Grumpy Black-Eyed Man at Walmart
I recently received the following account:
A few days ago, I was standing in line at a Walmart here in South Florida. I was waiting to pay for my purchases. I usually don't look around at others in line, but I had an odd sensation and noticed a sickening scent of roses. I turned around and looked at a short man dressed in black. I looked at his eyes...totally black! He also had a grumpy look on his face. The hair on the back of my neck stood up! I got this evil feeling and that I needed to get away from him. When I paid for my stuff, I couldn't get out fast enough. I got into my car and started to back out...but then I notice this same man standing by my car staring at me. I almost hit another car in the process. He just stared with that grumpy expression.
I get sick just thinking about it. The weird thing was that no one else seemed to notice him. Was this the Grim Reaper or something similar? AM
NOTE: I guess it's true that you can see about any type of person (or spirit) in a Walmart. Lon
Spinning Triangle / Dispersing UFO
Joe in Petaluma, California called in to tell of his experience:
“I had an experience I wanted to share. It's hard for me to share it. Back in 2010... I've been having these experiences my entire life, me and my brother, and I always thought it was normal. So I never really spoke to anyone about it until I had this one experience in August which makes it a little bit laughable.
It was Friday the 13th, 2010. August, 2010. And I was up on top of the mountain in my town and I was just stargazing. I was sitting on top of my car around midnight. It was midnight and just stargazing and in the peripheral of my eyes, I just see this light. I look at it directly and I'm, Okay, I'm like, that's an airplane. It kinda looked like an airplane so I looked away. Then it gets closer and closer, like really close, and I look over and I went, That is not an aircraft. That's not an airplane. And it stops right above me and there's parts of it that are going in and out like it had this invisible cloak around it. It was huge. It was absolutely huge. I always hear everyone talking about sausages and acorn shaped ones, triangles... but this one was triangle in the center, it was elongated and it had these two lighthouse like cylinders on the sides.
Alright, this is all I remember. I'll keep it short. So it stops right above me and I'm laying on top of my car and I just, I had that primal fear. I was just paralyzed. I wasn't sure if what I was seeing was real, I was questioning everything but I could not move, absolutely could not move. And then all the stars that I saw in the sky right above me just came into a triangle and started spinning in a circle. When it stopped spinning and dispersed it, I hopped back into my car, turned over my car and I was shivering, freezing cold.”
(George Noory cuts him off to end the show) Coast To Coast AM - March 29, 2017
JLB - Beyond Creepy
Grandmas' Ghosts Saved Dolly Parton
The ghosts of Dolly Parton‘s beloved grandmas saved her from certain death! The country legend told a pal about the time she was about to board a plane to Salt Lake City, Utah, when she had a frightening vision.
“Suddenly, I saw my grandma’s ghost standing in the corner,” Parton explained to the friend. “She kept saying, ‘Don’t catch the plane… Don’t catch the plane.'”
Parton immediately changed her ticket and later learned the flight had crashed — killing all on board.
Parton, 71, insists her grannies even warned her not to sign a contract that “would have cost me millions.”
“I know there is life after death because I speak to my grandmothers,” said Parton, adding she’s not afraid of meeting her maker.
“I hope I die in the middle of a song — hopefully one I wrote!”
What Have You Experienced?
Hey folks...thanks for the outstanding response to my request for opinions on 'alien beings.' If you or someone you know have experienced an encounter or abduction, please feel free to forward the details. You will be attributed, by name or however you wish, for your account. I will eventually be posting an article (or series of articles) and will include in my next book. Forward to w/ the subject 'Alien Research.' There is no deadline, per se...but I'd prefer to have the information by the second week of May. Please feel free to share. Thanks again for your help! Lon
Dreaming 'hot zone' found at the back of the brain
Could Having More Bigfoot Skeptics Help Cryptozoology? Maybe So.
The Warracaba Tiger And Other South American Pack-Hunting Mystery Cats
Scientists invent device that draws water from thin air
Large asteroid to hurtle past Earth on April 19
The Shining
The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim: (With Extensive Commentary on the Three Books of Enoch, the Fallen Angels, the Calendar of Enoch, and Daniel's Prophecy)
The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

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