; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, avril 10, 2010

'Lake Erie Lights' Videographer Claims Coercion By Bigelow Operative

Back on December 24th, I reported that the Federal Aviation Administration had designated the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) as one of the reporting centers for UFO sightings and unexplained phenomena. Here is the link to that post - Press Release Proves MUFON and Feds Connected.

Click for video

The FAA video above has now reportedly been removed from the FAA website, but the very existence of the video illustrates the scope of Robert Bigelow’s enterprises into the FAA reporting protocol. Other bloggers have voiced their opinions as well - More Bloggers Jump Into MUFON Debate. Also, MUFON tried to quell the controversy by sending this response - MUFON Responds to Posts....then later, this nugget popped up - MUFON State Director Admits to 'Misleading the Public'. Anyway, I don't really want to rehash these arguments though it does demonstrate judgment and priorities. But, there is something I was made aware of tonight that has me wondering 'what is going on in the hierarchy of ufology?'

I was contacted by a colleague, Roger A. Briggs, who stated in a memo that something was afoot in the recent Lake Erie UFO sightings near Cleveland, Ohio. Eugene Erlikh had been videotaping the UFO's for several weeks and had posted his findings on YouTube. Subsequently, the national media became interested...thus, MUFON figured they had better get involved as well. MUFON assigned Tom Wertmen to Eugene Erlikh's case. MUFON's first determination was that this was the planet Venus, but they finally concluded that Eugene was filming aircraft coming in and out over Lake Erie from Hopkins-Cleveland International Airport. MUFON's Tom Wertmen alleged he corroborated with unnamed air traffic controllers at the airport, but no names or references were given. Was the FAA possibly involved?

Friday night on The Alien Agenda radio, both Eugene Erlikh and Michael Lee Hill were featured on the show. Both had filmed unknown multicolored orb/craft over Lake Erie and coincidentally live within 5 minutes of each other in Cleveland. Michael's videos go further back to 2006 and Eugene's are more recent. On April 6, 2010 Michael and Eugene unknowingly and simultaneously filmed similar multicolored orb/craft on the same night and at the same time or within minutes of each other. Both videographers made this discovery just yesterday as well.

According to Erlikh, at approximately 6:45pm EST, on Thursday night (April 8, 2010) a private telephone call came into his residence. Eugene answered and the man on the other end assumed to know it was Eugene and called him by name. The man identified himself as a member of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies. He did give his name and email that is, in fact, linked to the BAASS.ORG domain name. He asked Eugene a number of questions pertaining to the sightings over Lake Erie. The man then demanded Eugene give up the exact coordinates of the location the lights are appearing. When Eugene questioned the man, he stated he knew the lights were not terrestrial or from this planet and there's big money involved in obtaining that technology. He instructed Eugene to email him the coordinates. Eugene immediately hung up the telephone.

The first video was made by Michael Lee Hill on April 6th, 2010 and the second was made by Eugene Erlikh on the same night at approximately the same time

Click for video

Click for video

Now, let's assume the comments made by Erlikh are factual. I have no reason not to believe he is telling the truth based on his diligence in recording these events in an honest manner and not refusing to disclose any information to MUFON. But, when someone unknown to you calls your residence, identifies themselves as a representative of BAASS and demands information, well, it's time to start questioning people's motives.

Recently, Alfred Lambremont Webre of Examiner.com posted a very interesting article - Robert Bigelow's and MUFON's hybrid UFO investigation venture 'under review' in 2010. Mr. Webre discusses a leaked memo referencing the problems plaguing the MUFON-BAASS relationship as well as a statement issued by former MUFON international director James Carrion as part of his January 26, 2010 resignation letter.

Later though, Mr. Webre writes: MUFON’s Mark Easter pointedly stated, “I want to deal with the big picture – the level that Dr. Kelleher discussed with you. The BAASS – MUFON program is a good program. BAASS did not want to manage MUFON and MUFON did not want to manage BAASS. The only issue was an accounting issue.”

Mr. Easter stated, “The best outcome would be for the BAASS-MUFON relationship to get back on track.”

Mr. Easter continued, “MUFON has a computerized case management UFO reporting system now. To MUFON volunteers who are ready to be on 24 hour standby in this economy, the BAASS-MUFON agreement is a God-send.”

To this reporter, Mark Easter’s case for BAASS-MUFON resurrection seems a reasonable one.

Since the FAA initiative allowed BAASS to investigate pilot sightings and the fact that they later tried to gloss over this directive, seems to suggest that their reasoning is somewhat ambiguous.

So where does this leave the MUFON-BAASS relationship? I respect Mr. Webre's opinion but, frankly, I get the sense that MUFON has been compromised to a point where it will never be an independent entity again. Hey, money talks...the person handing it out does the talking. I will continue to present the information available and watch to see if 'where there's smoke, there's fire.' I suppose time will tell, though I question if the right of the public to access the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials will ever be achieved...Lon

'Lake Erie Lights' Videographer Claims Coercion By Bigelow Operative