; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, février 24, 2011

More UFO Witnesses - Sandia Mountains, New Mexico

Kirkland AFB is in the area of the black circle. The witnesses observed the craft NE of their location toward Sandia Peak which is represented in the area of the red square


I stumbled across your site while researching Kirtland Air Force Base, and read the account of a UFO sighting over Sandia Peak. My husband and I witnessed an object eerily similar to the object described. Prior to contacting you, I went over the details with my husband to make sure the details I provide are accurate.

My husband is active duty military and at that point we had been stationed here for 3 years. I am a night owl/insomniac and spend a lot of time outside both late night and early morning. The front porch faces SE but the large opening on the porch provides a very clear view of the NE.

Many evenings I would sit and watch the planes come in to land at the airport and had a pretty good idea of how long it takes to get from the mountain. In addition, eventually I would hear it and see the wing tip lights as well as the main light would appear to get brighter than smaller as the plane turned towards the airport. My husband on the other hand, has quite a bit more experience with flight, he is a crew member on the c-130’s. He can tell distance airplane/helo type just from sound flight pattern, etc.

Anyhow, my husband nor I remember the exact date but we have guestimated the first week of December due to the fact we had put our Christmas lights up that week and had been outside often in the evenings. On this particular night sometime between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. My husband and I were outside admiring and discussing the decorations, and determining whether we needed to purchase more, when I noticed a bright light exactly between the two lights on the peak. Initially, I thought it was a plane and didn’t pay much attention to it, glancing at it every now and then as my husband and I talked. Finally, I interrupted my husband saying, look at that light it isn’t moving. Now at this point, this was the first he had seen and it shrugged it off as a plane. I then explained that I had been watching it while we were talking and it had not moved at all in the past 2-4 minutes. So he proceeds to talk to me but I’m now focused on this light and ignoring him which draws his attention back to the light. We continued to watch the light for approximately 10 minutes and it did not move. It was a clear night and the shadow of the mountain peak was clearly visible in reference to the object along with the two lights on the peak. There was clearly no horizontal or vertical movement. There was no sound, no additional lights associated with the object. It did appear to twinkle but that may have been my eyes trying to focus because it was a very subtle flicker. I finally was to cold and decided to go inside, the object was still there.

This is the first experience I have had since I have lived here, and I must say I have no idea what I seen that night. My husband also cannot come up with an explanation. Though this isn’t his first time experiencing UFO’s. His first time was with a crew of 7 flying over Afghanistan.

I wonder if the object my husband and I saw is the same object. I cannot be sure what the object was that night but I do know that this base is a strange place to live.

Thank You,


The inquiry was made in reference to this post:

MUFON CMS - Albuquerque, NM - 12/5/2010 - unedited: About 3:45 or 4:00 a.m. on 12/5/2010 I opened the sliding glass door on the north side of our house to let my dogs out to relieve themselves and out of the corner of my right eye I saw a bright white light so I turned to face it and observed what appeared to be a very bright, circular white light above the horizon of the Sandia Mtns. In the background of sky there are in fact two bright yellowish lights that are visible every night; both on the crest of the Sandias and apart from one another and this light was "centered" and above them and the sight of it appeared to be a triangle with the yellow lights of Sandia Crest on the left and the light of the Sandia Peak Tram house on the right forming the "base" of the triangle along the Sandia Crest and the bright light forming the peak of the triangle at the top. I started to dismiss my initial sighting of the light as the moment when an aircraft turned on it's landing lights and I must have seen it as it was moving towards me.... so I waited to see if it would turn toward the south to Albuquerque International or westward to Double Eagle. It seemed peculiar to me that it was taking entirely too long for any "aircraft" to reach me; the night was perfectly quiet, there was no jet engine noise or prop noise, there were no strobe lights or red and green wingtip lights, no automobile noises to muffle the sounds that should have been there. I looked closely at the white light and observed that it seemed to flicker somewhat along the edges and "wobble" side to side and up and down, but it certainly was not getting any closer to my location... it was just up in the sky shining brightly... hovering as it were and then as I watched the light IT WENT OUT! It just vanished completely from my sight! The night was still perfectly quiet and there were no sounds, and there were no strobes or red and green wingtip lights that I could observe, and no competing automobile noises as I listened for some jet engine noise or propellers beating the air like a helicopter or airplane would. There was no sound. I was stumped. I didn't know what I had seen and I certainly couldn't identify it either. As my dogs were coming back in I couldn't help looking toward the Sandia Mountains for one final look and just as suddenly as it had disappeared, it REAPPEARED in the very same area it was before!! Wow!! It was there, I didn't imagine it. Where had it gone and where did it come from? It was now clear to me that there was a very real, very curious event indeed going on and I was a witness to it. I observed the same behavior as before but then as I watched the light rotated from pointing straight toward me to my left and faced to the north. It remained there and looked like a cone. A cone of white light with the smaller end facing south and the wider end facing north. I am not sure how long it remained this way, it got dimmer and bright again and again and as I was observing the "cone" of bright light the entire cone rotated back to it's left and faced westward again. It continued to brighten and dim somewhat for several minutes I started to think it was similar to the lights over Phoenix, but only one light here, and then, as I watched, it just went off like someone flipped a switch; and as I looked at the place where the incredibly bright white light used to be, there was now what appeared to be a glowing "ember" that was colored yellow and grew steadily smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared completely and I saw it no more.

NOTE: the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque, NM have a history of UFO sightings and other strange incidents. Below, I have posted some examples...Lon


Incidents Around Albuquerque / Manzano Base, NM

NOTE: I received the following information from a reader:


Re: your recent article: Photos: UFO Lights Morphing / Readers Respond to Grapevine Canyon, CA Sighting, I may have something else for you.

This first part wasn't my personal experience, but I was listening to Coast to Coast am on Friday Night when Ian Punnett was hosting Open Lines for George Noory. The first caller, a man named James from 'New Mexico,' (whom I believe was probably from Albuquerque, based on much of what he said he saw), said that a black, rectangular shaped 'aircraft' overflew the Sandia Crest summit from west to east, at the very top of the Sandia Mountain range, which is located in Albuquerque. It then headed out towards Edgewood, a small town on the East side of the Sandia Mountains, approximately 25 miles or so from Albuquerque. At this point, all the power where the TV and radio towers are located on the summit, the Summit Restaurant, and a 'small' residential area, went out for a period of time.

He didn't say anything else, and no one else called in to verify this sighting. So I don't know if anyone saw anything else, or how long the power was out. But I do know that if those towers were without power, then essentially, Albuquerque was without a communication network, since many of the cell phone and other communication-related towers are up on the summit, as well. That's TV, radio, telephone, Internet and Cable at least. EVERYTHING was down for a period of time. No doubt there's redundancy, but that is some powerful equipment, and when they go out, the grid winks out and locks up. I've seen it happen standing on 9 Mile Hill on the West side of Albuquerque when the lights of the entire city winked out one section at a time like a wave. During that particular incident, the WHOLE city was affected. No traffic lights, few back-up power generators (though many more now, which is why the power outage seemed restricted to a 'small' area), and even the hospitals had a difficult time functioning.

I lived in Albuquerque twice, once for 10 years, and later on again for 6 years, so I'm very familiar with the Sandia Mountains and that entire area. I am also aware that the military portion of the Albuquerque Sunport, takes up the section of the runway that abutts the Manzano Mountains and is east of the air traffic control tower.

Although from my understanding, it has always been considered fictitious, at one time there was another Air Force Base at the foot of the Manzano Mountains (though I suspect it's still there, based on the proliferation of sightings, even since it was supposed to have been closed down), south of the Sandias on the south side of Interstate 40 (the old Route 66). My father was stationed at Manzano AFB in 1965, right before he 'retired.' I can assure you it was there, since I was on it several times, and it was supposedly used to house ... various things, including a few top secret programs/projects, one which involved experimental and possibly other types of (i.e. back-engineered) craft. It's now rumored that the Roswell disc or parts of it (including... J-rod) were at various times located in some of the hangers and inside a false mountain at Manzano.

Btw, in case you haven't heard of it, Manzano Air Force Base was located to the East of Sandia Army Base which took up the SW portion of the base from the Wyoming Gate, heading south, and which is located on the North side of all 3 bases, as was Sandia Army Hospital, which has also, since been closed down. Because my father was in the Air Force, we lived in base housing off of Perimeter Drive located on the West side of Sandia Army Base, just south of the Louisiana Gate; our back fence was located to the North of the edge of the military portion of the airport runway from where my mother and I often watched various supposedly top secret military aircraft maneuvers from the early to late evening.

A side note: My mother was also ex-Navy, as well as a cryptographer, though I have no 'official' confirmation that she was with Naval Intelligence, I can only assume that she based what she told me about some being experimental craft, some not from this earth, on many things she and my father were involved were over the years. Regarding what we saw landing and taking-off from the military airport, although It became more difficult to see as the evening wore on, more often than not I COULD see shapes of craft which were either outlined by lights or had other visible means of delineating the silhouettes. Several times I also saw a triangle-shaped craft which appeared black against the evening sky and had a light at each point of the triangle. Again, experimental US military? Back-engineered? Don't know. They didn't say.

Other points of which you may or may not be aware: Sandia National Laboratories and Kirtland Air Force Base are located in Albuquerque. Los Alamos National Labs is located approximately 60 miles to the NW of Albuquerque. Dulce/Archuleta Mesa is located in Northern New Mexico, on the Colorado border. There have always been sightings in New Mexico, especially Albuquerque. I've seen many myself. Just recently a young boy on one of the Native American Reservations near Albuquerque was attacked in a parked car by something he claimed was an alien. Whatever the creature was, it grabbed him, leaving claw marks down the boy's arms. Fortunately, his father and a sibling, I believe, heard him yelling, and showed up just in time to scare the creature off. They don't know what it was, but it wasn't anything they'd ever seen and it appeared reptilian/alien.

Additionally, Albuquerque seems to be the headquarters, or at least very large and critical centers for several military projects, like Project Pegasus, Project Talent and others. If you haven't heard Andrew Basiago's interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast Exopolitics.com, you might want to check out the video (video has since been removed), with his premiere interview being done by Alfred Lambremont Webre of Exoplitics.com. Note this article, too, if you haven't already read it: Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted “planetary level” whistleblower for Mars life and time travel

I know how much work it takes to do the research for these newsletters and the blog. I applaud your dedication.

Blessings and Peace,

NOTE: the video below was from a recent MUFON witness report...Lon

Click for video
Below is the official description of this facility


Click image for larger version

The Armed Forces Special Weapons Command constucted two operational sites after World War II. One was known as Site Able, located in the foothills of the Manzano Mountains, just east of Sandia Base. The other base was Site Baker near Kileen, Texas. Construction on Site Able started in 1946, with the first operational facilities activated on 04 April 1950. Although activated in 1950, construction on the major facilities wasn't finished until 1961. On 22 February 1952, Site Able was renamed Manzano Base, and operated by the Air Force, while Site Baker was renamed Kileen Base and turned over to the US Army.

Portions of America's nuclear stockpile was stored in Manzano (the Spanish word for apple) Mountain for 40 years, and nuclear weapons are now secured in a modern underground complex at Kirtland Air Force Base. A presidential emergency relocation center was built deep inside Manzano Mountain as a command post for President Eisenhower. It retained this function until the advent of thermonuclear weapons, by which time it was no longer regarded as a survivable site.

In the early 1700s explorers visiting a small village on the eastern edge of these mountains discovered very old manzanos (apple trees), a tree not native to this country. No one knows where these trees came from, but the name stayed with the region.

Construction began in June 1947, and the facility became operational in April 1950. Under the top-secret project designated Operation Water Supply, construction crews carved out tunnels and blast-proof underground steel vaults to protect the small stockpile of atomic weapons. The first weapons stored at Manzano were the Mark 5, a first-generation atomic device which required assembly. The weapons were stored without plutonium, in reinforced concrete and steel bunkers throughout Manzano. Inside the complex, steel gates protected a hallway containing four chambers guarded with heavy safe door. Each vault stored a protective container called a birdcage, each of which enclosed enough plutonium for a single atomic warhead.

On 11 April 1950 a B-29 aircraft departed from Kirtland Air Force Base [Albuquerque, NM] at 9:38 PM and crashed into a mountain on Manzano Base approximately three minutes later killing the crew of thirteen. Detonators were installed in the bomb on board the aircraft. The bomb case was demolished ans some high explosive (HE) material burned in the gasoline fire. Other pieces of unburned HE were scattered throughout the wreckage. Four spare detonators in their carrying case were recovered undamaged. There were no contamination or recovery problems. The recovered components of the weapon were returned to the Atomic Energy Commission. Both the weapon and the capsule of nuclear material were on board the aircraft but the capsule was not inserted for safety reasons.

The Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Area was surrounded by a barbed double-fenceline (one of which was electrified) beyond which the concrete bunker entrances which span the base of the mountain range are visible.

In June 1992, the Manzano WSA was deactivated, including deactivation of the Perimeter Intrusion Detection and Alarm System, and Phillips Laboratory assumed responsibility for its maintenance. SNL continues to provide minimum security, although the Perimeter Intrusion Detection and Alarm System was deactivated with the termination of the main mission in 1992. Some of the old tunnels and vaults in the Manzanos still serve as storage. The Manzano WSA is currently being used in part for storage of a variety of items such as furniture and document boxes.

Source: www.globalsecurity.org


Six Bodies From Roswell Crash Recovered By Sandia Army Base Team

.....there were two crash sites. One southwest of Corona, New Mexico and the second site at Pelona Peak, south of Datil, New Mexico.

The crash involved two extraterrestrial aircraft. The Corona site was found a day later by an archaeology team. This team reported the crash site to the Lincoln County Sheriff's department. A deputy arrived the next day and summoned a state police officer. One live entity [EBE] was found hiding behind a rock. The entity was given water but declined food. The entity was later transferred to Los Alamos.

The information eventually went to Roswell Army Air Field. The site was examined and all evidence was removed. The bodies were taken to Los Alamos National Laboratory because they had a freezing system that allowed the bodies to remain frozen for research. The craft was taken to Roswell and then onto Wright Field, Ohio.

The second site was not discovered until August 1949 by two ranchers. They reported their findings several days later to the sheriff of Catron County, New Mexico. Because of the remote location, it took the sheriff several days to make his way to the crash site. Once at the site, the sheriff took photographs and then drove back to Datil.

Sandia Army Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico was then notified. A recovery team from Sandia took custody of all evidence, including six bodies. The bodies were taken to Sandia Base, but later transferred to Los Alamos.

The live entity established communications with us and provided us with a location of his home planet. The entity remained alive until 1952, when he died. But before his death, he provided us with a full explanation of the items found inside the two crafts. One item was a communication device. The entity was allowed to make contact with his planet.

Somehow, I never knew this information, but a meeting date was set for April 1964 near Alamogordo New Mexico. The Aliens landed and retrieved the bodies of their dead comrades. Information was exchanged. Communication was in English. The aliens had a translation device.

In 1965, we had an exchange program with the aliens. We carefully selected 12 military personnel; ten men and two women. They were trained, vetted and carefully removed from the military system. The 12 were skilled in various specialities.

Near the northern part of the Nevada Test Site, the aliens landed and the 12 Americans left. One entity was left on Earth. The original plan was for our 12 people to stay 10 years and then return to Earth.

But something went wrong. The 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada. Seven men and one woman returned. Two died on the alien's home planet. Four others decided to remain, according to the returnees. Of the eight that returned, all have died. The last survivor died in 2002.


Large Unknown 'Animal' Attacks Boy

May, 2008 - A 5-year-old boy hiking with his family near Sandia Peak, New Mexico, has survived an attack from an unidentified species of large animal, a spokesman for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish said Sunday, May 18, 2008.

Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White said the family was hiking near the popular Balsam Glade area on the Sandia Mountains, when the boy ran ahead of his parents. It happened on the east side of the Sandia Mountains around 7 p.m. Saturday.

A sheriff’s department report identified the boy as Jose Salazar Jr. of Albuqureque, New Mexico.

The boy’s parents saw the animal emerge from the brush and start dragging away their child, White said. The father then chased the animal, which let go of his son.

White said the animal was a mountain lion, but Ross Morgan, a spokesman for Game and Fish, said dogs trained to track mountain lions picked up no scent in the area Saturday night or Sunday.

Officials said they don’t know what kind of animal attacked the boy. They’re looking at the tracks in the area to find out if it was a cougar, mountain lion, or bear.

“The animal had the kid and was dragging him down the side of the hill. When the father jumped over there, the animal ran off,” said Ross Morgan, who works for the Department of Game and Fish.

“The dad described it as a short, stocky, dark brown animal,” Morgan said.

Morgan said hikers in the area Sunday were told about the attack, but the news did not deter them from hiking.

The Department of Game and Fish is warning people to be careful if they’re in the mountains.

Some people visiting the mountains on Sunday said they are aware of the dangers and are prepared for what could come their way.

“We have to expect that we’re going to come across animals,” visitor Rich Weiner said. “We’re in their habitat.”

But others who spend time in the Sandia Mountains, like David Czaplewski, said news of the attack has them shaken up.

“It’s shocking and kind of scary,” Czaplewski said. “We’re making sure we’re keeping track of where everyone is and looking around.”

Officials said everyone who is visiting the mountains should be extra careful, so they don’t become the next victim.

The boy suffered puncture wounds (bite marks) to his head, neck and back. He was in serious condition at University of New Mexico Hospital on Saturday, White said.

A hospital spokeswoman said Sunday the family declined to make the boy’s condition public.

NOTE: it was later determined that this was not a mountain lion attack. There was never a follow up to this incident. New Mexico authorities, as well as local police, have refused to release any information. The victim and his family have also declined to talk. In the two years since this attack no other similar incidents have been reported....Lon