; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, juin 05, 2010

Russian Man Commits Suicide With Homemade Guillotine

A Russian engineer killed himself using a guillotine he built in his bedroom.

47-year-old Albert Repin's mother said he had shut himself in his bedroom for days, saying he wanted to build a cupboard, according to a report in newspaper Tvoi Den (translated version below), which also published photographs and sketches of the contraption.

His body was found jammed in the "strange construction" which used a metal plate - attached to a plank and weighted with large water bottles - as a blade.

The man, a divorcee from Moscow, lay on the floor beneath and triggered the guillotine himself. He had reportedly suffered psychiatric problems in recent years.


Translated Version

A resident of suburban estate Malakhovka suicide using a homemade guillotine.

An engineer by education, 47-year-old Albert Repin his own hands he built from scrap materials machine execution, invented in the XVIII century in France, and he himself had brought it into action.

According to relatives, the man was not able to survive the separation from his wife, with whom divorced several years ago.

The night before, Repin locked in his room and something was making - told "to Your Day" in the police. In the morning the parents were worried when he did not open the door for them. My father and mother called his second son, he knocked the door and found his brother dead.

The body of Albert was lying in a corner in a strange device that he built a few days. In the wooden racks engineer put the plywood to which the attached sheet of iron. "Blade" suicide raised to the ceiling and would add to his load of four 5-liter bottles of water.

Best to calm down on the "block", Repin cut with scissors held the "ax" rope, and the blade with great force fell upon his neck.

The guillotine is not completely cut off the head just because that piece of iron was not confined, - commented "Thy Day" law enforcement source. But he did so he could not otherwise have attracted the attention of relatives.

Construction of the terrible "death machine" suicide carefully concealed.

It is always something to master, - said "Thy DAY" elderly mother, Alberta. At this time, said he wanted to make a cabinet. I bought the board, any piece of iron.

The mother had no idea that his son all these days did the guillotine to punish myself. Albert recent years he lived with us - the woman says. Several years ago he married, but they are children with his wife and not gained. Lived two years together and separated. It was then that he and the problems started.

Divorce has become a tragedy for Albert. After that he required the assistance of psychologists.

We thought we had calmed down, survived - lamented mother. And it turned out that there is no ...

Russian Man Commits Suicide With Homemade Guillotine