; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, janvier 04, 2011

Fortean / Alternative News: UFO Near Commercial Flights, Drive-In Volcano and Giant Anaconda Update

Reader Captures Image of UFO in Nashville Commercial Flight Corridor

"Here is strange and slow moving anomalous light that I recorded back in July. This object moved directly through the forward flight path of two commercial planes that night. I am at a total loss of understanding... with respect to their potentially reckless presence, which they seem to exhibit within flight corridors. The object was at an apparent altitude of 2,000 ft., was at an angular distance of 4 to 5,000 ft., with est. speed of 60-80 mph. The object veered out of the flight lane... stopped... then turned the lights out. Time: 9:42pm... Observed time: 79 sec. - west Nashville, Tennessee"

Thanks to Gary Mansfield for sending the report and for using the image!


Saudis Suspect Vulture in Custody a Mossad Agent

israelnationalnews - Saudi Arabian security forces have captured a vulture that was carrying a global positioning satellite (GPS) transmitter and a ring etched with the words "Tel Aviv University." They suspect the bird of spying for Israel, Maariv-NRG reported Tuesday. The GPS and ring were connected to the bird as part of an long-term project by Israeli scientists that follows vultures' location and altitude for research purposes.

The arrest of the vulture - whose identification code is R65 - comes several weeks after an Egyptian official voiced the suspicion that a shark that attacked tourists off the Sinai shore was also acting on behalf of Mossad. The incidents may reflect a growing irrational hysteria among Arabs surrounding Israel's military prowess and the efficacy of its intelligence services, possibly fueled by the Stuxnet virus' success..

Maariv said that the R65 was caught near the home of a sheikh in the community of Hayel in Saudi Arabia. The words "Tel Aviv University" etched in English on a ring clasped to its leg, and especially the transmitter, caused the finders to suspect espionage and alert the security forces.

Ohad Hatzofe, bird ecologist for the Nature and Parks Authority, said that the vulture story has been making the rounds in Arabic internet sites, including Al-Jazeera forums and Arabic military forums. "The subject is receiving great publicity and it is important that Saudi authorities understand that it is not true. There is also an international treaty of nature protection professionals, that forbids doing things like this," he added.

The researchers said that seven vultures that were marked in Israel in the last few years reached Saudi Arabia. Transmissions from four of them have ceased and they are presumed dead. One vulture - beside R65 - is still alive and flying around Saudi Arabia, after spending the winter in Sudan.

NOTE: what do you expect from people that see a jinn in every corner and consider goats beautiful...Lon


World's Only Drive-In Volcano

torontosun - Beware the powers that churn in the bowels of the earth. Steaming, roiling, bubbling, boiling -- and stinking to high heaven.

On the charming island of St. Lucia, which was formed from volcanic activity thousands of years ago, you can visit the world's only drive-in volcano in the little town of Soufriere.

Still bubbling away, the semi-active volcano gives a fascinating insight into the violent geology of the Caribbean Rim. Visitors can drive right up for a close look into the dark grey bubbling pit, which blew it's top off 39,000 years ago.

You can arrive by taxi -- or even take a fishing boat for a more scenic view -- and join one of several guided tours that take visitors along the wooded pathway to the inside pit. It's amazing, but be prepared to put up with the noxious odour of hydrogen sulphide so strong it would put a rotten egg to shame.

Yet, it's that same ingredient that area spas make use of in hot spring baths and volcanic mud facials, which apparently soothe body aches and pains, rejuvenate the skin and ease other aliments -- even hangovers.

Recently "Jake," from TV's The Bachelor, came to the island for a volcanic mud bath before he proposed to his lady at one of the island's dream resorts.

Standing at the centre of the volcano, try to forget the smell and just imagine the incredible forces within the earth, where pools of volcanic mud boil at 100 C.

"If anyone fell in there, they would surely be barbecued," said our good-natured tour guide, Tamancia Francois, who grew up on the island.

There are times, she told us, that the volcano becomes more active, especially around a full moon.

"You can tell because all activity stops. The birds leave, animals flee and tremors will begin," Francois said, adding there is no real danger as scientists constantly monitor seismic activity and can tell well in advance when -- and if -- it is necessary to clear the area.

While there, take a hike along the lush wooded pathways that lead from the centre. A little mountain stream trickles by, steamy-hot from the volcanic earth below. At the entrance you might be bombarded by friendly locals who want to sell souvenirs -- beads made from coconut shells or pretty sun dresses.

The island of St. Lucia is hot and the visit to this incredible volcano is even hotter, so dress in light cool clothing use a sun hat or sun umbrella. It's a great idea to end your trek with a refreshing swim at one of several waterfalls in the area.

Also near Soufriere are the spectacular Pitons -- two steep dormant volcanic spires that rise out of the sea. Popular with climbers, these primeval twin peaks top 600 metres and are St. Lucia's most famous landmark and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Warner Tacumama Expedition Update

The Warner's have returned from their travels (Mike to North America) and (Greg to South America) where they continued their research into the their discoveries that solve the riddle of the 'giant anaconda'; now known as the Black Boa or Yacumama.

Amazingly, both Mike and Greg encountered new, contemporary reports of the Black Boa which will be released soon.

However, here is the link to Mike's Full Disclosure video Part 2 as promised in Part 1.

Thank you all for your support and kind emails as we draw closer to solving this mystery with conclusive scientific data from our ground expedition. As always, your donations are appreciated and will form an important role in completing this fascinating voyage of discovery.

Kind regards

Mike & Greg Warner

Warner Amazon Expedition

Click for video


Kentucky Chupacabra Identified as a Hairless Raccoon

wkyt - Some people thought it might be the legendary chupacabra.

But scientists say a strange animal shot to death in Nelson County last month was actually something else.

After running some tests, biologists have confirmed the animal was actually a hairless raccoon, something they say is becoming more common in Kentucky.

The chupacabra has been a mystery since 1995. According to legend, it's a dog-like creature rumored to attack livestock.