; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, février 16, 2011

Mount St. Helens Strangeness

Because of recent rumblings at the Mount St. Helens volcano, I decided to once again offer some strangeness associated with the area. The first anecdote is similar to an account I read several years ago. I noticed that it had been posted again but with a few more details. I don't know the validity of the story but it is definitely worth the read:


In 1973 I met two very tall persons, about 8 to 12 feet tall; a man and woman on the side of Mt St Helens. I went there as a prep trip to go canoeing on the, not there now, Spirit Lake. Since it was March, I found the lake under snow drifts so I went up to the top of the mountain to climb it.

As I got out of my VW super Beatle I was overcome with fear. Terror gripped me.

Try as I might I could not force myself to cross the parking lot to the beginning of the trail where a family were beginning their ascent. I could not move because the fear within me petrified my body.

I then saw in my mind's eye, through my third eye, the mountain blowing up right underneath me. I saw the mountain and the rocks and the trees below me and all around me being superheated and exploding into shreds.

I shouted to the family to get out of there because the mountain was about to blow. They looked at me like I was some nut probably on drugs. I did have long hair in those days.

The day was a beautiful, clear day, and I quickly realized that the sensation I was receiving was only a premonition of an event to come. I fell back into my car and got outta there.

On the way down I stopped at the Lodge where I bought some beer from the owner, Harry Truman, who made a snide comment to me when I stopped to debate getting a bag of chips after buying some beer. I almost, with knowing, said to him that some day he would die up there with his mountain; I didn't, and I left.

Farther down the mountain top as I turned a sharp corner I passed by two persons who were dressed in white robes. At first glance I thought that they were Harri Krishna's out for a hike, and being twenty miles from Toledo, WA I pulled over and got out to offer them a ride to town.

Immediately, two things happened.

First, as I walked up to them I realized that I had to look up at them like I was looking at the top of a basketball net. That realization freaked me out, but I love an adventure. As I walked up to them, I offered to give them a lift to town.

The woman then turned to the man and said quietly, "I thought we were supposed to meet someone here." The man who also had long hair only slightly raised his right hand in my direction to indicate that I was the contactee they were waiting for.

This point was not lost on me.

Next, a car pulled up and asked me if I was alright. Again my senses told me all was not normal...at all. I "knew" the man and car load of four persons, perhaps a man and his wife in the front seat with his daughter and son in the back seat could not see the tall persons towering over me.

I said that I was simply overtaken by the beauty of the scenery and just had to get out and look at it. Slowly, very slowly, they drove away. I had covered for what to then seemed like me talking to imaginary persons.

But they were real, very real.

The woman again turned to the man and said, "He can see us," to which he replied, "He's in an altered state of consciousness."

Then the man turned to me and said, "You deceived them?"

Thinking that I had done them a favor by covering for them, I did not have a ready reply. I then asked them if they wanted a ride to town. I was torn at this point between what I know about my reality on this dimension and what really knew I knew who were standing before me were beings who were not from this dimension.Yet, I could not wholly accept that fact.

The man turned to the woman and said with a sweeping gesture toward the car "Shall we?"

So they walked to the car. I wanted to tell them about what had just happened on top of Mt. St. Helen. As they approached my Super Beatle I knew that they were very very tall; not normally tall but way tall and would not fit in my car.

I said, "Maybe it's not such a good idea," to which the man replied, "We'll fit fine."

Before my eyes those two beings began to shrink. The man got into the back seat along with the lady, which in our culture the man would usually get into the front, right?

After they got in the man turned to the woman and said, "Are you okay?" she said, "I'm fine."

I needed a beer. I opened a Bud (this was rural backwoods Washington State and 1973) and offered them a beer too. I took in my now normal sized guest in the back seat of my souped up Super Beatle.

Their robes were somewhat soiled, and had dirt marks and signs of wear like they had been hiking through the woods. I did not expect this from what I had come to accept as aliens or some kind of angels.

They really looked real. The guy had very long fingers and that's when I saw that, to my surprise, that he had six fingers on his hands!

Since I was driving at the time the man said in a polite but commanding voice, "Turn around and watch the road," to which I replied as any young twenty year old who had already totaled three cars doing stunts...

"I'm good man. I can drive and talk at the same time."

"What are you drinking?" He said,

"It's a Bud," I said.

"What is that," he said.

"Beer, you know, alcohol."

That's when he said, "Alcohol? That's poison."

My guest hesitated for a few seconds before he spoke again,

"Alcohol is going to cause you a lot of problems in your lifetime." He was right about that.

I turned around again to scope out these two hitchhikers. The young woman smiled. They both looked to be in their early thirties. She had long brown hair. His hair was as long as hers which was at least shoulder length

I said, "Toledo's twenty miles away. That would have been a long walk," I said.

"What were you doing on the mountain?" he asked.

My mind was fighting with the thought now of that I just may have two aliens who just shape shifted in size in the back of my car, and who just chewed me out for drinking. I was beginning to question my rationality, and what if they wanted to eat me or something?

I told them all about my experience on the mountain and the feeling and the vision I had just had. That's when he began to give me specific details about the date, the time eruption of Mount St Helen. He even told me how many people were going to die up there.

"About 60 to 70 people will die on that mountain when it erupts," he said.

Sixty eight died on it that May 18th in 1980.

Seven years later I would find myself working for Lewis County as a transporter for Senior Services. I had something to do with the red zone being established, but that's another story. I had told so many predictions about the mountain that came true before the eruption that one grandma, just after it erupted, said "You did it! You made that mountain blow up!"

The alien, or whatever, said something that triggered a repressed memory I had. He said it would happen because of the flood that we had prevented that year.

Then I began to feel real strange about this encounter. I was sure that he could not have known about the topographical map I had drawn in my cabin last year, and how I had highlighted in blue everything in the state of Washington under 3,000 feet and wrote a short story about me and my family living on Mt St Helen Island after the flood, or could he?

"Who are you," I asked.

The woman leaned over to him and quietly with her easy smile asked him, "Should we tell him who we are?"

"No," he said.

Then he said to me, "We're Watchers," he said.

Right about then I knew I had stepped into a forest I did not know the way through.

"I mean what's your names?"

He said his name was, "My name is Geruisyumain."

I said I would not be able to remember his name, and I didn't for thirty three years. Then in a dream I heard his name as he had spoken it.

"And my name is Isyu. It's real easy to remember. Just think about it this way. Say "Is you," and you will remember it."

I did remember it. Also I read something unique about the name IS You and a significance about that name...but again, I can't place what that importance is.. you guys know?

Of all the wonderful questions I could have asked them I failed to do so. I still beat myself up for letting a great opportunity slip through my fingers out of primal fear of the unknown.

We were about ten miles out of Toledo, Washington by then and Gerisyumain said "Pull over, here and when we get out don't look back."

So I pulled over, and let them out. And of course as I pulled away I looked back to see them grow back to their ten-ish or so feet height and then vanish.

Later, the next year in a total accident, I was pinned inside my Super Beatle on an bridge over a river. With no way out and not knowing how to swim, I was lifted out of the window and flown out over the river. I was set down in front of a car and the driver took me to the hospital.

"Who are you?" she asked.

I'm just a man," I replied. It's all that any of us can be.

NOTE: yeah, it's sound a bit fabricated...but who knows. Lon


The following is something I originally posted last Spring:

Sasquatch and the U.S. Government

The following are accounts and links that suggest the government has more than a curious interest in Sasquatch:

Cowlitz County, Washington - 1980 May - at one of Ray Crowe's Western Bigfoot Meetings, someone brought up the topic of corpses of sasquatch after the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens in Washington State. The witness heard of two sasquatch the Army Corps of Engineers had taken out of the volcanic devistation...two months after the inital blast.

Terry Reams heard of a dredging operation of the Cowlitz River and two bodies were found in the sand (probably same case?). A chopper flew them off.

Joe Beelart offered that the crane doing the dredging was from the Manatowaka Company and that the bodies were found two weeks after the Mt. St. Helen's blast of May 18, 1980. He suggested that somebody might want to track down the company and find out who was working the shift that the bodies had been found on.

During a tour of the devastation by helicopter in 1985, the Viet veteran helo pilot mentioned a similar tale to Bobbie Short saying there were military helos that choppered out nets full of burned and semi burned elk, deer, bear and something with hairy charred arms hanging out of the drop nets. They were taken to a common pit where the bodies were burned to avoid disease and contamination of the rivers.

The International Bigfoot Society

IBS Report #3493


Fred Bradshaw report concerning dead Bigfoot bodies near Mt. St. Helens.

My father worked for Weyerhauser Co. at Green Mountain ,WA, east of Vancouver. The site has security on their roads to check on the equipment and check closed areas to keep people out.

My father was working the day Mt. St. Helens blew up. He was at a meeting in Kelso, WA, and as he was a supervisor, when Mt. St. Helens blew it's side out, all heck cut lose.

My father was sent back to Green Mountain right away but like most he wasn't allowed to go very far because of the mud slide coming down the river. He did get to the town of Toutle, WA, on highway 504 off I-5. He and his crew were placed at different spots to watch mud flow and of course help people get out of the blast zone after the major blow up. He was sent to the area of Spirit Lake to keep people out.

When the second major blow up of the mountain came, my father and the other guy with him reported in, and they got out of there.

He was then placed in charge of the helicopter landing zone. It was his job to help keep people out of the landing zone and let aid crews in so they could care for injured.

Later. when all the people were out and bodies out, the National Guard was brought in to clean up. They hauled dead animals out that they placed in piles; deer in one, elk in another and so on. They were covered up with tarps and later burned.

But my father was placed in charge of one pile of dead that were covered and no one was allowed to go near. Armed U.S. National Guard personal were around this pile, and one day when they were going to move this group of bodies, and my father was very close to it and was told to keep his mouth closed. And when the tarps were removed he saw the creatures, some badly burned and some not. They placed them in a net and lifted them into a truck and covered it over. My father asked a guardsmen what will they do with them and he said study them or what ever...he didn't want to know. He said it's like other things you don't ask, and off they went . AND NO ONE KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. My father and the rest were debriefed and sent home.

NOTE: After I had posted the following Oh-Mah - The 'Boss of the Woods' in November 2008, I received an email from a man in southern Washington who stated that he had heard anecdotes from Yakima native people in reference Oh-Mah or Sasquatch after the Mt. St. Helen's eruption. The most prominent account was that of a large male Oh-Mah that was badly burned, but still alive, that took refuge in an area east of the devastation near traditional tribal lands. He was told that government agents in military gear captured the Oh-Mah and airlifted it to an undisclosed location. I have no way of knowing if this is a true account but it does seem to suggest that there was an effort made to take advantage of the eruption in order to capture specimans either dead or alive...Lon



The following is an interesting post from July 2008:

Woman Claims She Was Abducted By Aliens Near Mount St. Helens

Joy French is fully aware that it sounds a little far-fetched to say that she might have been abducted by an alien near Mount St. Helens more than two decades ago.

But since she began hosting UFO meetings in April 2007, she has seen and heard so much evidence of extraterrestrial encounters that she wishes she had spoken up earlier. Now the energetic octogenarian devotes her life to opening closed minds.

“We are the only country trying not to tell the truth about UFOs,” she said. “The government is not being honest with people.”

French, 84, of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, will host a meeting for believers in UFO sightings — and those who want to believe — at 7 p.m. Friday in the Cowlitz County PUD meeting room.

French lived in Longview from 1965 to ‘67. In the early 1980s she was staying in a small trailer on Lake Merwin. A friend camping in the area, Don McMann, called her on the CB radio and invited her to watch a video with him.

Most of that night is a blank. She remembers starting to drive downhill to his trailer, and the next thing she remembers is being a passenger in her car, with him driving.

“I’m an independent person,” she said, so being a passenger made no sense to her. “I usually drive my own car.”

She doesn’t recall watching the movie. She said neither of them drank.

This took place around 10 or 11 p.m., in the thick darkness of a mountain forest. Suddenly the sky lit up as bright as daylight, and her 1966 Cadillac stopped dead.

McMann, a mechanic, hopped out and lifted the hood. He checked the engine and shrugged.

“There’s nothing wrong with your car,” he said. He slammed the hood, and the car started.

“That’s the last thing I remember until the next day,” French said.

In the morning, she called McMann on the CB and arranged to meet at the community kitchen.

“I told him, ‘What happened last night, that’s what happens when a UFO’s around,’ ” she said. “He said, ‘I thought of that, too.’ ”

They never spoke of it again, nor did they mention it to the other campers at Merwin because they were afraid of ridicule.

“Now I wonder if the others saw and didn’t tell,” she said.

She believes the light came from a spaceship, and that she and McMann were taken into the craft and examined. Their memories of the incident were erased before they were returned to her car, she believes.

McMann died in 1998. A couple of years ago, French, now living in Idaho, discussed the incident with a childhood friend — and discovered the friend once saw a UFO when she was picking huckleberries.

“The government told her never to speak of it,” French said.

She has read numerous books about extraterrestrials, met investigators and scientists and heard many people share their experiences, including Gloria Hawker, author of “Morning Glory,” an account of being impregnated by an alien.

“Some of this stuff blows my mind,” French said. “It’s kind of hard to swallow.”

She’s positive she didn’t have the same experience as Hawker.

“If they took me and checked me out, they probably threw me back because I had a complete hysterectomy and I’m no good to them,” she said.

French believes extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth for centuries, citing the Egyptian pyramids as one example of their work. She also believes aliens can be credited with the world’s rapid advancements in technology during her own lifetime.

“I can’t believe the government is still covering up,” she said.

She thinks extraterrestrials want to save our world.

“I don’t think they want to hurt us. I think they want to save us from destroying our planet,” she said. “Or pick us up after we destroy it.”

She understands that many people are afraid to come forward and admit they believe in UFOs. She offers her meetings as a safe place to learn more.

“People with closed minds never learn a thing.”