'all she ever wanted in a man.'

The programme shows the distraught Casie carrying the urn full of ashes - an unwieldy black box - everywhere she goes. She takes 'him' to the cinema, to the shops and to restaurants.

'I take my husband everywhere. To the grocery store, out shopping...When I go grocery shopping, I buy the things that he likes.'

At home, she tailors her domestic chores to suit Shawn's tastes. - dailymail


SETI back in business

Astronomers at the cash-strapped SETI Institute are poised to resume the quest for extraterrestrial life, after raising more than $200,000 to restart a key array of telescopes.

The institute was forced to put the hunt on hold in April, after cash-strapped governments decided they could no longer afford to pay the interstellar phone bill. To raise the required money, SETI turned to crowdsourcing: It unveiled the SETIStars.org website in June and independently raised the $204,129 needed to restart the Allen Telescope Array.

"Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our goal of getting the ATA back online!" reads a note posted to the SETI website. "Stay tuned for updates. We are discovering more Earth-like planets every day, so now is more critical than ever to look for extraterrestrial life."

In April, astronomers at the SETI Institute said a steep drop in state and federal funds has forced the shutdown of the Allen array, a powerful tool in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

"There's plenty of cosmic real estate that looks promising," Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the institute, said at the time. "We've lost the instrument that's best for zeroing in on these better targets."

The 42 radio dishes that make it up had scanned deep space since 2007 for signals from alien civilizations while also conducting research into the structure and origin of the universe. The $50 million array was built by SETI and UC Berkeley with the help of a $30 million donation from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

The quest for funding isn't over yet, however. Operating the dishes cost about $1.5 million a year, mostly to pay for the staff of eight to 10 researchers and technicians to operate the facility. An additional $1 million a year was needed to collect and sift the data from the dishes.

The Institute is looking for other source of money for the $2.5 million it requires annually to operate.

The SETI Institute was founded in 1984 and has received funding from NASA, the National Science Foundation and several other federal programs and private foundations. It uses other tools in the quest for alien life, such as a dish at Arecibo in Puerto Rico, the largest radio telescope in the world.

The difference, Shostak said, was that SETI researchers can point the Arecibo telescope at selected sites in space for only about two weeks a year.

While the telescope in Northern California is not as powerful, it could be devoted to the search year-round.

"It has the advantage that you can point it where you want to point it and you can keep pointing it in that direction for as long as we want it to," Shostak said.

The dishes also are unique in the ability to probe for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations while gathering more general scientific data.

"That made the telescope a double-barreled threat," said Leo Blitz, a professor of astronomy at UC Berkeley and former director of the observatory that includes the Allen Telescope Array. - foxnews


Graves of plantation slaves unearthed as drought empties water from Texas reservoir

One of the worst droughts in Texas history has unearthed a chilling discovery, a graveyard for freed slaves..

While the heat may be taking a toll on crops, livestock and people's livelihoods, it has helped archaeologists to reveal a small piece of American history.

Two graves have been uncovered that are believed to have been buried for more than a century.

'This grave was actually uncovered by erosion from the water,' Sgt. Hank Bailey of the Navarro County Sheriff's Office.

'It was several feet deep years and years ago.'

Cemeteries were marked and moved before the Richland Chambers Reservoir in Navarro County, Texas, was filled in the 1980s, but this small cemetery without tombstones went unnoticed.

Human remains were initially discovered in 2009 by boaters when the water level was low, but the water rose quickly and archaeologists and historians have been waiting ever since for the reservoir to reveal the cemetery again.

Bruce McManus, chairman of the Navarro County Historical Commission, said: 'It's not one of the great finds of history, but it's important to us on a local level.

'It's one of the lost cemeteries we've been looking for.'

The remains that have been found will be reburied elsewhere, ABC News reports.

For now, investigators are keeping the cemetery's location a secret because they are afraid of looters. The discovery of the graves comes after a piece of debris from the doomed space shuttle Columbia was found in a Texas lake.

Drought caused the water levels to recede, exposing the relic eight years after it fell to Earth.

Nasa confirmed today that the object found in Lake Nacogdoches was part of Columbia’s power reactant and storage distribution system, which held the cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen necessary for the vehicle’s fuel cells to produce electricity in space.

The record heat is not only adding to the local history books, but also to the stress placed on energy providers.

The electrical grid is under so much stress that companies are bringing old power stations back to life.

'We are setting all-time peak records three days in a row,' said Luminant spokesman, Scott Diermann.

'We've never had that happen before.'

Texas is not alone. Four of the eight largest power grid operators in the U.S. and Canada have set all-time records over the last two weeks.

In Dallas, the heat is supposed to keep on coming.

Forecasters predict Dallas will see triple-digit temperatures for at least another week. - dailymail