; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, juillet 21, 2011

Just the Facts? - Cape May Alien Visitation, Leopard Mauls Six and Monster Gator Killer In Trouble

Recent alien visitation - Cape May, New Jersey

My wife and I were on a short vacation in Cape May, New Jersey this past weekend. We were staying at a B&B on Beach Ave. with a view of the sea.

I was asleep when I was awakened by something. I opened my eyes and saw two beings standing at the foot of the bed. It was dark, but there was adequate light coming in from the street for me to see them very clearly. I estimate that they were between 4.5-5 feet tall because I could only see them from the waist up. They were identical in every way. They were wearing black or dark green, form-fitting outfits that resembled scuba diving dry suits. These included snug hoods that extended from the back of their necks over top of their skulls. On their upper chests was a rectangular, gold or bronze colored plate about 6x4 inches with two rows of inscribed symbols or buttons on them. It resembled an instrument touchpad of some sort.

They were no more than six feet from my face and they were both staring right at me. It was a cool, appraising look. It's the look a cat might give you.

Their crania were very large, perhaps twice as large as a man's. But it was their faces that really got me. They had huge, wraparound, black eyes set above high cheekbones. Their skin appeared coppery or orange in color. I couldn't detect a well defined mouth or nose, but along the rim of their jaws and down to their chins were some kind of organ-like structures. Gills? Mandibles? Not sure. I couldn't see their hands, so I can't say how many digits they had.

As I say, I had a very clear view of them. When I realized that this was not a dream I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better view. Strange, but I felt no fear. I was about to say something, when I got this very clear thought, "Something is wrong. He sees us." I suddenly became extremely sleepy. I tried to fight the urge to lie back down, but it was no use. I felt my eyes closing and that was it. The next thing I knew it was morning and I was awakened by the sunlight streaming in through the balcony door. Once she was awake I asked my wife how she had slept and she said it was the best night’s sleep she’d had in a while. No dreams.

This isn't the first time in my life that I've had what could be called nocturnal visitations. As a child and teenager they were very frequent. And often terrifying. As an adult they tapered off to the point where I chalked up my youthful experiences to dreams, hormones, flights of fancy, etc. I had even stopped thinking about them. But this is the first time as an adult that I had such a clear and unambiguous sighting of these creatures.

If one thing stands out, it's the sense of almost military precision and discipline that I got from them. It's hard to explain, but I got the feeling that these were no-nonsense 'men' who had a job to do and followed orders to the letter. They were not there to be my friend or to tell me any of the universe's secrets. They were under orders and would no sooner go against them than would one of our Navy Seals. And one last thing, they were supremely confident and felt not the slightest fear towards me. I am absolutely sure of that. - MUFON CMS


Texas teen kills a 'so-called' chupacabra (actually, it's a Blue Dog)

A Texas teenager has shot a strange animal he believes may be a chupacabra.

Carter Pope, 13, said he woke up Sunday at his home in La Salle and saw a strange animal walking across his backyard.

"Something slowly came across and started shaking, slowly moving across," Carter said. "It was gray, no hair at all. I thought that's a chupacabra."

Carter said he ran to his parents' room to wake up his dad to come see what he had discovered.

"I thought I'm dreaming or this kid is crazy," said Carter's father, Will. "Probably a little bit of both."

Will Pope said when he went outside with his son, he was amazed at the strange creature.

Carter said it was about 200 feet away when he fired three shots before the animal stopped moving.

Some believe a chupacabra is an animal that sucks the blood of livestock. It's a strange-looking thing with barely any hair. For many, it is a thing of legends. Some wildlife biologists believe it is a sick coyote or other wild animal.

Carter said he took hair and skin samples to get tested to put an end to the mystery once and for all. - woai


Leopard mauls six in India

A wild leopard has mauled six people after it strayed into an Indian village in an attack that was caught on camera. The big cat pounced on a forest guard at Prakash Nagar village in West Bengal. Another man and a local woman were also among those attacked in the densely-populated slum village which is home to about 3,000 people.

Terrified villagers climbed on to roofs to escape and watched on in horror as forest guards tried to fight off the animal with their weapons. Wildlife officers tried unsuccessfully several times to tranquillise the feline during the frenzied attack.

And just as forest officials thought the attack was over when the animal took refuge in a bush, it quickly re-emerged again and attacked three policemen. A wildlife official said the big cat was startled by the hundreds of curious and frightened onlookers.

LiveLeak video link

Kanchan Banerjee, a forest ranger from the Sukna Wildlife Range, said: "With the villagers trying to chase it, it tried to flee and injured five villagers in the process." He said one forest guard was critically injured while others were not so seriously hurt. The leopard was eventually shot and tied up before being taken to a nearby veterinary clinic where it later died.

NOTE: I really hate to see these beautiful creatures killed...Lon


Update: Monster-gator killers face charges of illegal hunting

Dallas attorney Levi McCathern II is likely not smiling so widely now.

McCathern, 42, a former Baptist minister whose website says he’s represented Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys in court, became something of a celebrity in his own right after claiming that he shot a 14-foot, 880-pound alligator on his first reptile hunt June 11.

Photos of him posing next to the beast along the Trinity River in Leon County were flashed on television, carried by newspapers and bounced around the Internet.

Turns out the alligator was actually 13 feet 1 inch and was no record as asserted.

Worse, arrest warrants were issued Wednesday for McCathern and his three guides for illegally hunting the big gator and an 8-footer on private property, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department officials said.

The four were expected to turn themselves in Wednesday at the Leon County Sheriff’s Department in Centerville, about 145 miles southeast of Fort Worth, department spokesman Mike Cox said in a news release.

However, McCathern’s attorney said that he was out of state on a scheduled family vacation and that the Leon County attorney has been informed. The attorney, George Milner III of Dallas, said his client will fight the charge, saying he understood that the guides had permission to be on the land to hunt.

“I can tell you he will be acquitted,” Milner said.

Moreover, McCathern performed a public service, his lawyer asserted.

“As big as this alligator was, they should have given him a medal,” Milner said.

One of the guides, Steve Barclay, insisted in a brief telephone interview that the landowner had given his OK.

“We did in fact have permission to kill alligators on that land,” Barclay said.

Taking wildlife without a landowner’s consent is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $4,000, a one-year jail sentence or both. The department will also seek more than $5,000 in restitution for the two alligators, the release said.

Both gators have been seized by authorities.

Game wardens in Leon and Houston counties began the investigation when an unidentified property owner reported that a large alligator had been killed without his permission on his land on the Trinity River. A smaller gator was taken on his property the day before.

McCathern said in at least one interview that his 14-year-old son had killed an alligator the day before he did. Cox said that earlier shooting is still under investigation.

The lawyer’s guides were identified by Parks and Wildlife as Barclay, 47; Sam Lovell, 56; and Ryan Burton, 21. Barclay and Lovell operate a Kennard-based hunting-guide service called the Gar Guys.

It’s not clear whether McCathern will represent himself on the misdemeanor charge.

His website boasts that he “has enjoyed unusual success in the historically more liberal courts of the northern and eastern parts of Texas. … His strength is the same in and out of the courtroom — relating to all people, from janitors to CEOs, on their level.”

It’s not the first time that Barclay, Lovell and a client faced an alligator-hunting misdemeanor in Leon County.

In 2007, a charge over the shooting of a 13-foot gator was dismissed “for lack of evidence,” Leon County Attorney Jim Witt told Texas Fish & Game magazine. Witt is still the county attorney and handles such misdemeanor case. - star-telegram


NEWS CORPse: Death of hacking whistleblower 'not suspicious'

The death of Sean Hoare, a former News of the World journalist and whistleblower on the escalating phonehacking scandal, was "not suspicious" and involved no third party, police said a postmortem showed Tuesday.

The post-mortem carried out on 47-year-old Hoare, who was found dead at his home on Monday, revealed there was "no evidence" that anyone else was involved in the death.

A toxicology report is expected within weeks.

Hoare's body was discovered at his home in Watford, a suburb north of the British capital, less than a year after he became the first named journalist to allege that onetime editor Andy Coulson knew about hacking at the tabloid.

Hoare was reportedly battling drink and drug addiction from his years as a high-rolling show business reporter searching for scoops on the London party circuit.

He first alleged in interviews with the New York Times and the BBC last year that Coulson, who edited the News of the World from 2003 to 2007 and went on to become Prime Minister David Cameron's communications chief, knew about voice mail hacking.

"It was endemic. It happened," Hoare said of phonehacking, in an interview with the BBC in March.

"People were scared. If you've got to get a story, you've got to get it, and you have to get that by whatever means. That is the culture at News International," he said.

News International is the British newspaper publishing arm of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. global media empire, which owned the News of the World but shut it down earlier this month.

Hoare's claims were passed to Scotland Yard last year, but they said he declined to give evidence.

Coulson has since been arrested over allegations of phone-hacking and bribing police.

Just a week ago, Hoare made new allegations in the New York Times about journalists making payments to the police, and about the use of "pinging," the illegal use of mobile phone signals to locate people.

Hoare's drink and drug problems led to his dismissal from the News of the World in 2005, British media reported. - calagaryherald