The following account was sent to my colleague Manuel Navarette at UFO Clearinghouse:
I’m going to tell you about something that happened to me on the night of June 29th 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. I am reporting this of my own volition and I am wanting to stay anonymous due to the fact that I work for the Chicago Police Department and do not want anybody else to know that I submitted this report. I have been with the Chicago Police Department for over eight and a half years.
The only people who know that I submitted this are my wife, my son who encouraged me to submit this and my partner who also was witness to this incident. I want you to know that I am of a sound mind and health and I don’t want any publicity other than just reporting this incident. I also want you to know that I am not prone to fits of fantasy or hoaxing anything that I seen especially while I am on duty.
On the night of June 29th 2017 at approximately 11:15 p.m. my partner and I were on routine patrol and approaching the intersection West 81st and South Throop in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. We were flagged down by a group of a people who were pointing up to the top of an apartment building that was on the corner. We pulled over and they immediately started telling us to look up at the building. Many of the people were very frightened and were very excited about seeing what they had seen.
My partner and I look and see a large creature that was approximately six to six and a half feet tall and was very thin, if it had been a human it would have been emaciated. This thing was standing on top of the building and had what looked like a pair of very large wings that extended out at least eight to ten feet from tip-to-tip. No discernible features, it just looked like a dark black shadow with wings.
My partner and I both thought it was somebody trying to jump from the building and maybe wearing a costume of some kind. When we both shined our flashlights to try to get a better look at what we were dealing with, this thing took off into the air and flew away. As this creature flew away, headed in a southern direction, something sounding like a scream came from it and within the matter of about 5 seconds this creature was gone into the night. The people who initially flagged us down had said that many people in the neighborhood had seen this thing for the previous two nights and this just happened to be the only time that it was seen in a stationary place.
We stood there stunned as this thing flew away and disappeared into the night. We stood there and talked to the group of people who flagged us down, taking information down and any information regarding previous sightings from the nights before. We initially were doubtful about filing a report because we thought we would be made fun of for seeing Little Green Men. We finally filed a report as we did not want to violate protocol. Nothing was ever said about the report being filed and as of right now it’s been business as usual.
We wanted to file this report because after I told my son the story he went online and showed me that this is not the only sighting of something similar being seen in the city. I showed my partner the day after the sighting and he said that he didn’t want to be involved and as far as he was concerned it was nothing more than a large owl or big bird that was misidentified. My son was the one who encouraged me to file this and do it anonymously to protect my identity.
I know what I saw was real and even though I have no explanation as to what it truly is I know that what I saw was flesh and blood. I am a Christian man who believes that there are things that come from other planes and stalk the people of this Earth and that only one's faith is what protects us from these things. I know that my faith is strong and therefore I am protected and I hope that I never see this thing again. Thank you very much for your time and have a blessed day.
NOTE: This is an amazing account...but the best part is, that there is supposedly a police report in the system. The images of the intersection are facing towards the south, the direction the witness stated that the being flew. All the buildings in this neighborhood are 2 or 3 stories, so the witnesses should have gotten a good look at the being. This sighting has been added to the Chicago Phantom / Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat / Flying Humanoid Reports - Chicago Metro Area - Interactive Map
The Phantoms & Monsters 'Encounters' series - 5 books available
Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts
The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story
Return of the Prophecies of Mothman

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