; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, mai 24, 2010

Spiral Anomaly Reported Over British Columbia - UPDATE!

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theweatherspace - The Norway spiral comes to mind when TheWeatherSpace.com received photographs and even an amazing video of the event. An object swooped down from the sky and then returned in a brilliant display on Friday night across the Western Canada areas.

Three different photographers have given their photos to TheWeatherSpace.com in what looks like something out of a science fiction movie. We cannot see what would cause this one Earth. The Norway spiral was said to be caused by a missile launch in the Russian territory. But what is this?

The only known areas to launch on the Western coast are the Vandenberg Air Force Base and Alaskan areas. Vandenberg confirms no launches and Kodiak Island has to be ruled out due to the direction of travel (from the west).

The photographs show a very similar shape and mysterious object off the coast of Canada. The object is not a missile as one photograph from the beach has the trajectory curving up! What is it?

A video was sent to TheWeatherSpace.com and the web team has added it to the video server on YouTube.com. The video shows the entire sequence of this object as filmed by Steven Murray.

"I have four sky cameras to catch meteors on and number three caught it", Murray said. "I saw it from my office while doing work. The object was on the monitor. By the time I rushed outside the object was gone but the loudest boom I ever heard from a distance struck shortly after."

Click for video

Update: Numerous e-mail has been received with various photos of the same event. On Friday night, something over the coast of Western Canada lit up the sky, lasting for less than a minute.

Reports are coming in from the area with photos and videos. Two videos have surfaced, however these videos look like an attempt to either do away with the story from the original photos or they could be the real deal.

Many have said it is a hoax and it very well could be, some things on the photos vs. the videos do not add up and scream one of those is a fake.

A new video has come in. This short clip has been edited by Nathan Varney of B.C. Canada. Varney says he saw the object and picked up his camera and zoomed in on it to get the recording. He states that the objected swooped down and then exploded. To the unaided eye he said the object vanished in a brilliant array of patterns but on Camera the object was seen going through a "tunnel", pointed on the leading end as if zooming out of the atmosphere away from the planet.

TheWeatherSpace.com owner Kevin Adams is investigating into who are sending the material and if a resolution to this can be found.

NOTE: Well, I contacted two associates (one in Manitoba and another in British Columbia) today to find out what the story is on these sightings. Apparently, there was a lot of activity over several provinces this past weekend. There were several reports of silver orbs over Manitoba as well as Alberta. As to the validity of the 'spiral' UFO and the video, that's still very much up in the air. The video looks like a fake IMO. But, there was a good deal of UFO activity nonetheless...so we'll have to wait and see what develops...Lon

Spiral Anomaly Reported Over British Columbia

UPDATE! Well, as I suspected...this was a hoax. A statement follows:

Betty Morgan Fired From TheWeatherSpace For Hoax Story

Betty Morgan

A hoax designed by a Southern California resident made a circle around the internet for a couple of days. The hoax of a UFO zooming out of the solar system at a high rate of speed. Had the video been real it would have been the best footage caught, however it was not.

Betty Morgan was TheWeatherSpace.com's Space News Editor on the story. She printed the story for what looked like an easy campaign for her column. Kevin Adams, owner of TheWeatherSpace.com, gave her a week notice.

"We simply do not accept stories to be posted on this site without looking over the material with managers", said Adams in a company e-mail.

The hoax, staged by Kevin Martin of Southern California, was only taken seriously by Morgan. When asked for a comment on the story Morgan had nothing to say.

"We are going to get back to real news reporting", Adams closed. "TheWeatherSpace.com was designed for actual facts about the topics on the top bar of the Web site. We will fill Morgan's position with the right candidate over the next week."

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