; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, mai 11, 2011

Pacific, Missouri: UFO / Military Air Battle and Flying Humanoids

MUFON CMS - Pacific, Missouri - May 7, 2011 - unedited: My girlfriend and I saw at least 20 UFO's over Pacific MO at 11pm May 7th. We saw them fly in straight lines and would turn unlike any aircraft I have ever seen.

They would be moving slow and them stop and then just dart.

We also saw one fly right over our house and when it got above us it glowed a bright white. We also saw some kind of aircraft chasing a few of them and even what looked like the aircraft was shooting at it. I saw flashes from the plane in the direction of the UFO.

This lasted maybe 30 seconds then the plane flew off. You could see the difference between the UFO's and the planes. We saw many of aircraft fly around the area for quite some time during and after the event.

We had at least 5 other people that saw this as well. This took place right around the big dipper at 11pm. I watched the sky till 1am and I would see a UFO every now and again. Please contact for more info. Thanks.


Human Adult-Sized Flying Cryptid Near Pacific, Missouri

This email was forwarded to me on October 26, 2009:

We were in Pacific, MO, tonight around 11:30 PM and noticed a massive flying creature, not once but three times. My son even noticed it on his own the third time. We were near a large cliff/mountain with some type of cave openings. We don't live in the area, I can say for sure we turned onto a road called Viaduct Road, went past a fire station and continued on for about 1 mile before we first noticed it. It was brownish/grey and the body portion was at least the size of a large adult human. This creature was tracking us - in a circle pattern. We were driving an Escalade with the blue color headlights and this may have cause interest in us. The third time around we viewed it in front of the vehicle, around the driver side and around towards the rear of the vehicle. The factory tinted windows did help it vanish into the sky from out point of view.

Please understand when we could see it the range must have been about 150 feet in the air, not more than 250 feet. The distance was never less than 100 yards, often much greater. We were going about 35- 45 MPH. I have never thought of anything like this in my life! It is 3:33 AM and my son and myself are wide awake in a hotel, 17 miles away from the place we first noticed the creature. Please notify me if you become aware of similar sightings. Thanks.

NOTE: Honestly, I think both of these accounts were written by the same person...similar style of writing in both accounts. If anyone has any knowledge on the witnesses or information on these sightings, please feel free to contact me. BTW, this location is very close to the infamous Zombie Road near Glencoe, Missouri...Lon