; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, juillet 04, 2011

Just the Facts? - Sea Monster Lives in Fjord, Mountain Critters and Dead Mother Found Alive

Diver Claims Sea Monster Lives In Icelandic Fjord

A diver conducting an investigation of Geirþjófsfjörður believes he may have found evidence of a sea monster living in the fjord.

Árni Kópsson told Vísir that he sent a deep sea camera into the bottom of the fjord to record what may be in one of the craters recently found there by the Marine Research Institute a few years ago. Apart from fish and shrimp, Árni says he saw something else.

"There was some kind of creature that you couldn't see really well," he said. "Something that was quick to make itself scarce when you got near it."

Þorvaldur Friðriksson, an expert in monsters, who accompanied the trip, says that the purpose of the investigation was to gather evidence for sea monsters in the area. Þorvaldur has collected monster stories from all over the region, which is famously rife with tales of sea monsters.

Not all of these stories are very old, he says. In fact, there have been recent sightings made in the Arnarfjörður area, which is where Geirþjófsfjörður is located.

Þorvaldur considers it likely that at least one sea monster lives in the craters. The craters themselves are about ten to fifteen metres deep, and are located about one hundred metres beneath the surface of the water.

Guðrún Helgadóttir, a geologist at the Marine Research Institute, said that such craters are common around the country. The usual cause of them, she says, is the release of some kind of current or gas. When asked for her thoughts on the theory that the craters at the bottom of Geirþjófsfjörður were created by a sea monster, she responded, "That is of course a very fun explanation."
The Grapevine has also learned a bit about sea monsters in the Arnarfjörður area, where a museum devoted to them is located. - grapevine


Mountain Critters?

A few interesting videos from Arizona and Peru....are these mountain goats, trash blowing about or possibly alien?

Click for video

Click for video

There are other videos posted at

Sheilaaliens writes: I recently found on youtube the channel belonging to GCEPERU. This person lives in Peru near a mountain and films strange beings flying around and living on the mountain (daytime footage) near their home. I believe these are the same type of beings living on Mt. Lemmon here in Tucson, Arizona.

I see these things well at night with my Sony HandyCam using the NightShot feature. However, since it is not HD, it can't see far distances in great detail and therefor [sic] does not pick up these things on the mountain during the day.

Last year, I was able to borrow a friend's HD camera and did successfully film these creatures on the mountain.

I will first show you my footage, then the footage from GCEPERU followed by a side by side comparison of the two.


Shangaan People Claim Aliens Responsible for White Lions of Timbavati

In the heart of Africa, within the Kruger National Park in South Africa is a private game reserve called Timbavati.

Timbavati is the home of many of South Africa’s greatest animals, but it is most well known for a one of the rarest creatures of all – the white lion.

The folklore of the local Shangaan people have for hundreds of years spoken of how these creatures came to be.

Four hundred odd years ago there lived a mighty queen. Not only was she queen, but also a great spiritual person and the Rain Queen of her people. She was known as Queen Numbi, the ugly.

Although ugly in appearance, her people loved and respected her and when illness struck, feared for her life.

According to legend, Numbi’s legs and stomach swelled up and she was running a fever. Modern medicine tells us that this could have been a condition called ‘Elephantitis’ which could have been caused by Malaria.

As Queen Numbi got closer and closer to death, her people prayed to the ancestral spirits for help and healing. For months nothing happened and Queen Numbi got worse.

One day, when Queen Numbi was extremely close to death and her followers were at their wit’s end, night fell and the stars started appearing.

Suddenly one star grew bigger than the rest. As the people gazed upwards, the star got closer and closer. It is said that the animals in the bush started making a huge noise when the star got near.

People started shouting:

“Timbi le!”, “It has come down!”

“Timbi le vaa ti!”, “It has come down to the ground!”

Slowly the bright light floated down before touching down not far from the hut of the great Queen.

With her servants helping her, Queen Numbi was helped out of her hut and saw the bright light illuminating the whole area. She knew exactly what to do.

Slowly the Queen made her way across the field and made her way towards the glowing ball. As her people watched, she got closer and closer before being swallowed up by the light.

In the light, the people could see shapes. They could make out small, strange beings with large heads welcoming Queen Numbi.

After several hours Queen Numbi was seen to emerge from the sphere. As she walked towards her people, they saw that she had not only been healed, but also appeared much younger!

The star stayed on the ground for several days before it slowly rose back into the air and disappeared from view.

It is said by the Shangaan people that it was from that day that strange things were noticed in the area.

Cattle were being born with two heads, antelope were born with deformed limbs and lion, leopard and impala were born with snow white fur and green/blue eyes.

It was even said that a snow white elephant with beautiful blue eyes roamed the area before being shot by white hunters.

To this very day, lions and some other animals are born in the area that have snow white fur and blue eyes. They are called ‘The White Lions of Timbavati’.

African tribal elders call the White Lions, the ‘Son’s of the Sun God’ and are revered as the most sacred animal. The are seen as messengers of the gods and represent balance and order. Some say that when the White Lions are born, the earth is about to undergo massive changes.

Within the Timbavati Reserve you can also find a ring of stones.

It is said that some years after the time of Queen Numbi, a tribe arrived from Zimbabwe bringing sacred stones with them.

On hearing of the story and wishing to honour the strange visitors and Queen Numbi, they created a ring of standing stones using their sacred stones.

These stones have an unusual quality. When struck they resonate like a bell. Some local people call it “The Place of the Singing Stones”.

Another place of interest lies close to Timbavati. It is called “Manyeleti” which means “Gateway to the Stars” and is home to a number of indigenous shamans. According to these shamans, Manyeleti is the place that binds heaven and earth.

Did aliens visit and heal Queen Numbi all those centuries ago? Did the radiation from their craft cause the genetic variations in the lions we see to this very day?

Whatever the truth, today we are awed by the beauty of the White Lions of Timbavati. - strangenewsdaily


Man Burns Son for Touching His Bible

A 25-year-old Chandler, AZ man accused of burning his son's hand and wrist because the child touched his Bible was booked Sunday on suspicion of child abuse, police said.

Johnny Salazar was taking care of his two sons, ages 2 and 5 this weekend on the 800 Block of East Flint Street, police said. He shares custody of the boys with their mother, who lives in Casa Grande. Both Salazar and the boys' mother live with their own parents.

Sunday, Salazar's parents returned from church and noticed the red blistering on the wrist and hand of the 5-year-old, and asked Salazar what happened, said Chandler Police Sgt. Joe Favazzo.

Salazar told his parents he used a cigarette lighter to burn his son's hand and the back of his wrist, Favazzo said.

"The boy was touching his Bible and he thought the boy may be possessed," Favazzo said.

The boy told his grandmother, "well dad burned me for touching his Bible."

Salazar was talking gibberish and not making sense, Favazzo said.

He picked up the 2-year-old, went to his car and drove off, Favazzo said. He returned within a half hour.

"The children are with their mother," Favazzo said, adding the burn did not require medical attention. "They are safe." - azcentral


WTF? Mother Buried 15 Years Ago Found Alive in Florida

When Grace Kivisto buried her mother 15 years ago, I doubt she ever dreamt this day would come. You see, Grace's mom, Lula Cora, left the then 15-year-old Grace in 1970 after a family fight and never returned home to her 14 children. In 1996, investigators found human remains buried in family's backyard, and assumed it was the missing mother. DNA evidence wasn't that sophisticated back then, so no testing was done.

I think you see where this is going. Two years ago, Grace offered up her mother's bones from the backyard to investigators to test the DNA, since the technology is decidedly much better now than it was in 1996.

Yesterday, Grace got a call that the bones were not her mother's, and that her mom is alive and well, and living in Florida. Yup.

Could you imagine? So Grace was gardening yesterday when a detective came by to explain that the remains weren't her mother's and that after a quick online search for Lula Cora Hood, they found out that the now 84-year-old Hood was kicking it in Jacksonville, Florida.

Grace told Galesburg, Illinois news station WQAD that she was surprised by her tears after all these years, and that she can't wait to see her mother.

I'm not sure how I would react if my mother disappeared, was later found in pieces in my backyard, then wasn't found in pieces in my backyard, and then was found living in Florida. I think I'd be pretty pissed. Hard to say, but I guess I'd want to meet her again for the first time to maybe get some answers.

Grace says she's planning a trip to Florida as soon as possible, but if I were her, I'd want to do some double checking before I book a ticket. Lula Cora seems rather squirrely, so who knows where she is. The story is both heartwarming and confusing, but one thing's for sure: It's a Fourth of July weekend miracle!

Oh, and no one yet knows whose remains were found ... guess that's a story for another time, folks - thestir