; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, novembre 22, 2010

Fortean / Oddball News: Violent Close Encounter, Church Thief Foiled and Rock in Tree

Hyden, Kentucky UFO and Entity Sighting, Communicates with Witness

Case Number: 26648
Log Number: US-11182010-0011
Submitted Date: 2010-11-18 17:40 GMT
Event Date: 2010-11-18 13:10 GMT
Status: Assigned
City: Hyden
Region: Kentucky
Country: US
Longitude: -83.3732373
Latitude: 37.1609254
Shape: Fireball,Sphere,Star-like
Distance: 20 feet or less
Entity Type: Human-like,Other
Vallee Index: CE3

(Unedited) - This sounds crazy I know! The weirdest thing happened I go running about 4 times a week I run to the top of a mountain and pray. Well I noticed an object in the sky a red light very fast i thought it was a comet until it stopped above me and started getting closer. I closed my eyes for maybe 3 seconds and when I opened them I was shocked there someone was in front of me. I thought it may be someone else out hiking or something he looked normal so I asked him does he see that. He told me he came out of it I laughed thinking he was joking. He told me he needed my help with something that only I could help him with I told him he was crazy. I told him aliens don't exist but he didn't call himself an alien he called himself something else at first he wasn't even speaking in English. He asked me what did he have to do to prove he was an alien I was joking and said make fire come out of your hands I didn't think it was possible I must be going crazy because I swear I seen fire. I screamed he grabbed my mouth and said I'm not here to hurt you I need your help.Being afraid I asked him what was it he needed,he told me some crazy story about him and his brother and that I knew where his brother was and where his brothers spear was. It is crazy but I had a dream about his brother before but I don't know him just the name. Before he could finish talking to me something else came out of the forest except it didn't look like us it was pale skinned, no hair, great athletic condition,eyes so dark I have never seen that color black before it wasn't very tall either maybe 4.5ft maximum. They started fighting the next thing I know I'm knocked down and when I raise up there both gone. The one that I first talked to though didn't look nothing like the other it looked like us and it had a sword that when it hit a tree as he swung at the other and it fell over it went straight threw. There is more but to much to go over here I think I may be going crazy. Please one of you that work here please contact me and tell me I am going crazy. I am very afraid.


Mystery...Large Rock Found Into Tree

bristolpress - On July 21, a tornado passed through four Connecticut towns, including Bristol. The local touchdown encompassed an area 25 yards wide and went a mile and a half through the Federal Hill area with winds reaching between 80-90 miles an hour.

Among the debris left in the twister's wake was large tree branch which fell at the front of the First Congregational Church.

A tree surgeon was brought in to check out the large maple from which the branch was ripped, recalls longtime church member Tim Rohner.

“It was diseased,” said Rohner, “and the tree was taken down.”

Volunteers then began to cut up the felled tree and to remove the remains to save the church money.

“This would have been an expensive ordeal,” he said.

The volunteer cleanup crew included Rohner, a Burlington resident; his brother Paul; a friend Chris Maurice; and Rick Paradis, all Bristol residents.

The group sliced the felled tree into sections for a number of days until chain saw blades began to break or wear out. The tree contained an object much harder than wood.

“We saw something inside the tree and thought it might have been a grave stone or something like that,” said Rohner.

When this writer got there and saw Mike and Tim looking at the remaining section of the tree with a post-like cement object reinforced with metal bars that was still in it and with an obelisk-like section removed, I was amazed.

What was this object in the tree and how did it get there? I’m baffled and knew I’d need some help on this one.

I remembered that Gerry Thompson, building chairman of the Bristol Historical Society, recently told me about trees being filled with cement when they were “Y” shaped because leaves falling into groves could eventually rot them away. Cement was used to fill the open portion to prevent damage to the tree.

Another idea was that it may have been a cemetery stone and Ellen Zoppo was called in as chairwoman of Bristol’s Cemetery Commission and she in turn, passed along this mystery by commission members for their thoughts.

“It’s intriguing,” said Zoppo. “We have heard of this sort of thing bracing a tree, but this seems to go beyond it. There are similar posts (seen in the church tree) seen in cemeteries.”

Zoppo went on to say that a gravestone in a local cemetery was overgown by a tree sapling from many years ago.

According to Tom Angels, a longtime local tree enthusiast and history buff, the tree, a sugar maple, was split at one time and concrete was poured into it to stop rotting.

There were 50-pound sections of concrete pulled from the tree by Rohner and friends the past week. Engels said he thinks the decorative areas seen on the ‘obelisk’ came about because of what was seen on the outside of the tree — poured cement.

“Cement is poured in slowly,” said Engels. “It fills the cavity and any part of the results which shows on the outside of the tree is sometimes decorated (as brick-like). And, because it was church grounds, especially, it was dressed up as such. They probably wanted the tree to remain looking nice.”

When this was done remains a mystery. The tree, according to experts, is approximately 130 years old.

Others have the thought that because the current church’s structure is the third in it’s history on the property, the piece found in the tree, approximately six feet or more in length, may have been a corner stone of one of the previous church buildings.

In closing, Carson, Zoppo’s youngest son, a grade school student, think’s it came from the heavens.

“It’s from a meteorite,” he said..

However, Tom Engels likely hit it on the nail.

“I’m going with Tom Angels thoughts,” said Montgomery. “That seems to make sense.

It’s an interesting find and a lot of people have had a good, yet confusing, time looking into this.”

Click for video


Beheading message mystery
thenorthernecho - A pensioner hopes to solve the mystery surrounding a plank bearing a grisly message.

The plank was found boarded up behind a plaster wall in the town hall in Leyburn, North Yorkshire.

Written on the plank are the words: “Benjamin Walker born May 6 ???? was beheaded in 1852 for preaching the words of God to the Jews.

“He being brought to London caused the streets to be in an uproar to see him.”

The year of the birth is unclear, although it is believed to end in 35.

An illegible name, possibly the author’s, is also visible.

The wood was found about ten years ago when alterations were being made to the building. It is now in the possession of Frank Knowles, whose family previously owned the building, which is now Wray Bros hardware store.

Mr Knowles, 82, said: “I got it out the other day and was wondering if anyone could enlighten me about its history.

“It has probably been there since the hall was built in 1856.

“I don’t know if it has been written tongue-in-cheek and they were having a jolly good laugh about it 150 years ago, or there’s any truth to it.

“I don’t know if they were still beheading people in 1852.”

Mr Knowles believes the wood is mahogany and may have been part of a door frame.

He said that Walker was a common surname in the area.

The two sentences were written in pencil in what Mr Knowles, a former ironmonger and press photographer, described as an educated style.

He said: “I thought it might raise a smile with somebody.”

Beheading was common in Anglo-Saxon times as a punishment for theft. It was reintroduced by William the Conqueror, but became reserved as a punishment for nobility.

The last woman to be beheaded was Lady Alice Lisle, 67, in 1685 for sheltering traitors.

Most beheadings took place at the Tower of London, with the last taking place there in 1747 – that of Simon Fraser, the 11th Lord Lovat, who was convicted of plotting against the House of Hanover.

At his execution, a grandstand built for spectators collapsed, killing 20 people.

As the axe fell, he said “Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori” – which translates as “It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country”.


Church thief sent packing empty-handed by falling saint statue

thelocal.de - A thief who tried to break open the donation box in a church was hit on the head by a falling statue of a saint, police in Munich reported on Sunday.

The man suffered a nasty cut to the head and fled the St Benno Church without the donation box, said Ludwig Sperrer, the church’s priest.

He said it seemed that the near-life-size statue of Saint Antonius had fallen from its wooden plinth as the would-be thief was trying to break open the donation box which was situated in the same wooden structure.

“He obviously did not want to let it go,” said Sperrer with a grin.

But the thief was obviously not convinced to change his ways by the falling saint – he went to a nearby house to ask for help with his bleeding head and his lady accomplice stole a wallet left lying on a counter.

NOTE: It wasn't a bolt of lightening, but still effective...Lon


Ahmadinejad urges girls to marry at 16

msnbc - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged young girls to marry at age of 16 in his latest rejection of the country's once effective family planning program, local newspapers reported on Sunday.

Following record birth rates in the wake of the 1979 Islamic revolution, Iran implemented an internationally praised family planning program in the 1990s that dramatically reduced the growth rate. Ahmadinejad has criticized the program as an ungodly and a Western import.

"We should take the age of marriage for boys to 20 and for girls to about 16 and 17," he said, according to the state-owned Jam-e Jam daily. "The marriage age for boys has reached 26 and for girls to 24, and there is no reason for this."

Since coming to power in 2005, the Iranian president has sought to increase of the country's population, which is already at 75 million, with a third between the ages of 15 and 30.

In July, he inaugurated a new policy to encourage population growth with financial incentives for every new child born, having previously said the country could feed a population of 150 million.

Critics said the policy will only exacerbate unemployment, currently set 9 percent officially. There are an estimated 3 million unemployed people of working age in the country.

NOTE: The fundamentalist need to increase the cannon-fodder numbers...Lon