; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, mars 05, 2011

Fortean / Alternative News: Humming Sound Over Texas, Husband Sacrifices Wife and Aliens Abduct Cat

Hutto, TX- Couple Hear Humming Sound Overhead

My friend SW at Lights in the Texas Sky writes the following: I received an email this morning, from a couple near Hutto, Texas, claiming that they each on two separate occasions heard a thumping sound, then a humming noise pass over their house. The husband heard the sound on February 28, 2011 and his wife had heard it less that two weeks earlier. Here is that report:

We didn't see them, but we heard something...

We just wanted to report something strange that occurred around the 28th of February, and about two weeks prior to that. My husband and I both had the same experience, separately, in different weeks, and each of us was alone during it, with the other one asleep. Continue reading at Hutto, TX- Couple Hear Humming Sound Overhead


Woman Sacrificed By Husband in India

A woman was sacrificed by her husband in a village in Jharkhand as he claimed he wanted to achieve supernatural powers.

The incident took place in Hariyari village of Godda district, which is about 500km from Ranchi on Friday, according to reports in local media yesterday.

Funiram Soren asked his wife Fulin Hembrom to bow in front of images of deities. When she bowed down, he hit her head with an iron rod. She started bleeding profusely. Funiram later strangulated her to death.

The neighbours of Funiram informed police about the incident. After killing his wife, Funiram absconded.

According to villagers, Funiram was trying to gain supernatural powers. The black magic deity reportedly came in his dream and asked him to sacrifice a close relative so he killed his wife.

Human sacrifice is not new in Jharkhand. In last seven years, more than half a dozen case of human sacrifice have been reported in the state.


India’s Monster Eater Retires

Restaurant owners in the town of Trissur in the Indian state of Kerala can breathe a huge sigh of relief - the “monster eater” is retiring.

They can now think again about launching “eat as much as you like” lunches and buffets.

That is because Rappai - the man with the giant appetite - has been warned by medics to curb his food intake.

In his prime it would have been an under-statement to describe Rappai’s appetite as voracious.

‘Unlimited meals’

This was a man who quite easily could plough his way through two buckets of rice and accompanying chicken and vegetable dishes.

For breakfast it was said he could devour 75 idlies (rice cakes) and still have room for more.

On one famous occasion, the man who locally became known as Theeta (monster eater) took advantage of a local restaurant’s “unlimited meals” coupon.

He reputedly scoffed three bucketfuls of rice, one bucket of fish curry and 10 kgs of cooked meat.

The restaurant in question ran out of food, and police had to be called in to restore order as a large crowd gathered to watch Rappai in action.

The BBC’s Sridevi Pillai in Trivandrum says that such eating extravaganzas became more commonplace as Rappai’s fame spread throughout the state.

A regular at Kerala’s informal eating competitions, Rappai is also credited on one day with ploughing his way through 700 idlies on top of 10 kgs of halwa (an Indian dessert).

No wonder then that when hoteliers saw this cheerful man majestically walking around the town - adorned in khaki shirt and white dhoti - they would hastily put up the shutters of their premises and close down.

Turn violent

But now 64-year-old Rappai’s huge appetite has had to be curtailed because he recently developed a severe stomach ache.

He was told in no uncertain terms to eat less or face the consequences.

“I am diabetic and my body weight was too heavy at around 115kg,” he said.

“I have decided to listen to the doctors. I think I have lost the power to digest food. My friends, especially my police friends, have advised me to eat more carefully.

My heavy eating days are over, there will be no more competitions for me

Rappai refers to his “police friends” for good reason: there were times that hoteliers became so enraged at his capacity to eat huge amounts of food that situations sometimes threatened to turn violent.

Police rescued him several times, on occasion even taking him back to the station for a little more food.

Today Rappai is resting at his home at Kizhakkumpattukara in Trissur.

He says that other things to worry about apart from his stomach.

“I have my 90-year-old mother to look after,” he says, “and now have to cope with tremendous change in my life.

“Gone are the days of unbridled consumption of idlies, halwa and buckets full of boiled rice.

“My heavy eating days are over,” he says. “There will be no more competitions for me.”

“Now I only take a bowl of Kanji (rice gruel) for breakfast and a little rice for lunch and dinner.

Rappai gives a toothless grin.

“Anyway I have lost all my teeth because of over-consumption of sweets.”


Fear That Aussie Cat Abducted by Aliens

ntnews - There is fear that the Northern Territory's talking cat, Mischief, had been abducted by aliens.

It came after Siberian air traffic controllers claim that a female-sounding alien spoke to them in a cat-like language.

They say that a mysterious object - which they believe was a high-speed UFO - appeared on flight monitors over the remote Russian city of Yakutsk, the Daily Mail reported.

It rapidly changed direction in the sky and reached speeds of nearly 1000km/h - surrounding planes were seen to be travelling significantly slower.

The aviation workers tried to make contact with the ship, as evident in a video posted to YouTube.

"I kept hearing some female voice, as if a woman was saying mioaw-mioaw all the time," one air traffic controller told the pilot of a passing Aeroflot flight.

Darwin locals last night expressed concern the air traffic controller may have mistaken the voice for that of Mischief, the Territory's talking cat, which featured in a front page story in the NT News in August 2009.

The NT has one of the highest rates of UFO sightings in the world, sparking fears the aliens may have swooped on Mischief's Palmerston home and snatched the fiesty feline.

Attempts to contact Mischief's owners last night were unsuccessful.