; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, février 19, 2011

The Anguished Man: Painted in Blood

I received a correspondence from a reader in the United Kingdom that centers around an odd painting that is aptly titled "The Anguished Man" and is supposedly haunted:

Hi, I thought this might interest you...
My Grandmother had this painting in her attic for twenty five years. She said it was evil. She told us she used to see the dark figure of a man around the house and at night she heard strange noises and crying. She told me the artist committed suicide shortly after finishing it and that he had used his own blood mixed in with the oils. After she died we got the painting, it is currently in our basement. Shortly after we got the painting various members of the family started seeing the dark figure of a man. At night we began hearing noises and just recently we have heard crying and moaning. The painting is still in our house and although I never believed in the supernatural I am now convinced there is something evil about this painting. I am currently awaiting a full paranormal investigation being carried out.
- Sean Robinson

Click for video - 6/1/2010
My Grandmother had this painting in her attic for twenty five years. She said it was evil. She told us she used to see the dark figure of a man around the house and at night she heard strange noises and crying. She told me the artist committed suicide shortly after finishing it and that he had used his own blood mixed in with the oils. After she died we got the painting, it is currently in our basement. Shortly after we got the painting various members of the family started seeing the dark figure of a man. At night we began hearing noises and just recently we have heard crying and moaning. The painting is still in our house and although I never believed in the supernatural I am now convinced there is something evil about this painting.....

Click for video - 6/18/2010
The noises have been getting worse. We have heard crying coming from the corner of our bedroom. We started seeing the dark figure standing at the bottom of the bed, just apparently staring at us. It seems to be a middle aged man but his features are not very clear. As a former sceptic I'm very curious so I'm moving the painting into our bedroom, previously it's been in a cupboard downstrairs. I'm feeling apprehensive and a little scared....I'll keep updating.

Clcik for video - update 12/19/2010
Things seemed to have settled down so I moved the painting again, now it's started again with a vengeance. The noises are much worse, I'm finding it difficult to get any sleep. I have no explanation for what is happening but I'm convinced it is all related to the painting. I'm going to set up a camera to try and capture some of the activity.....I'll keep you updated.

Click for video - update 1/3/2011
I was recently looking at some photographs that were taken when I was transporting the painting in my car, when I noticed something strange. My two sons were messing about in the back seat when one of them took this photograph of his younger brother. Is this a trick of the light or could this be the spirit that inhabits 'The Anguished Man'?

Click for video - update 2/16/2011
I moved the painting back into the top bedroom. I set the video camera up and recorded for approx. eight hours over three consecutive nights. After spending several hours looking at the footage this is what I found. There were many other sounds recorded but they sounded like they came from outside, these were different. Shortly after moving the painting my wife felt someone stroke her hair in the bathroom and I saw a strange fog like mist at the top of the stairs that vanished as quickly as it came. The painting is now back in the cellar for the time being.

NOTE: I referred the reader to SRI...pending outcome and pursuant to the current investigation. Lon