; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, juin 10, 2010

U.S. Ambassador Security Guards Capture Video of UFOs Over Vatican

Click for video

openminds - Was Rome visited by Unidentified Flying Objects? Definitely, and once again the sightings in the skies over Vatican City stirred newspaper headlines and numerous TV news reports in Italy. According to recent reports, it seems that a UFO flap is taking place in Rome and that strange objects were also recorded on camera several times. The most important one is the footage of an odd luminous formation taken by three security guards stationed in front of the residence of the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican (Holy See). These were qualified witnesses since they are artillerymen, trained experts in air surveillance.

It was at 4 am in the night of June 7th when three men belonging to the 17° antiaircraft Regiment at the “Santa Barbara” station in Sabaudia (Latina province), spotted three spherical bright objects hovering in the sky above St. Peter’s dome in the Vatican, right in the center of Rome. They promptly filmed the unexpected nocturnal air show with a cell phone.

From their point of observation in the Roman Monteverde area (overlooked by the Gianicolo hill), they immediately stopped a police patrol. Well trained in spotting aircraft, the artillerymen excluded the possibility of a commercial plane, a jet fighter or a balloon. They described the object’s swift maneuvers, mentioning a “darting move toward the sky,” a “delta formation,” and “luminous dots suspended at about three hundred feet above the ground.” They added that there is “no way a conventional airplane can do such things.” The UFO disappeared and reappeared for brief moments, with sudden changes of altitude before it darted westbound at a 40 degree angle. The police patrol took the report very seriously and the central police station in Rome was immediately alerted. The footage, more than a minute in length, was acquired by the Italian police, pending further investigations.

Thanks to the technical background of the witnesses, many TV networks took the news seriously. “Studio Aperto” (Mediaset, Italia Uno newscast) anchorwoman Elena Guarnieri introduced the segment saying: “We will show  you now an exclusive video footage of a UFO sighting in Rome, this video was filmed by three soldiers, take a look.” Staff journalist Paolo Capresi then describes the images: “They are three flying objects and they are floating in the air, they were filmed last night in the sky above Rome. The images were taken with a cell phone by three soldiers who were in service in front of the U.S. ambassador’s residence in the Vatican City (Holy See), Monteverde district, two steps from St. Peter’s Square, and were immediately handed over to the Carabinieri [police]. As you can see there are no objects around to use as reference points that can give us the exact distance and size of the UFOs. It seems that they are spherical in shape and they hover above the Vatican. They appear and disappear often changing altitude.”

The journalist concluded, almost ironically: “The soldiers who have filmed these objects are based in the antiaircraft division and are specialized in recognizing the flight path of aircraft. Since 1978 it’s the Air Force that is in charge of registering sightings (over Italy)”. Colonel Marco Picciau of the Italian Air Force specifies that “statistics of sightings reported before 2001 were 300, after 2001 we have a more precise statistic on 50, 55, sightings [every year]”.

The June 7th sighting was preceded approximately eight hours before by another relevant sighting. As reported in the Roman newspaper “Il Messaggero”, “Just last Sunday [June 6], at 8 pm, many motorists traveling along the Via Aurelia and the A12 highway in the section between Civitavecchia and Santa Marinella, said they saw a very bright circular object flying across the sky.”

NOTE: this isn't the first time UFOs have been seen over Vatican City. While Pope John Paul II's body lie in state, a large UFO was captured on video hovering over St. Peter's Square (below)...Lon

The Death of Pope John Paul II and Vatican UFO Sightings

Paranormal and other unexplained activity has been reported in and above Vatican City for many years. But the increased reports of UFO / OVNI phenomena immediately following the death of Pope John Paul II and since has many people in the field of extraterrestrial research wondering if there is some sort of connection. As well, there have been several documented accounts of increased anomalous activity in different locations throughout Vatican City since the death of Pope John Paul II.

The vidcaps above were taken above St. Peter's Square while Pope John Paul II lie in state.

Previously posted in July 2006

Received the following photo and message from my good friend Piotr Cielebiaś, NPN - www.npn.ehost.pl: Concerning the photograph - On the left side of the Basilic's Cuppola there is a bright object (left upper corner), orange in color. What do you think about it.

I have just received it. It was taken in June 24, 2006 in Rome by a Polish tourist and submitted recently.

Robert Morningstar, associate editor of UFODigest.com enlarged and enhancement the photograph sent by Piotr. Robert states that "the attached enlargements indicate to me a solid object above Rome."

"The color of the object is consistant with UFO colors as the UFO craft transition in energy from red to amber as they undergo power shifts. Rome, unlike New York and other brightly illuminated cities, has little light that could be reflected so brightly from such an apparently high flying object. The equalized enlargement (the lower one) shows the body of the craft as a black silhouette", he added.

U.S. Ambassador Security Guards Capture Video of UFOs Over Vatican