; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, mars 15, 2011

Fortean / Alternative News: Japan UFOs, Fake Radiation Text Message and Luminous Object Over Mexico

UFO sightings over Japan predicted in secret British alien report files

Confirmed reports of UFOs “hovering” and thousands of “flashing lights” over the epicenter of Friday’s main earthquake in Japan – located off Miyagi Prefecture, about 230 miles northeast of Tokyo – and UFO’s spotted near Osaka and Yokohama, are predicted in the recent British government release of 8,500 pages of secret unidentified flying object (UFO) reports that point to 60 years of UFO sightings “during times of world crisis.”

According to Japan’s Kyodo News Agency and other Japanese media, there’s been hundreds and upwards of “thousands of UFO sightings” over the country since Friday’s 8.9 magnitude earthquake. Also, video footage from the news channel NHK World English and personal videos show a UFO speeding with bright lights in the sky and then skimming over the Pacific near the quake zones in Japan. The UFO sighting videos have been show on regional TV and the Internet since Friday, with the world UFO community noting “strange light trails following the UFO’s over Japan.”

Moreover, a rare air defense video from Japan shows a new UFO flying over the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Regan early Monday morning, as the carrier and accompanying guided-missile cruiser and destroyer ships arrived off Japan’s coast to help with disaster response.

Here at Bray’s Point – a popular location for viewing UFOs by the local Oregon “watcher” group – there’s more or less calm along the stretch of coastline that was slammed on Friday with massive Tsunami waves.

Famed UFO author and “watcher” Jacqueline Estrella and her daughter Marie surveyed the Bray’s Point beach on Sunday afternoon looking for the usual Japanese fishing floats and other debris that she said “is common after a major storm.”

“You look directly out across the Pacific and if you were traveling by, say any vast amount of speed, would find yourself in Japan because it directly across the sea from us. I told Marie that you wonder what our friends up in the sky are doing right now over there and here for that matter. It’s a wonder, and a great time to be alive if you believe,” Estrella added with a big grin.

This story is number two in an occasional series of reports about what the secret British UFO files contain, and what new information these documents reveal.

Secret UFO files point to world disasters and sightings

The British government’s massive hoard of secret UFO files – that basically confirms that we are not alone and UFO’s and alien life of some sort has been visiting Earth since there was a human being here – also points to startling record keeping that links major world calamities to what one secret file calls as “startling increases in UFOs.”

The British UFO files also tap into U.S. Freedom of Information Act files – per the Brits cross referenced their UFO findings with yet to be released secret American government reports on UFO sightings – and mention a “Federal Bureau of Investigation of the late Dr. Josef Allen Hynek.”

The British files are vague when it comes to Hynek, a famed American UFO hunter and an icon in the world history of UFOs and alien life on Earth. Still, the files try and explain why Hynek – an astronomer and physicist – was a consultant to the American Defense Department for nearly 15 years, and also served as the founder for the “Center for UFO Studies” that’s longed reported secret UFO findings to both the U.S. government, its allies and even the United Nations.

The British UFO reports link Hynek’s studies on “world disasters” and why UFO sightings increase. For instance, there’s been hundreds of Japanese media reports over the past several days about UFOs in the skies over those Japanese cities that have been hit hard by the earthquake and the resulting Tsunami.

Hynek, former chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University, and director of the Lindheimer Astronomical Research Center, was a somewhat strange sort of fellow, as this reporter remembers during a 1977 interview that I had with Hynek when reporting my first Air Force UFO story.

Now, some 33 years later, this reporter notes a 1977 memo -- in the newly released secret British UFO files -- where Hynek gave a report to a congressional House subcommitte on the “historically significant ties to UFOs and disasters” in both the U.S. and other parts of the world.

Hynek, it seems, was ahead of his time in efforts to explain why there’s “many more UFO” sightings at a time of crisis, be it a war or an earthquake here on Earth.

British UFO files confirm Lords and Queen knew about it

The overall message from nearly 60 years of the British government keeping secret UFO files away from the public domain, states the London-based newspaper, the Guardian, is “people were kept in the dark and treated as fools when they shared UFO information to the police or government.”

While the matter of UFOs has generally been the subject of ridicule, the British government, in releasing their “secrets” after nearly 60 years – during the official release on March 3 – have, said one prominent spokesperson in their government – “let the people of Great Britain down” by allowing so much to be kept secret for so very long.

Meanwhile, the Guardian and other British media have come down hard on the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) for calling people “nuters” who reported UFO’s while the country’s top aristocrats, the famed House of Lords and even the Queen of England, had knowledge of the secret UFO files.

Within the previously classified files – that contain more than 8,500 files, with some available to the public and others “on hold” for various security reasons – there is the startling admission by the MoD that “this UFO phenomenon had been discussed at the highest levels of government worldwide, and in 1979 the House of Lords held Parliament’s first (as far as we know) full debate among lawmakers on the subject.”

The subject of course was tens of thousands of confirmed UFO sightings by British police, government officials, members of the Royal Air Force and a host of others that the House of Lords deemed “credible” and “above reproach.”

Simply put, said one British media analyst after the MoD admission that it kept these UFO findings secret for more than 60 years, “they blew it.”

At the same time, it may be lost on those who don’t understand Britain’s government system where it’s House of Lords is made up of people who have inherited family titles and those who have been given titles because of their vast financial and property holdings as well as being linked in some way to the Royal Family.

There are 675 members of the House of Lords – some of the most highly educated people in the world – who, for whatever reasons, kept secret UFO briefings and discussions secret to the world since their formal review of the subject matter in 1979.

Moreover, the main job of the House of Lords is to “double check” the governments laws to “make sure they’re correct and will work.”

Also, the Queen of England is the official Head of State and is “briefed on all House of Lords actions,” states a talking paper on how the British Parliament works.

While the Queen herself plays no part in determining decisions made in Parliament, the talking paper notes that “the Queen is keenly aware of what the House of Lords and other government agencies are doing.”

Another startling revelation that’s revealed in the recent release of secret United Kingdom UFO files, is a “fascination with America’s September 11 terrorists attacks in 2001,” stated a recent review of the reports in various British media broadcasts.

While the British UFO files are sketchy, there is a mention that “15 unidentified aircraft (UFOs) were detected on radar approaching the United Kingdom on the actual day of 9/11.”


Horror filmmaker arrested for keeping his mother's dead body

azstarnet - A Tombstone man was arrested Wednesday after authorities found the decomposed body of a woman believed to be his mother inside her home.

The Tombstone Marshal's Office received a call Wednesday to do a welfare check on Jill Fattig, 68, at her home in Tombstone, said Marshal Billy Cloud.

A deputy went to the home but, when no one answered the door, he went to question the woman's son, Timothy Fattig.

Fattig, 34, told the deputy that his mother was at a hospital in Tucson. When the deputy found this was not the case, he went back to Fattig, who eventually told him his mother had died about a year go.

After obtaining a search warrant, deputies found the skeletal remains of a woman inside Jill Fattig's home, Cloud said.

Timothy Fattig was arrested on suspicion of negligent homicide and booked into the Cochise County Jail on a $40,000 bond.

Fattig told deputies that when he found his mother dead, he was so overcome with grief he never reported her death. Fattig had been telling people around Tombstone for several months that his mother was in a hospital in Tucson, Cloud said.

If an autopsy finds that the woman died of natural causes, any charge against Fattig will likely be downgraded to failure to report a death, a misdemeanor, Cloud said.

Fattig is an author and historian who wrote a biography of Wyatt Earp. His Facebook page says he works for Desert Screams Productions, which focuses on making and producing horror films


Fake 'Radiation' Text Message Panics Millions

BBC - A fake text message warning people that radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant has leaked beyond Japan has been panicking people across Asia.

The SMS message, purporting to come from the BBC, has been circulating around Asian countries since Monday.

It warns people to take necessary precautions against possible effects of radiation.

The BBC has issued no such flash but the hoax has caused particular panic in the Philippines.

Some media reports suggest that workers and school children there were sent home after the rumours began to spread, prompting the Philippines government to issue an official denial.

Disasters such as that currently unfolding in Japan often trigger a rise in scam texts and e-mails intended to fool users into downloading malware or simply to spread panic.

The US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) has told computer users to be wary of potential e-mail scams, as well as fake anti-virus and phishing attacks regarding the Japan earthquake and the tsunami disasters.


BBC Flash news : Japan Government confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants. Asian countries should take necessary precautions. If rain comes, remain indoors first 24 hours. Close doors and windows. Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first. Take extra precautions. Radiation may hit Philippine at around 4 pm today. If it rains today or in the next few days in Hong Kong. Do not go under the rain. If you get caught out, use an umbrella or raincoat, even if it is only a drizzle. Radioactive particles, which may cause burns, alopecia or even cancer, may be in the rain.

"Such scams may contain links or attachments which direct users to phishing or malware-laden sites," it said.

In the Philippines, the Department of Science and Technology has held a press conference to reassure the public that they are safe even if radiation levels in Japan continue to rise.

On Tuesday morning, reactor 2 at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant became the third to explode in four days.

Radiation has reached harmful levels but there is no suggestion that it is affecting anything other than the immediate area.

Officials have extended the danger zone, warning residents within 30km (18 miles) to evacuate or stay indoors.

NOTE: I've already started receiving phishing emails from Japanese email servers. I really hope some of these scammers are caught and hung by their heels...Lon


Lair of the Beasts: Strange Creatures of Sumatra

Nick Redfern has written an informative piece referencing Adam Davies continued search for the Orang-Pendek at Lair of the Beasts: Strange Creatures of Sumatra. You can always find interesting commentary a Nick's site - "There's Something in the Woods" as well as other popular paranormal sites that he contributes to. Nick is also a monthly segment host at Beyond the Edge Radio.


Mexico: Security Camera Captures UFO Over Tulancingo

Source: www.analuisacid.com
Date: 13 March 2011

Mexico: Security Camera Captures UFO over Tulancingo, Hidalgo
By Ana Luisa Cid

On December 5, 2010, Mr. Ezequiel Zeferino Hernández recorded a strange object over the city of Tulancingo. The witness is a C4 security camera operator.

At the end of his work shift, Mr. Hernández went out to the street and was able to see a luminous shape in the night sky. He returned to his office and used the building's security cameras to focus in on the object, noticing that it changed shape as hours went by.

The "Bisemanario Ruta" newspaper published the events, and its editor -- Lic. Juan Antonio Ortiz -- sent me a full video (over 2 hours long) and put me in contact with the original witness. I originally learned of the case from my friend and collaborator Ing. Héctor Pérez.

It should also be noted that -- according to Mr. Hernández -- the UFO was located in the same area where a fireball was recorded last year.

Click for video

(Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana Luisa Cid) - Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - Thanks again Scott!