; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, mars 07, 2010

USO Sighting - Lake Michigan Near Milwaukee, WI - Delta Airline Flight DL2220

MUFON witness report - 3/2/10 (unedited): I was in Delta Airline flight DL2220 flying from Seattle WA to Detroit. I was looking through the window for most of the flight. At about 6:00am we were flying over a big city probably Milwaukee when I noticed glowing lights at a distance several miles ahead of us. I was suddenly amazed because the lights seemed brighter and bigger the all of the city light combined. It was the brightest light I had seen from a plane window I love sitting in a window seat and looking out. What puzzled me was that the lights looked like they were under water. I had the feeling that we were flying over water so I looked down to make sure. There were few clouds and I could see the ripples on the surface of the water, because the moon was full. I kept looking at the light as the plane got closer. I started getting apprehensive as the plane approached it. It didn't seem man-made. When we finally got over it I was terrified and could look no more because I thought it was going to capture the plane. There was a gentleman sitting in the window seat in front of me. I am sure he saw it too. I think he was afraid too because he turn away too. I wanted to ask him about it but my connecting flight was leaving in a short time and I was traveling two others so I didn't have the time to find him in the airport.
Now I'm going to try to give a detailed description of the lights. I noticed three lights close together under the surface of the water. The biggest one looked like a giant light bulb. It was several miles in diameter. It was yellowish. The one beside it was a little more the half the size and it was reddish. It was also huge several miles in diameter too. The third one was smaller and greenish. I will assume that it was less the 2 miles in diameter. They were all brighter then any light I have ever seen except the sun. I do not believe they were from this world.
There was another light at a distance the size of a city it was greenish but we didn't flying near it. Unless you guys tell me that there are several gigantic under water projects going on in Lake Michigan I going to believe that was extra-terrestial.

NOTE: there is a history of strange sightings on and over Lake Michigan. As well, am undertermined cropping of structures has been recently discovered by radar on the bottom of the lake. Below, I have posted some of the more unusual incidents...Lon


MUFON witness report: My friend and I walked down to the beach at the Rosy Mound Natural Area just a couple miles south of Grand Haven, MI, to watch the sunset. The sun set around 2030 (8:30). We decided to stay a while longer to see the stars come out.

After about an hour or so of talking and looking at the stars, I noticed that there was an unusually bright light out over Lake Michigan going west to east. At first I thought it was a plane with its landing lights on coming through the clouds.

Then I realized that there were no clouds in that direction. As it flew closer I asked my friend if she saw what I saw. She confirmed that she also saw it, and asked me what it was. I told her I had no idea.

It had no green or red marker lights to distinguish it as a commercial jet, nor did it have a strobe light. It was just a bright white light with a unusual Aura surrounding it.

It gave me chills, and the hair on my arms stood straight up as it got closer. I called my Mom who lives a few miles away and told her what I was seeing and to ask if she could see it also. She could not due to the area she lives in being a wooded area.

It was flying on a straight path. It almost looked like it was speeding up and then slowing down, then speeding up again. As it neared the shore line ,I noticed another light following about 10 to 15 seconds behind the first one.

This object was emitting the same color light, but did not have the unusual aura surrounding it. Both lights made no noise as they flew by, which made it all the more creepy. As they crossed over land and flew farther east, the lights eventually went out of sight.

After they were out of sight ,we stayed there for another hour or so to see if they would come back or see if more would follow, but nothing else was seen.
Originally posted 1/1/09

The 'Lake Michigan Triangle' Mystery

The Lake Michigan triangle is said to have similar characteristics of the Bermuda Triangle and is said to be a place of ghost ships, strange disappearances and even UFO sightings.

"There's been some strange disappearances out there, there's been many ships that have been lost that haven't been found."

Bill Wangemann is a historian from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. He's spent a lifetime gathering tales about the Lake Michigan triangle.

According to author Linda S. Godfrey in her book 'Weird Michigan' (2006), the Michigan Triangle starts from the town of Ludington to Benton Harbor in Michigan; another links from Benton Harbor to Manitowoc, Wisconsin; the final side connects Manitowoc back to Ludington.

But the legend doesn't end with sunken ships; nearly 40 planes have disappeared over Lake Michigan too. Probably the most famous is northwest airlines flight 2501 that took off from New York City headed for Minneapolis in June of 1950 and plunged into Lake Michigan just off Benton Harbor. No one survived.

Then, there are the sightings of UFO's and other strange anomalies in the sky. In fact there have been so many sightings of strange objects and phantom planes that the Federal Aviation Administration created a special lake reporting service to catalog the reported sightings.

And yet still, thousands make the journey through the Triangle every season.

Captain Kevin Fitch of the Badger Ferry has been sailing Lake Michigan waters for nearly 30 years, "I've heard of it, I don't put a lot of faith in it but I have heard of it. Little bits and pieces here and there."

He says in the thousand trips he's made across the lake he's never seen anything strange. "I can't think of anything that didn't have an explanation of some kind."

So Captain Fitch continues to guide the ferry through what Wangemann says is considered the most dangerous part of the triangle.

"There's dozen's of these stories about different things that have occurred out there and people that have been lost and sailors that have disappeared off of ships and some people claim that there is something supernatural going on out on the lake," says Wangemann.

The wreck of the schooner Rosa Belle and the loss of 11 crew members and passengers, all members of the Benton Harbor cult House of David, shocked the nation in the fall of 1921. The wreck was discovered on Oct. 30, floating upside down by the Grand Trunk car ferry Ann Arbor No. 4. The captain of the ferry said it appeared as if the schooner had been in a collision with another vessel. But no other ship was found to have been in a collision that week. The aft section was smashed, the cabin was wrenched away from the deck and the ship’s rigging was floating loosely about the hull. The mystery of what happened to the Rosa Belle was never solved.

Strange too was the fact that it was the second almost identical wreck for the Rosa Belle. The vessel capsized in the same area and drifted ashore near Grand Haven, Michigan, in August, 1875. Ten crew members were lost. The wreck was recovered at that time and rebuilt.

Among the strangest of the mysteries was the disappearance of the schooner Thomas Hume, which disappeared without a trace in a Lake Michigan gale on May 21, 1891, while sailing empty from Chicago to Muskegon, Michigan to pick up a load of lumber. Seven sailors, including Captain George C. Albrecht, were lost with the ship. Even though the lake was searched thoroughly, not a stick of lumber or piece of flotsam from a wreck was ever found. Old sailors speculated that the Hume, a wooden vessel, could not have sunk without some wreckage floating away. To this day, the Hume’s disappearance remains unsolved.

One of the most famous stories of disappearing crew members includes the freighter O.M. McFarland.

In April 1937, Captain George Donnor was heading to Port Washington, Wisconsin, "He decided to retire to his cabin for a nap, and he gave orders to be aroused about 6pm. And they went to his cabin and he was gone. The story was the cabin was locked from the inside and nobody knows what happened to him till this day," says Wangemann.

During the time of Captain Donnor's disappearance the McFarland was crossing through the nexus of the Lake Michigan triangle along the same course of the Badger Ferry.

As the Badger Ferry continues on its journey, passengers are unaware of what might lurk in the deep lake waters. John Fangman: "I know there's a lot of mystery about the great lakes and legend and folklore."

Bill Wangemann says there are some tails of sea monsters. "Many years ago there were people that swore they saw sea monsters on the shore here," says Wagemann.

And some of the witness have quite a bit of credibility, "A Catholic priest went for a walk he saw this beast on the shore he said it was big and the color green," says Wangemann. (See videos below - mysterious footprints on shore (alien?)

Sea monsters, ghost ships, disappearing planes and crew members, unidentified flying objects. It's the making of a good science fiction movie or a good legend.

Either way it certainly gives you something to think about as you look out onto Lake Michigan wondering what secrets she's keeping in her deep dark waters.

Here are 2 videos of some strange tracks that where made on one of the Lake Michigan shores

Radar 'Ghost Planes' - Report: May 22, 2000

For the past five weeks, air traffic controllers at the O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois have been seeing images of "ghost planes" on their radar sets, usually in the skies of the Lake Michigan Triangle. The Triangle is an area of Lake Michigan which runs from Ludington, Michigan south to Benton Harbor, Mich., then across the lake to Manitowoc, Wisconsin and then back to Ludington.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, "False radar images have been popping up on the screens of O'Hare International Airport's air traffic controllers, forcing pilots to take sudden turns unnecessarily."

"At least a dozen 'ghost planes' have been reported during the last few weeks, the newspaper said, citing documents from the Terminal Radar Approach Control Center in Elgin, Illinois (population 78,000)."

"Controllers said that at least a few times they have ordered pilots to take sudden turns to avoid what appeared to be planes on their radar, potentially putting passengers at risk."

"'The ghosting is a complete terror for air traffic controllers,' said Charles Bunting, president of the Elgin local the National Air Traffic Controllers Association."

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) spokesman Tony Molinaro "said there have been 13 ghost images in the last five weeks rather than the usual eight or nine the FA would normally expect in this time period., 'meaning we shall need to look into them.'"

"But Mike Egan, vice president of the controller's union at Elgin, accused the FAA of playing down the problem. 'Maybe 130, but not 13,' Egan said Friday (May 19, 2000). 'We had a couple of them today, as a matter of fact. They know there's a problem.'"

This all adds to the mythology of the lake, which is not prone to reveal its secrets. Lake Michigan is a treacherous lake and continues to be a source of fascination and inspiration for our collective imaginations.
