; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, mars 30, 2011

Fortean / Alternative News: Colorado Lights Under Investigation, New Jerusalem UFO and Los Angeles 'Perfect Triangle'

UFO Sightings Over Denver, Colorado Area Under Investigation

Closer view of the UFOs above Denver, Colorado. They moved very slowly in a triangular formation across the sky then disappeared one at a time. We were in Lafayette, CO in my cousin's backyard facing west. The lights appeared to be approximately 3000-6000 feet high, coming from the West-Southwest and moving to the southeast. When they disappeared, they seemed to be directly over Denver. I was only visiting on my vacation, so I am not positive about the exact location or direction we were facing, but I am sure we were looking towards the west. We viewed the lights for approximately 15-20 minutes before they disappeared.

The witness, Leroy Vandervegt, 50, of Lafayette, CO, shot the video. Vandervegt and his 17-year-old son watched the lights together on March 21. Four reports of the same object were filed with the MUFON.

Colorado MUFON State Director Douglas Wilson concurred that five reports have been made so far on the lights, and that they are working on a very similar case from Grand County.

"At present, I have four of Colorado's best field investigators working these cases, (two have backgrounds in law enforcement and one is a forensic meteorologist) and I am coordinating the effort," Wilson stated. "We are making good headway and hope to 'stay-on-top' of this and be able to have some good quality data to show for our efforts when we are done. So far we have contacted all of the witnesses, Air Force, NORAD, local law enforcement, the forestry department, local airports and even helicopter training schools. We are also working on getting the media on which the original footage is stored on for photo analysis."

Click for video


California witness reports watching a "perfect black triangle"

Los Angeles, CA, March 28, 2011 - (unedited): At night , while looking up saw 3 white lights descend then curve towards Los Angeles,when passing above saw outlining of perfect black triangle going at very high speed., NO Sound emitting from it. 5 minutes later possible military jet flys by N to S DIR.

At 11:05PM Monday night March 28,2011 I stepped out to my backyard located on Palos Verdes Penninsula, Los Angeles County, Southern CA, to get some fresh air and was just stargazing looking upward in the sky in the southeast direction, when at the corner of my right eye, 10 minutes later at 11:15PM, I saw some movement at about 280 degrees.

It looks like it had just flown over the ocean and now going over the area I was at. It looked like it came in at a WNW direction from a higher altitude gradually descending to a more West direction as it looked as it was passing by around my street or maybe a couple of streets to the West, towards Los Angeles.

When first seeing this unknown object I thought they were 3 white Birds, but when I focused my eyes It was way to bright to be Birds but now realized they were 3 bright White lights almost flourescent. I also noticed the lights were at a fixed place while descending and turning the curve towards west-NW to Los Angeles, it did not act like any kinds of Birds!

While flying closet over my sighting I noticed the relection from the ground lights casted a shadow over the lights which I clearly saw a Perfect Black Triangle, outlining the lights. They were located only on the bottom of the craft. It was going really fast but not shaking, it was more like a very fast and smooth, curved down the way it flew, nothing like any jet or conventional aircraft would fly like.

I noticed ther was NO SOUND, emitting from it , and remember this is at night when things are down, in a very quiet neighborhood. I was almost in shock when I saw it and when it flew by, my sight time of the object was about 30-40 seconds, but it was enough to clearly see what it looked like and what it was doing when passing by.

In about 5 minutes later at the time of the sighting, at about 11:20PM, I noticed a Jet flying at about the same altitude when the object was flying over the area earlier, but it was coming at North To South direction, and when it flew by its jet engines roared, which I then realized it was probably a military aircraft flying that low and fast, that is when I realized that the dark triangle object with 3 white lights did not make any kind of sound, and the jet flying by right afterwards was probably looking for the object.

My feelings at the time was shock, and a little more frightening after I quickly processed in my mind of what I had just seen. It must have been close above where I was at because I lost sighting once it passed over the house, because of the verticle structure of house. I have wathced UFO documentaries mentioning ufo's that were triangles, and the scenario that played out afterwards with the jet, and that looks like what happened. After seeing this object it is amazing that I spotted it at that particular moment in time, when I was actively looking up at the stars trying to get some fresh air.


New Company Promises to Give You a Pretend Facebook Girlfriend

aolnews - Relationship status: virtual.

That's what startup Cloud Girlfriend promises, although your friends on Facebook will never know it. The new Internet company helps guys who aren't ready to admit, at least online, that they don't have a significant other.

The new service allows users to create the perfect girlfriend who will write on your Facebook wall and otherwise make her ghostly presence known through social media.

Cloud Girlfriend has yet to officially launch, but the site is already generating overwhelming interest, advising visitors to "register early to get in line."

According to the site, signing up is easy as:

"Step 1: Define your perfect girlfriend. Step 2: We bring her into existence. Step 3: Connect and interact with her publicly on your favorite social network. Step 4: Enjoy a public long distance relationship with your perfect girl."

But not everyone is lining up. Facebook's Terms of Service agreement strictly prohibits computer controlled accounts, which would seemingly rule out cyber-based special lady friends.

"Some startups don't make it past the phase where they build a mailing list of users for their service, and if Cloud Girlfriend isn't one of them, I will gladly eat my hat," Technology Review's Christopher Mims wrote.

"That's too bad (from a business perspective) because it's very likely that a service like this could succeed," Mims adds, arguing that similar services have prospered in Japan, for example.

Still, it's difficult for some to look past the humor factor here.

"You know what gets the online ladies going? Well, when some other lady is writing all over your Facebook wall," Mashable's Brenna Ehrlich writes. "After all, 'I love you' means nada unless it's posted between a video of a big cat in a tiny box and a frantic plea from your friend Jonah to 'Gett totaly crunked on sat! dude.'"


Man goes on 1,000 mile walk after his paralyzed leg is cured at Lourdes

A TV repair man with a paralyzed left leg went on a 1,000-mile-plus hike after being cured following a trip to Lourdes. The incredible recovery of Serge Francois, 40, is now set to become the 68th official miracle at the Roman Catholic shrine in the foothills of the Pyrenees, in south west France.

After regaining the use of his leg, Mr Francois walked the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, the pilgrim’s route spanning France and Spain, and known in English as The Way of St James. Mr Francois, from La Salle-et-Chapelle-Aubry, western France, said he felt a warm glow spread down his herniated leg during a visit to Lourdes in 2002.

He had been praying at the grotto where local schoolgirl Bernadette Soubirous was said to have had visions of the Virgin Mary in 1858, and all of his suffering suddenly disappeared. Mr Francois reported what happened to the International Medical Committee of Lourdes (CMIL) and 20 doctors have now concluded that it was indeed ‘remarkable’.

Archbishop Emmanuel Delmas, Bishop of Angers, said: ‘This healing can be considered a personal gift from God to man, as an event of grace, as a sign of Christ the Saviour.’ Archbishop Delmas said Mr Francois’s case would now be examined further before it officially goes down as the 68th miracle. He said that because of advances in medical science it was becoming increasingly difficult to officially class a remarkable healing as a miracle.


New 'Dome of the Rock' UFO Video

Click for video

Jeff Gonzalez of the Sanger Paranormal Society forwarded this video last evening. Your thoughts?