The following information was just found on True Strange Library website - posted on May 31, 2017 (edited for spelling / content):
Ok this is crazy. Back on Feb. 8th, just after 1am, I messaged a medium friend of mine. I’ll copy and paste the message I sent:
“Hey sorry to bother you, but you were the first person I thought to ask about this. What do you think of this and what do you think it means?
My husband John (who’s a huge skeptic as we all know and doesn’t believe in stuff like this) was just driving home in the dark and he saw what he thought was a person running on two legs across the highway and then it turned into a giant blackbird and flew up & away. He swears it was running on two legs, then it was the biggest bird he ever saw, flying with long legs?
What are your thoughts? Sounds creepy to me? Shapeshifter, angel, demon?
He’s all creeped out now. Lol”
We came to the conclusion that maybe it was a shapeshifter. This happened on I-294 (Tri-State Tollway) south near 111th shortly after midnight. Between Worth & Chicago Ridge, IL.
Then today my friend messaged me asking if my husband thinks it’s a Mothman. We googled it and this popped up? Crazy! He said it sounds exactly like what he saw. My husband doesn’t believe in stuff like this & when he got home he was white in the face with goosebumps. If anyone else had of told me what he saw, I wouldn’t of believed it, but coming from my husband I knew it was true. What does everyone think it means? JayJay
NOTE: I have to give Jamie Brian credit for finding this post. This could potentially be an insight as to what has been seen throughout the Chicago metro area...and possibly beyond. This sighting has been added to the Chicago Phantom / Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat / Flying Humanoid Reports - Chicago Metro Area - Interactive Map
The Phantoms & Monsters 'Encounters' series - 5 books available
Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts
Humanoid Encounters Series - Albert S. Rosales
Strange Intruders
A Menagerie of Mysterious Beasts: Encounters with Cryptid Creatures