; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, mai 07, 2010

Jicarilla Apache Police Officer Recalls Alien Encounter - Dulce, New Mexico

The following is a recent MUFON witness report from a Jicarilla Apache tribal police officer who recalls an alien encounter he had in Dulce, New Mexico:

MUFON witness report - unedited: Mid 80's Dulce, NM my self a law enforcement officer w/Jicarilla Apache Police. Background Police Science/Forensic Western NM Univ., Silver City. Had gone to graveyard shift at midnight w/ another officer and dispatcher. Immediately went to a single females home with the other shift and was informed that a small being was in her house at the foot of the bed with a box shining a laser like red light at her, the other officers knowing it was there shift change left without further investigation. Making fun mind you. She was obviously shaken up and I did notice some electrical malfunctions within her home and her animals, dogs and horses were uneasy. Throughout the night I continued to check on her, once in the early morning I was called to her home, her house was dark and as I entered I could hear her down the hall crying for help. I was informed again of visitors with a light in her home and it seemed strangely quiet. No one to be found in the home or area. In the early morning when the sun comes up when their is light I drove up to the home to make a check I noticed some movement in the brush and trees just west of her home about 15 yards away. I still don't understand what I may have saw, but soon after as I was stepping out of my unit three oval craft in a triangular pattern about the size of a three bedroom home lifted off from behind some juniper trees just 30 yards at the most taking off silently without noise/down drafts, then turn a bright white light and slow went in the direction east towards Chama, NM slowly gain altitude. My other Officer and Dispatcher was witness to this also. Shortly after I heard on the State Police Frequency from Chama about those UFO.s that were being called in to them. I felt completely helpless as a Officer to help someone who asked for help and was unable to assist and protect her in her time of need. It still bothers me today. S/GJ. (I spoke with Norio in Dulce, NM during the Dulce Base Conference also.)

Jicarilla Apache Police Officer Recalls Alien Encounter - Dulce, New Mexico