; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, mars 07, 2011

Fortean / Alternative News: M6 Paranormal Crash Video, Another NC Bigfoot Described and China's Human Organs Mystery

Mystery video - Is this from the M6 paranormal crash?

Click for video

I received a link to this video and the following statement in an email:

My mates have been nagging me to put this footage out we recorded at that weird crash on the M6 that everyone's been talking about. Dino

NOTE: What do you think? Here is the most recent post on the case as well as links to previous related posts...Lon


Source of Organs for Transplants a Mystery in China

theepochtimes - Each year 1.5 million people in China need an organ transplant, but no one wants to donate. This was shown in a recent study reported by the Yangtse Evening Post. After one year, a pilot organ donation program in Nanjing City found zero volunteers.

The Feb. 24 piece in the Post said Nanjing was one of the ten cities chosen for the 2010 pilot because of its rapidly expanding population of 6.3 million. Not only were there no takers last year, but over the past 20 years there were only three voluntary donations, the article said.

Beijing Evening News also reported in August 2009: “According to incomplete statistics, since the first organ donations in 2003, there were only 131 organ donations from those who passed away between 2003 and May, 2009.”

Major Obstacle

The Yangtse Evening Post listed several examples to indicate that the major obstacles to organ donations are caused by traditional Chinese customs and mentality.

One example is a male migrant worker who died last October of a cerebral hemorrhage. The man’s organs were in good condition, but he had not consented to donate them, and the family was unavailable to give consent in time.

Red Cross experts in Jiangsu Province told Yangzi Evening News that with the American model, when applying for a driver’s license one can indicate one’s willingness to donate the body in case of sudden death. But long-held cultural mores make Chinese are unwilling to donate any part of their bodies. Car accidents are particularly taboo: asking questions about death and organ donation before getting a driver’s license is considered unlucky.

Another example raised in the report was a woman from the Yangzhou countryside who became sick and was willing to donate her organs. But her parents firmly opposed it and brought her body back to her hometown.

Source of Organs

According to Chen Shi, director of the Society of Transplantation of China Medical Association, by the end of 2005 China had conducted over 74,000 kidney transplants, over 10,000 liver transplants, and over 4,000 heart transplants.

But there are higher numbers floating around, too. Zheng Shusen, president of First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine and member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said in September 2008 at a conference that, “There have been 140,000 liver transplant recipients that are able to continue with their lives because of receiving liver transplantation, with an increase of 10,000 more transplants done each year.”

Chinese authorities have told different stories about where the organs come from, too. As early as 30 years ago Chinese doctors testified at the United Nations that regime authorities stole the organs of executed prisoners. The Chinese Foreign Ministry denied this.

In July 2005, China's Vice Minister of Ministry of Health Huang Jiefu admitted for the first time at the World Liver Transplant conference that most transplanted organs in China come from executed prisoners.

According to Amnesty International at least 1,718 people were executed in China in 2008, a number far less than the number of organ transplants.

More grisly explanations have come forth. In mid-2006 an investigation by former Canadian parliamentarian David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas concluded that the bulk of organ transplants in China were due to the harvesting of organs from Falun Gong prisoners of conscience. If true, the allegations would be “a form of evil we have yet to see on this planet,” they said.

In their investigation they note that the source of organs for 41,500 transplants for the six year period 2000 to 2005 is unexplained by official data, and that the only possible explanation is that the organs were harvested from Falun Gong practitioners.

The UN has asked the Chinese authorities to respond to the allegations, but no substantive response has been forthcoming.


"The missing link is out here in these hills..."

journalnow - Rick Lunsford didn't want to take his vision of Bigfoot to the grave without sharing it, and that's why he arranged an outing in Wilkes County Saturday to try to find the big guy.

"I had a serious gallbladder infection a year ago, and the doctor gave me three to five days to live," said Lunsford, 52. He had an operation and recuperated, but the near-death experience convinced him that he had to come out with it — that he had seen Bigfoot in rural Wilkes County when he was 20.

"I've got five grandyoung'uns, and I wanted them to know about Bigfoot before I go. The missing link is out here in these hills," Lunsford said Saturday afternoon, surrounded by about 30 other Bigfoot adventurers who came out on a gray, rainy day to seek the creature.

Lunsford described Bigfoot as between 6 and 8 feet tall, as broad as a refrigerator, with an oval head and dark eyes, and a hand similar to a human's, with a thumb and four fingers.

The group met at the Millers Creek Food Lion parking lot at noon Saturday, in a drizzling rain.

"I honestly don't believe, but I could always be made a believer," said Matthew Billings of Hayes, a turkey hunter.

Bobby Lee of North Wilkesboro said if Bigfoot is out there, "he's smart, because he's avoiding bear traps that can easily take a man's leg off."

Logan Baker of Hayes said he wanted to come see what all the fuss was about. "We'd like to believe it; we'd like to find proof," said Baker, who is a deer hunter.

Gary Pilkenton of Millers Creek said he is 75 percent sure that Bigfoot exists. "I believe that all these witnesses who have seen him, all these years, can't be lying. They come up with the same descriptions, by and large."

Bigfoot is a species of animal that hasn't yet been recognized officially, Pilkenton said.

"He's a mammal, a primate of some kind."

The group would look for footprints or broken limbs — anything that would show that a big creature had been there.

About 12:30, the group got into their vehicles, and a caravan of trucks and cars headed toward the Roten Creek area, about 12 miles away. Vehicles slowly drove on a winding, misty mountainous road beside a wide creek, past Christmas tree farms, wood and brick bungalow houses, cows and churches, including Poplar Cove Baptist and New Light Baptist. The Blue Ridge Holiness Campground had a sign that read, "Jesus is coming soon! Wake up America!"

As the vehicles were parking near the site, a driving rain began. When a couple of the all-terrain vehicles began spinning their wheels, trying to make it up a steep muddy hill to get to the site, Lunsford called off the hunt.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt," he said, adding that he would reschedule for a day with better weather and no rain.

Hobert Hart, who lived nearby, came outside to find out what all the hubbub was about. When told that people were trying to find Bigfoot, he said he has lived in the area since 1949 and had never seen it.

"The biggest thing I have ever seen was a bear," Hart said, adding that he did not believe in Bigfoot.

"Maybe these people are getting a bit of exercise, but that's about all they're getting," he said.

Brad Boyer of Mooresville and his two sons Robbie and Ryan came to the hills of Millers Creek wearing T-shirts that said, "Bigfoot stepped on me in Willow Creek, California."

"Bigfoot is a cottage industry in Willow Creek," he said, adding he couldn't pass up the chance to go on an expedition so close to home.

"All the Bigfoot folklore, TV programs and websites out there influence people, and leads them to put things together in their minds," Boyer said. "I don't believe in it personally, but I don't believe these people are lying."

Lunsford said that when people tell him what he saw was probably a bear, he answers that "a bear has a neck, and this thing I saw, his head rested right on his shoulders."

Lunsford said after he saw Bigfoot, he didn't tell many people, only his wife. He said he waited 20 years to tell his mother, so as not to upset her.

After various media reported on the upcoming expedition, Lunsford said he was teased in the chat rooms of gowilkes.com, a popular website for Wilkes County residents.

One person wrote that Lunsford was trying to find the tooth fairy, and another one wrote: "Dear Ricky: Leave him alone, you dummy!"

"People can believe whatever they want to believe," he said, adding that he was pleased with the turnout, especially given the rain. "This was worth it all, and these people showing up means a lot. Now, people know that Bigfoot was here."


11th human foot washes up on B.C. coast

ctvbc - Mounties say a running shoe containing what appears to be human remains has washed up on the shore near Powell River, B.C.

It was discovered by a woman walking on the beach Saturday afternoon, Cpl. Annie Linteau told ctvbc.ca.

The BC Coroner's Service will examine the remains later this week to determine if they are human. If so, the discovery will mark the 11th human foot to wash up in the coastal region from B.C. to northwestern Washington since August 2007.

The most recent discovery was made on Dec. 5, 2010 in the city of Tacoma, south of Seattle. It was found inside a boy's size 6 OzArk Trail brand hiking boot.

The first foot to appear matched the DNA of a man who was depressed and likely took his own life.

Two feet found separately in New Balance running shoes in Richmond belong to the same woman, but she remains unidentified.

A matching pair of men's Nikes also remains unidentified, as well as a right male foot found in summer 2007.

There is no evidence of foul play in any of those cases.