; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, mai 18, 2011

Fortean / Alternative News: Winged Man Saves Boy, Monster Snake and the 'Anguished Man' Update

"....the man with the wings put me here"

You've seen and heart about the devastating storms that ripped through parts of Alabama last month. One group from Grace Point Church on the northwest side decided to try to make a difference. Seven students and three adults squeezed into three cars with what supplies they could pack and decided to make a trip of mercy.

While the pictures from Alabama say a lot. They only tell half the story. This group of students from Clark and Marshall high schools, Antonian, University of the Incarnate Word and San Antonio College got together for our camera.

They recounted what they saw and help they offered in just two and a half days in central Alabama. One of the first places they went was Pleasant Grove...near Birmingham. An unforgettable sight.

Antonian student Lexi Nudelman told us, "Just stuff everywhere. And it looked like a entire different planet. To be honest, it looked like what I can imagine hell looking like."

She's been on a number of missions abroad in third world countries. But this was different. She may have thought it looked like hell...that is until she heard this story from a fireman who rescued a boy in a ice chest stuck in a tree.

Lexi said, "he asked the little boy how did you get up here, because he was in such a weird place. And he said the man with the wings put me here."

They all agree, the people they helped still stay on their minds. Like a woman named Jody they stopped to help find pictures of her family in the rubble.

Another of the students, Kara Jarzombek, from Clark high school, said, "it makes it so much more personal and so much more heartbreaking because we know these people, we prayed with these people and it changes thing."

It changed all them so much they wanted to stay longer, but they had to come back. The 13 hour trip gave them time to reflect.

Cameron McCullers, a Clark student, admitted "it's the simple things that we take for granted that these people in Alabama do not have anymore. It's just a real eye opener." - woai


SETI Search for E.T. Targets Potentially Earth-Like Planets

space - A new survey is under way to search for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life, but this one has a twist: Instead of listening for alien signals from anywhere in the sky, scientists are aiming radio telescopes at the alien planets most likely to be like our own Earth.

The new search, which began last week, is scanning 86 alien worlds for radio signals that could suggest the presence of an advanced civilization. The extrasolar planets are thought to be the most Earth-like of the 1,235 candidate planets discovered so far by NASA's prolific Kepler space observatory.

"We’ve picked out the planets with nice temperatures — between zero and 100 degrees Celsius [32 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit] — because they are a lot more likely to harbor life," said physicist Dan Werthimer of the University of California, Berkeley, in a statement.

This new SETI search is not part of the SETI Institute, which has long served as the Earth's ears for any signals from intelligent aliens. Earlier this month, the Institute announced it was placing its primary listening station - a network of radio telescopes called the Allen Array -- in hibernation due to funding problems.

The new search, led by Berkeley astronomers, uses the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, the largest steerable radio telescope in the world. On May 8, researchers kicked off the survey by pointing the instrument at eight Kepler planets for a total of an hour.

Once they've scanned all 86 promising alien planets, the researchers will do a quick, coarse analysis of the data. Then, in about two months, they'll hand the observations off to an estimated 1 million amateurs working with the SETI@home project (SETI stands for "Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.")

SETI@home harnesses the power of many interconnected home computers, using them as a sort of supercomputer to analyze mountains of data.

The 86 planets of interest include all 54 identified by Kepler that seem to orbit in the "habitable zone" of their parent stars — the just-right range of distances that should allow liquid water to exist. Technically, they and the other Kepler planets remain "candidates," which await confirmation by follow-up observations. But at least 80 percent of them should pan out, NASA officials have said.

The new survey is perhaps the most focused effort in a longstanding search for alien radio signals.

Astronomers have been scanning the heavens for decades with a variety of instruments, including the Arecibo observatory in Puerto Rico and California's Allen Telescope Array, which went into "hibernation" last month due to lack of funding.

While none of these efforts have turned up any evidence of intelligent aliens, the sheer number of planets out there helps inspire researchers to keep looking.

"If you extrapolate from the Kepler data, there could be 50 billion planets in the galaxy," Werthimer said. "It’s really exciting to be able to look at this first batch of Earth-like planets."


Moscow police arrest liver-eating cannibal

Police in the Russian capital have arrested a man who dismembered an acquaintance and kept him in his fridge, eating the liver, police said.

Nikolai Shadrin was arrested after police located the apartment where he killed a 40-year-old Muscovite, named as Ilya Yegorov, in early May.

"During the search of the apartment, tools used to dismember the victim and a human liver were found. Shadrin confessed to the crime and to having eaten part of his friend's liver," the Investigative Committee said in a statement.

Yegorov was killed on May 2, and police found human body parts, including feet, a hand, and part of a shoulder, in the Moscow river and various basements in western Moscow, said Aleksei Saveliev of Moscow's western district police.

At the time of his arrest, Shadrin was eating a stew of human liver, Saveliev said, according to RIA Novosti agency.

The cannibal broke up the body with a small digging shovel and "was identified by his fingerprints."

Shadrin has been a patient in a psychiatric asylum, investigators said. - news.com.au


'The Anguished Man' Update

Received email today: Hi, I've recorded some more footage of The Anguished Man if you are interested. It is probably the best footage I have recorded so far. I set the camera up again and recorded for four hours over five consecutive nights. I recorded between 1 a.m and 5 a.m because this is when the activity seemed to be more prevalent. I recorded several strange whispering noises and other unexplainable sounds. I also recorded what appears to be something moving in front of the camera. I have no explanation for the events in this video. Thanks - Sean Robinson

'The Anguished Man' Update Video


Huge Snake Spotted Near Morganza, Louisiana

A snapshot of what is being called the “Morganza Snake” has been making it’s rounds on Facebook causing an uproar as people argue whether it is “real” or “fake.” We have heard from all the city and government officials that with the opening of the Morganza Spillway, that we may see animals (snakes, gators, bears, deer, hogs) in places that we don’t normally see them as they seek higher ground from the water pouring into areas designated to relieve the swelling Mississippi.

Here in the studio, we have determined that this photo-that originated from user ‘capelloamy’ on WAFB’s official website–has a few things that just don’t add up.

The snake is easily 20 ft. long and we can’t think of a species of snake in Louisiana that gets to that size.
Someone noticed that some of the plants in the background aren’t common in Louisiana.
Why would a snake of any size be traveling so close to the road?

But, we aren’t experts, and we are torn, so please tell us … Real or Fake??? - 1079ishot