; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, janvier 26, 2011

Flying Discs / Saucer-Shaped UFO Sightings Continue Over Colombia

colombiareports - The highest volcano in Colombia has been the scene of numerous UFO sightings in recent weeks, which according to some is due to extraterrestrials monitoring seismic activity in an effort to save the human race.

Locals in the border region between the two departments of Huila and Cauca, where the Volcan Nevado del Huila is situated, believe the UFOs to belong to extraterrestrial beings, and have documented sightings with pictures and video, reported Diario del Huila Tuesday.

These claims were backed by local UFO expert Ricardo Ayerbe, who told the newspaper that he has witnessed an increase in unidentified flying objects over the last decade.

Ayerbe explained that he is currently investigating the phenomenon and believes that alien beings have an interest in the geological area, which is at present at Level 3 risk level, meaning that there are changes in volcanic activity.

The activity of a number of volcanoes in the central Andes has not only caused alarm, but also provides a possible explanation for the UFO sightings, according to Ayerbe.

"Quite possibly these sightings are related to these geological events that have occurred in recent months. At the moment there have been sightings in areas of geological risk, because it seems they have an interesting in observing the risks that humanity is taking, surely with the purpose of intervening to try to save the race from these risks," he explained, apparently with a straight face.


Source: Diario del Huila - Colombia
Date: 01.25.11


Colombia: UFOs Seen near Nevado del Huila Volcano

Unidentified Flying Objects have apparently been seen near the Nevado del Huila volcano, in the municipalities bordering the Cauca and Opita territory.

This information was made known by residents of the region, who are in possession of photographs and videos of what could be the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The strange images or sightings, as they are called, recorded in recent weeks from the end of 2010 to the present, are apparently not the first, according to Ricardo Ayerbe, a "Huilense" expert in the subject, who says these episodes have repeated for more than a decade.

"Sightings of the unidentified flying objects known as UFOs (sic) have been recorded for some years now, and there are photographs that clearly show objects plowing the skies, particularly near the Nevado del Huila, and some municipalities bordering the Huila and Cauca, such as Belalcazar, Sebastián de Belalcazar and other communities," said Ayerbe, a researcher of the phenomenon. He explained that while the events are under investigation, he believes that the alleged alien beings have some kind of interest in the geological area, which is currently at a Yellow Alert 3 level, and the volcanic activity is trending toward reduction.

The state of alarm in the area, which began last year, is due to the reactivation of some volcanoes in the central Cordillera, such as Nevado del Huila, according to followers of the UFO subject.” It is very likely that these sightings are related to these geological events over the past months. At this time there have been sightings in high-risk areas, because they apparently have an interest in monitoring these hazards facing humanity, surely with the aim of intervening and saving the species from certain danger," Ayerbe noted.

The alleged Unidentified Flying Objects seen by residents of the Huila and Cauca border region have special characteristics in their movement, such as high speeds, making no noise whatsoever, and making themselves visible and invisible at will.


Photos: Saucer Shaped UFO - Colombia - 12/25/09

MUFON witness report (rough translation): Colombia (undisclosed location) - 12/25/09 - After taking two photos, without tripod, of a dusk, when reviewing them in the PC south wind a sparkle with oval form that apparently corresponds to an object with displacement. In the first location and position it is different from the second taking. The coincidence but impressive this in the apparent oval form of clouds to the bottom of the dusk, like simulating a great ship, that went what it took to want to me to photograph that figure. After reviewing in the PC it surprised the light that appears to me in the two takings, furthermore in different positions. The difference between both photographs is of 35 seconds.

I was in my residence sharing with the family. When I observed that light in the photos, I shared with the family, that accepted that sparkle apparently is a flying object. Immediately I wanted to report on the subject and I acceded to the internet, looking for where to post this event. The object has an oval form, which I did not observe it at first. Nótice that the location of the object is different between a photo and the other. I believe that I have been lucky with this event.

NOTE: this sighting seems familiar to an earlier report in Colombia posted below:

Publimetro.cl & Planeta UFO
Date: 12.19.09

Colombia: College Photographer Captures Phantom UFO

The presence of "phantom" or "invisible" UFOs in digital photographs (and some analog ones, too) is a persistent and annoying situation. And a polarizing one, too. Many either embrace these objects as proof of the otherworldly or reject them outright as proof of the photographer's ineptitude. But Guillermo Gimenez of Planeta UFO has kindly sent us an article from the Chilean on-line newspaper Publimetro.cl that suggests that even college campuses are being plagued by the pesky "invisibles".

Juan Gabriel Sutachán, a graphics designer with Colombia's prestigious Universidad de los Andes, more specifically its School of Sciences, was taking photos of the campus for a college fair and at no time saw the strange object, which subsequently appears flying over the School of Economics building of this academic institutuion.

"What I find truly curious is that I wasn't aware of the object while taking the photos. In fact, none of us present at the time ever noticed it, despite the fact that it was a particularly sunny and clear day. It was only when we downloaded the images to the computer that we noticed it," says Sutachán.

The "phantom UFO" depicted in this latest case shows a saucer-shaped form that emits a whitish-pink wake. The sequence of images was presented to Prof. Carlos Hernández of the Physics Department "As a rule, we physicists are very skeptical when dealing with such subjects, as we consider that there is always a logical and scientifically provable reason to explain any phenomenon. However, despite the fact that the image recorded its very curious, we will have to engage in a more thorough analysis before being able to say what it is."


Video: UFO / OVNI Itagui, Colombia

Click for video

The footage was obtained in Itaguí, Colombia in August 2007. An employee was recording the progress of the construction of a shopping venue when he witnessed the anomaly.


Video: Aliens / OVNI Land on Bogota, Colombia Building

Strange compilation of UFO / OVNI news video clips from Colombia. Seems to suggest that extraterrestrials were seen on the roof of a Bogota, Colombia building. - April 2008

NOTE: these flying discs have been reported regularly over Latin American but sightings have been frequently reported over locations in Colombia as well as several South and Central American volcanoes. Scott Corrales at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology keeps abreast of the activity on his blog...Lon